Completed research

Our contribution to the pool of knowledge

Katihar Medical College was inducted into Al-Karim University in 2018. Therefore all research before 2018 mentioned herein relate to the period when Katihar Medical College was not a part of Al-Karim University

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Morphological Study of the Menisci of the Knee Joint in Adult Cadavers of North Indian Population Dr. M. Yousuf Sarwar, Dr. Nilesh Kumar, Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, Published in International Journal of Life-Sciences Scientific Research, Volume-2, Issue-5, P-619-622, ISSN: 2455-1716, September-2016
1. Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnant Women in Katihar District, Bihar Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, Dr. M. Yousuf Sarwar (CA), Dr. Aninda Sen Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Jan 15, 2018, Pg 372-375, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/82
2. Variation in shape, weight and number of cotyledons of placentae in Kosi Region of Bihar, North East India Dr. M. Yousuf Sarwar, Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, (CA), Dr. S. K. Sinha Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 27, Jul 02, 2018, Pg 6808-6811, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/00002
3. Assessment of Foramen Ovale from Zygomatic Bone and Zygomatic Arch: A Morphometric Study on dry Skull Kumar V, Patel JL, Sinha SK. Scholars International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology.2019 July;2(7)255-257
1. Arcuate Foramen: An Anatomical Variation in the Atlas Vertebrae Buddhadeb Ghosh *1 , Akhtaruzzaman 2 , Md Naushad Alam Dilkash 3 Published in International Journal of Anatomy and Research, Vol 10(2):8342-45. ISSN 2321-4287, DOI:
2. Anatomical variation of median nerve: cadaveric study in brachial plexus Buddhadeb Ghosh1 , Md Naushad Alam Dilkash 2 Published in Anat Cell Biol 2022; 55:130-134

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. A randomized comparative study between Bupivacaine and Midazolam combination with Bupivacaine alone in spinal blockage to evaluate post-operative analgesia Dr. Sohail Ahmad Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, February 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
1. Comparison of Oral Iron, iron Sucrose and Ferric Carboxymaltose (FCM) to treat post partum Anaemia Dr. Sipra Singh, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Shanti Singh Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-20, March 10, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-832-835
1. Levobupivacaine Versus racemic bupivacaine: a comparative study on spinal anaesthesia in lower limb surgeries Dr. Md. Arshad Imam, Dr. Sabin Hasnat Published in International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, October-2017, Vol-5, issue-10, Page 4360-4362, pISSN-2320-6071, eISSN-2320-6012 DOI:, Indexed in index Copernicus
1. A Comparative evaluation of effects of Clonidine and Dexmedetomidine when used as an adjuvant to epidural Bupivacaine in lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries Dr. Balmukund Jha 2nd Author Published in International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR), Volume – 3, Issue –1, February 2018, Page No. : 31 – 39, ISSN- O: 2458 – 868X, ISSN –P: 2458 – 8687, Indexed in index Copernicus
2. Single versus double layer closure of low transverse uterine incision at caesarean section Dr. Amrita, Dr. Bal Mukund Jha Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 32-34
3. Comparision of Fentanyl Versus Meperidine as supplements to epidural clor.idline Bupivacaine in patients with lower limb orthopaedic surgery under combined spnal epidural anaesthesia Dr. Balmukund Jha, Dr. Amrita Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 13-16
4. Observation on analgesic efficacy and adverse effects of intrathecal administration of bupivacaine versus bupivacaine-midazolam combination in lower limb surgeries in a tertiary care hospital Md. Mohsin Published in International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, Mar. 2016, Vol-4, Issue-3, Page 881-886, pISSN 2320-6012
5. Observation on Analgesic Efficacy of Intrathecal Clonidine as an Adjuvant to Hyperbaric Bupivacaine in Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Surgeries Md. Mohsin Published in International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research, Volume 3 | Issue 6 | June 2016 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379, P-1640-1643
6. To Compare the Circulatory Responses of Propofol and Thiopentone to Laryngoscopy and Intubation Dr. Balmukund Jha, Dr. Amrita Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 38-40
7. Clinicocytological Study in Copper-T Users Dr. Amrita, Dr. Bal Mukund Jha Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 11-13
8. Post Subarachnoid Block Urinary Retention: Case Study Dr. Khalid Hyder Kapra Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 04 April 2018, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus
1. An Observational Study to Evaluate in General Anesthesia Effectiveness of Nebulized Ketamine in Different Doses to Decrease the Severity of Postoperative Sore Throat Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3853-3855, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN 2347-954X (Print) ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.004
2. An Observational Study to Evaluate Efficacy of Methotrexate Single Dose for Medical Treatment of Etopic Pregnancy Dr. Ashmita Kiran1 Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3856-3857, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN 2347-954X (Print) ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.005
3. • An Observational Study done in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital to Evaluate the Effect of Coagulation Profile in in Early and later part of Third Trimester of Pregnancy Dr. Ashmita Kiran1, Dr Rakesh Ranjan Singh2 Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3858-3860, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN 2347-954X (Print) ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.006
4. An Observational Prospective Study in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital at Katihar to Evaluate, Compare and determine the incidence of PONV with intra-operative use of Nitrous Oxide and Medical Air or General Anesthesia in patients undergoing Breast Surgery Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3861-3863, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN 2347-954X (Print) ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.007
5. An observational study to compare stress and burnout among anesthesia and surgical PG student or residents in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Kathihar, Bihar Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 12 December 2019, Page-193-196, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: jmscr/v7i12.33 index in Index Copernicus
6. An Observational Study to Compare Propofol with Midazolam plus Fentanyl Combination for Sedation in Gastrointestinal Endoscopies at Tertiary care Hospital in Katihar, Bihar Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 12 December 2019, Page-203-207, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: jmscr/v7i12.35 index in Index Copernicus
7. Changes in Serum Blood Sugar Levels before and After Induction of General Anaesthesia with Propofol and Thiopentone: An Observational Comparative Study Done In a Teaching Hospital Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 Published in International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.6; Issue: 12; December 2019, P-198-201, E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237
8. A Prospective Study of Dexmedetomidine to Attenuate Haemodynamic Responses to Endotracheal Intubation Dr. Md. Arshad Imam, Dr. Md. Shariq Sayeed Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 10 October 2019, Page-944-946, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: index in Index Copernicus
1. Incidence of Post dural puncture headache (PDPH) following sub arachnoid block with 25G & 27G Quincke spinal needless lower abdominal surgery Dr. Chandra Bhushan Kumar Singh, Dr. A. K. Jha Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, February 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, P-40-45
2. A Comparative clinical study of Levobupivacaine (0.5%) & Ropivacaine (0.5%) for Supraclavicular branchial plexus block Dr. Vikash Kr. Singh, Dr. Rakesh Kr. Singh Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, July 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, P-35-39
1. A Comparative Study of Intrathecal Bupivacaine & Bupivacaine with Nalbuphine for Lower Limb Major Orthopaedic Surgery Dr. Niharika Dubey Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-10, Issue-03, March 2022, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, P-40-45
2. A Comparative Study of Esmolol and Nitroglycerine for Controlled Hypotension in Patients Undergoing Tympanoplasty Dr. Anjani Kumar Sharma, Dr. Prem Anjan, Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Jha Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-10, Issue-04, April 2022, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450,

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Study of Adenosine deaminase activity in Tuberculour Pleural Effusion and Other Respiratory Diseases Dr Md. Faizur Rahman, Dr. Pallavi Anand, Dr. Manju Lata Arya Published in Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development; Issn-0976-0245, ISSN- 0976-5506, Volume-7, Number 2, April-June-2016, Page-103-107
2. Role of Magnesium as Hypoglycemic Agent in Type-2 diabetes Mellitus Dr. Rekha Kumari, Assoc. Prof., Biochemistry Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-07, January 25, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-216-217
3. Lipid Profile in Obese Hypothyroid Women Receiving Thyroxine – A Cross Sectional Study Dr. Rekha Kumari, Assoc. Prof., Biochemistry Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-16, February 25, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-586-587
4. Hypoglycemic effect of TinosporaCardifolia in Type II diabetes Mellitus Dr. Rekha Kumari, Assoc. Prof., Biochemistry Published in International Journal of Scientific Study, Vol-4, Issue-1, April 2016, pISSN – 2321-6379, eISSN- 2321-595X, Page-1 to 3
5. Preliminary Study on the Effect of Aegle Marmelos in Hyperlipidemia Dr. Rekha Kumari, Assoc. Prof., Biochemistry Accepted for publication in International Journal of Scientific Study, May 2016, pISSN – 2321-6379, eISSN- 2321-595X
6. Correlation between serum hs-CRP and LDL cholesterol as a predictor of cardiovascular diseases Dr. Md. Ezaz Zafar, Dr. Md. Faizur Rahman Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Volume-5, Issue-32, April 21, 2016, pISSN-2278-4748, eISSN-2278-4802, P-1725-1728
7. Diabetes accelerates age-related lipid profile disturbances in Cardiovascular complications Dr. Md. Ezaz Zafar, Dr. Md. Faizur Rahman, Dr. K. r. Prasad, M. Nehal Published in International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Research 2016, Vol.-3, Issue-2 , P-154-158, ISSN No. 2394-6369 (Print) 2394-6377 (Online)
8. Study on Dyslipideamia among the patient of North Bihar Suffering from Hypothyroidism Md. Ezaz Zafar & Dr. Md. Faizur Rahman Published in International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2016, Volume: 11, Issue:1, June, 11(1),61-64, Page-61, P-ISSN: 2321-9327, ISSN: 2321-9335
9. Correlation of Dyslipideamia among Hypothyroidism and Type II Diabetes Mellitus Md. Ezaz Zafar, Sangita Choudhary, Md. Faizur Rahman, Rajesh Kumar Accepted for publication in Schorals Journal of Applied Medical Sciences; ISSN 2320-6691 & ISSN 2347-954X Indexed in Index Copernicus
10. Role of HbA1c in Determining Glycemic Control in Diabetes Mellitus Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Vol-3, Issue-81, October 10, 2016 pISSN: 2349-2562, eISSN: 2349-2570 indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Role of FNAC in Diagnosis of Palpable Subcutaneous Nodules Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Sangita Choudhary, Md. Ezaz Zafar, Ragini Kumari, Preety Singh, Abhijeet Das Accepted for publication in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) Vol.-5, Issue-1, January 2017: ISSN: 2320-6691 &issn 2347-954X Academic & Scientific Publishers (An International Publisher for Academic & Scientific Resources) Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Hyper Homocysteinemia and Dislipidemia as Risk Factors of Patients with Ischaemic Stroke: A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study Dr. Md. Faizur Rahman Published in International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2018, July, 19(2), 60-64, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN: 2321-9327, Indexed in Index Copernicus
2. Study of impaired liver function and lipid profile among alcoholic male patients of Katihar, Bihar, India Dr. ApurbaBasu, Dr. Akriti Kumari, Dr. Ezaz Zafar Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 11 November 2018, P-345-353, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus
1. Study on Lipid Profile of Obese Female Hypothyroid Patients: A Hospital based prospective study Dr. Md. Faizur Published in International Journal of Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Vol-15, Number-1, 2019, P-9-16
2. Dyslipidemia in hypothyroidism patients: a hospital based case and control study Dr. Jyoti Jha Published in International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Volume 3, Issue 12; December: 2019; Page No. 215-219, ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X, Indexed in Index Medicus
1. Vitamin D deficiency in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: a hospital based observational study. Dr. Jyoti Jha Published in International Journal Of Scientific Research, Volume 9, Issue 2; February 2020; Page No. 83-86, PISSN no. 2277 - 8179
2. C-Reactive Protein in Patients with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Dr Md Shamim Ahmad, Dr. Sangita Choudhary Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, April – 20
3. Impact of endogenous stress on albumin structure in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients Dr. Md. Arif Iqubal Published in International Journal of Biological macromolecules Journal of Biological 2020.
1. Study on the Diagnostic Efficacy of FNAC alongwith assay of thyroid hormones and thyroid peroxidise antibodies in chronic thyroiditis-patients Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-10 | Issue-3 | May 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 |, Indexed in Index Medicus.
2. Role of thyroid stimulating hormone as inducers of oxidative stress in patient of hypothyroidism Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-10 | Issue-5 | May 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 |, Indexed in Index Medicus.

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. A Cross Sectional Study of Nutrient Intake Amongst rural Adolescent Girls of Katihar Dr. Shahid Iqbal, Dr. Rashid Ahmad Khan J Evolution Med Dent. Sci/eISSN 2278-4748/Vol.5/Issue 04/Jan. 14, 2016, 253-255
2. Paediatric Ocular Trauma: A population based study on Ocular Morbidity in Children and Prevention of Monocular Blindness in cased attending a tertiary care teaching hospital Dr. Atul Mishra, Dr. Jawaid Hasan Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol. (2), Issue 3, 2016, Page 99-101, ISSN (0): 2395-2322; ISSN (P): 2395-2514, Indexed In Index Medicus
3. Prevalence and Causes of Corneal Opacity in a Rural Population in Bihar: Need for Promotion of Heath Awareness for Prevention of Corneal Blindness Dr. Atul Mishra, Dr. Jawaid Hasan Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol. (2), Issue 3, 2016, Page 115-117, ISSN (0): 2395-2322; ISSN (P): 2395-2514, Indexed In Index Medicus
4. An Epidemiological Study of Tobacco use Among Males Above 15 Years of Age in an Urban Area of Meerut District Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Mohammad IntekhabAlam Chand Published in J. Evolution Med. Dental Science, eISSN 2278-4802, pISSN: 2278-4748, Vol. 5, Issue-79, Oct 03, 2016, P-5911-5914 indexed in Index Copernicus
5. Epidemiological Study of Alcohol Abuse – An Urban Perspective Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Mohammad IntekhabAlam Chand Published in J. Evid. Based Med. Healthcare, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN: 2349-2570, Vol. 3, Issue-85, Oct 24, 2016, P-2519-2523 indexed in Index Copernicus
6. A Study of Prevalence of Anaemia and Sociodemographic Factors Associated with Anaemia among adolescent Girls in Rural Area of Katihar, Bihar Dr. Mohammad IntekhabAlam Chand, Dr. Mukesh Nandan, Dr. Bijoy Mukherjee Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol-5, Issue-74, September 15, 2016, P-5470-5472, pISSN 2278-4748, eISSN 2278-4802 indexed in Index Copernicus
7. Medical Education: The Hot Seat Dr. Ranabir Pal, Raman Kumar, Shrayan Pal, Vidyasagar, Bijoy Mukherji Published in Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, January-March 2016, Volume-5, Issue-1, P-20-23
8. Study of Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus Type-2 And Impaired Glucose Tolerance Among Adults in a Rural Area of Katihar, Bihar Dr. Sazid Hussain, Mohammad IntekhabAlam Chand Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol-5, Issue-54, July 07, 2016, P-3619-3623, pISSN 2278-4748, eISSN 2278-4802 indexed in Index Copernicus
1. A Study of Prevalence of Overweight among drivers and conductors of Purnea, Katihar, Kosi Division, Katihar Dr. Iqbal Shahid, Dr. Prawin Chandra Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences, Vol.6, Issue-30, April 13, 2017, Page-2451-2454, pISSN: 2278-4748, eISSN: 2278-4802,
2. Hypertension and its risk factors – A cross Sectional Study in Rural Area Dr. Purnendu Kumar Singh, Dr. Aun Kumar Pandey, Soni Rani Published in Journal of Evolution Based Med. Healthcare., Vol-4, Issue-44, June 01, 2017, Page 2663-2667, pISSN 2349-2570, eISSN 2349-2570 Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Assessment of Health Status of Under-Six-Year Children at UHTC, Sharifganj Area of KMC, Katihar, Bihar Dr. Purnendu Kumar Singh, Dr. Vishal Prasad Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences., Vol-7, Issue-27, June 02, 2018, Page 3130-3133, pISSN: 2278-4748, eISSN: 2278-4802, Indexed in Index Copernicus
2. Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination Status and Knowsledge about Hepatitis B Infection among Health Care Workers of Katihar Medical College, Bihar Dr. Soni Rani, Dr. Purnendu Kumar Singh* as correspondence author Published in JMSCR Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2018, Page – 788-793, Indexed in Index Copernicus, DOI: 10.18.535/JMSCR/v6i11.139
3. An observational study on prevalence and various risk factors of Anemia in Pregnant Women in rural area of District Katihar, Bihar, India Dr. UrmiPodda, Dr. Mukesh Nandan as corresponding author Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 11 November, 2018, P 261-266, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DoI /v6i11.46 index in Index Copernicus
4. Prevalence and risk factors of hypertension among geriatric population in rural area of Katihar, Bihar Dr. Abdur Rahman Al Adil Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 11 November, 2018, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455- 0450 DoI /v6i11.46 index in Index Copernicus
5. A study to find out the full immunization coverage of 12 to 23 month old children in an urban area of Katihar District Dr. Soni Kumari Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volue-8, Issue-8, August 2018, P-22-23, ISSN-2249-555X, Index Copernicus
1. Study of Self Medication Practices among undergraduate Medical Students in Katihar, Bihar Dr. Kumar Himanshu Publication of International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research, Vol. 6, Issue-8, 2019
2. Assessment of Unmet Need for Family Planning among married women in a rural area of Katihar district Dr. Soni Rani, Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey Published in Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research, Vol.-7/Issue-03/March-2019
3. Menstrual Hygiene: A study among rural adolescent girls in Katihar Dr. Rashid Ahmad Khan, Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey corresponding author Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-8, Issue-7, July-2019, PRINT ISSN No. 2277-8179, Page-1-3
4. Evaluation of ASHA Workers under NHM in Katihar Sadar and Korha Block of Katihar District Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Soni Rani Published in International journal of research and review, Vol.-6/Issue-5/May-2019
5. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Depression among the Elderly Population in Urban Field Practice Area of Katihar Medical College, Katihar , Bihar Dr. Vishal Prasad Published in International Journal of Research and Review, Vol. 6, Issue-7, July 2019
6. A Study of Nutritional Anaemia among Urban Primary School Children of Katihar Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Soni Rani International Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health, Vol.-6/Issue-7/July-2019
7. An Epidemiological Study Of Anaemia And Its Associated Risk Factors Among Adolescent Girls In Rural Area Of Katihar Dr. Mohammad Intekhab Alam Chand, Dr. Mukesh Nandan, Dr. Akhil Bandhu Biswas Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare (JEBMH) Vol. 6/Iss-31/Aug. 05, 2019
8. A Study on Menstrual Abnormalities and its impact on Health and Daily Activities of Adolescent Girls in an Urban Area Dr. Shahid Iqbal, Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Soni Rani International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol.-10/Issue-8(H)/August-2019
1. Prevalence of At-Risk Under-Fives and Socio-Demographic Factors Affecting Them-A Cross Sectional Observational Study Dr. Prawin Chandra Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 9, Issue 6, Feb 10, 2020, Pg 339-342, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2020/77
2. Prevalence of Resistance to Ampicillin, Gentamicin, Streptomycin and Vancomycin in Enterococcus Species Isolated from Clinical Specimens Dr. Priyanka Paul Biswas, Anamika Singh, Mohammad Intekhab Alam Chand Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-7, Issue-35, August 31, 2020, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-1839-1834
3. Study of Prevalence of Hypertension and its associate risk factors among adult tribal population (18 years and above) in a rural community of Katihar District, Katihar Dr. Urmi Poddar, Dr. Prawin Chandra2 corresponding author Published in Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research, Vol.-7/Issue-12/Dec-2020, P-284-288, DOI: /jmscr/v8i12.49
4. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding Mosquito Borne Diseases among Residents of Rural Area of Katihar District, Katihar Dr. Ravi prakash, Dr. Purnendu Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-7, Issue-28, July 13, 2020, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-1353-1357
1. To Assess Knowledge Attitude and Practices pertaining to Breast-Feeding among Lactating Mothers in Urban Health Training Centre, Katihar Medical College, Katihar Dr. Rashid Khan, Dr. Shahid Iqbal, Dr. Pravin Chandra Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, VOLUME - 10, ISSUE - 05, MAY- 2021 • PRINT ISSN NO. 2277 - 8160 • DOI : 10.36106/GJRA
2. Bacteriological profile and antibiogram of blood culture isolates from septicaemic neonates and children up to 10 years of age, in a tertiary care centre of eastern Bihar in India. Biswas PP, Akhter K, Sen A, Umesh, Chand MIA. J Evid Based Med Healthc2021 April;8(14):882-887.
1. A Cross Sectional Study of Factors Affecting Utilization of Antenatal Services in Rural Field Practice Area of Katihar Medical College, Katihar Dr. Rashid Khan, Dr. Shahid Iqbal, Dr. Pravin Chandra Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume-11, Issue-02, Feb. 2022, P-43-46

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Clinicodemographic study of lepra reaction in patients attending Dermatology department of a tertiary care hospital in eastern India Dr. Piyush Kumar Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, 2015;25 (4): 252-258
2. Clinicopathological consistency in diagnosis of skin disorders: a retrospective study of 371 histopathology reports Dr. Piyush Kumar Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, Vol. 26, Number-2, 2016, Page-96-98 pISSN: 1560-9014, eISSN 2413-7650
3. Metabolic changes in Psoriatic skin under topical corticosteroid treatment Dr. Pritam Pankaj Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal dated 29.04.2016
4. Topical treatment with fresh human milk versus emollient on atopic eczema spots in young children. Dr. Pritam Pankaj Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal dated 29.04.2016
5. Trends In Lipid Profiles In Patients With Psoriasis Praveen Kumar Bhopalka*, Pritam Pankaj Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2041 xxii)/2016 dated 15-05-2016
6. Eczema In Early Childhood Is Strongly Associated With The Development Of Asthma And Rhinitis In A Prospective Cohort Praveen Kumar Bhopalka*, Pritam Pankaj** Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2041 xxiii)/2016 dated 15-05-2016
7. Comparison Of Therapeutic Efficacy Of Topical Corticosteroid And Oral Zinc Sulfate-Topical Corticosteroid Combination In The Treatment Of Vitiligo Patients Praveen Kumar Bhopalka*, Pritam Pankaj** Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2041 xxiv)/2016 dated 15-05-2016
8. Association Of Toll-Interacting Protein Gene Polymorphisms With Atopic Dermatitis Praveen Kumar Bhopalka*, Pritam Pankaj** Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2041 xxv)/2016 dated 15-05-2016
9. Comparative evaluation of hydroquinone,tretinoin and mometasone versus glycolic acid versus trichloroacetic acid peelin melasma Dr. Seeba Hussain Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, Vol. 26, Number-1, January-March, 2016, pISSN: 1560-9014, eISSN 2413-7650
10. The treatment of melasma by silymarin cream Dr. Seeba Hussain Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), June 2016, Volume-110, Number-6 (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt. 14.12.2012 Indexed in Index Medicus
11. Prevalence, incidence and predictive factors for hand eczema in young adults – A follow up study. Dr. Seeba Hussain Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), June 2016, Volume-110, Number-6 (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt. 14.12.2012 Indexed in Index Medicus
12. Sexual behavior in male patients with genital ulcers attending dermatology outpatient department and sexually transmitted infections clinic Dr. Piyush Kumar Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, Vol. 26, Number-3, 2016, Page-193-200 pISSN: 1560-9014, eISSN 2413-7650
1. Comparison of Repigmentation of Stable Vitiligo via Punch Grafting, Thin-thiersch’s grafting and Suction Blister Grafting Md. Raihan1, Seeba Hussain2*, Abhijeet Kumar Jha3, Vikas Anand4 Published in International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research, July-Sep 2017, Vol-3, Issue-3, Page-85-89, eissn: 2454-9894, pissn: 2454-9886, DOI: 0.21276/iabcr.2017.3.3.23, Indexed in Index Copernicus
2. A clinic-demographic profile of 110 male patients with genital ulcer(s) Dr. Piyush Kumar Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, Vol. 27, Number-2, 2017, Page-135-144 pISSN: 1560-9014, eISSN 2413-7650
1. Acne Vulgaris and its Effect on Quality ofLife: A Cross – Sectional Study Shafia.N. Kakru1, Seeba Hussain2*, Mirza Aumir Beg3 , MdRaihan4, Basit K akroo Published in International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research, Jan-Mar 2018, Vol-4, Issue-1, Page-160-164, eissn: 2454-9894, pissn: 2454-9886, DOI: 10.21276/iabcr.2017.3.3.23, Indexed in Index Copernicus
2. Radomized placebo control study of insulin sensitizers (Metformin and Pioglitazone) in psoriasis patients with metabolic syndrome. Dr. Seeba Hussain, Associate Professor Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2348 ix) dated 20-05-2018
3. Comparison of therapeutic efficacy of topical corticosteroid and oral zinc sulphate-topical corticosteroid combination in the treatment of vitiligo patients. Dr. Seeba Hussain, Associate Professor Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2348 x) dated 20-05-2018
1. Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis: A rare Entity Dr. Mamta Yadav Dr Priya Rajbansh Published in Indian Dermatology Online Journal, Vol. XX, Issue XX, Month 2019
2. Effects of Poisonous substances on human skin Dr. Seeba Hussain, Dr. Saibal Gupta Accepted in Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 31, October 2019 ISSN 0972-5687, Vol.19 No. 2 July-December 2019
3. Cutaneous manifestations following sexual Assaults in Victims Dr. Seeba Hussain, Dr. Saibal Gupta Accepted in Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 31, October 2019 ISSN 0972-5687, Vol.20 No. 1 Jan-June 2020
1. Dermatomycosis At a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Clinicomycological Study Dr. Seeba Hussain Published in International Journal of Health & Clinical Research, 2022,5(2): 891-892
2. Comparison of Labor Progress and Delivery Outcome Among Spontaneously Induced Patients Dr. Seeba Hussain Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022;14(8);288-292
3. Investigating Thyroid Dysfunction in cases of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Among Gestational Patients Dr. Seeba Hussain Published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM), Vol. -9, Issue-4, 2022, P-2964-2971

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy Clinicodemographic study of lepra reaction in patients attending Dermatology department of a tertiar Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, 2015;25 (4): 252-258
1. Prevalence of Malocclusion in Rural and Backward Area (Seemanchal) in Bihar-India Dr. Abhishek Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-5, Issue-4, Page-34-39, May 2019, pISSN: 2395-2814, eISSN: 2395-2822, DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2019.5.4.DE9 Indexed in Index Medicus
2. Myth or Reality – Superstition in Orthodontic Treatment in Rural Area of Katihar – Bihar Dr. Abhishek Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-5, Issue-6, Page-20-21, Sep 2019, pISSN: 2395-2814, eISSN: 2395-2822, DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2019.5.6.DE5 Indexed in Index Medicus
3. HIV A Deadly Virus : Clinical Knowledge Dr. Abhishek Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 07, Issue 05 May 2019, P-858-862, Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI:
4. Cystic Lesion of Mandible: A Case Report Dr. Abhishek corresponding author Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 07, Issue 07 July 2019, P-343-345, Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI:
5. Squemous Cell Carcinoma- Uncontrolled Growth of Abnormal Cells Dr. Abhishek Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 07, Issue 07 July 2019, P-59-60, Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI:

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Estimation of Stature by Foot Length in Adult Males in a Tertiary Centre in Bihar Gupta RB, Guria J, Chand MIA, Alam F., IIJFMT, 2021 Nov. Vol 19 (1&2):7-10
2. Effects of Poisonous substances on human skin Dr. Seeba Hussain, Dr. Saibal Gupta Accepted in Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 31, October 2019 ISSN 0972-5687, Vol.19 No. 2 July-December 2019
3. Cutaneous manifestations following sexual Assaults in Victims Dr. Seeba Hussain, Dr. Saibal Gupta Accepted in Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 31, October 2019 ISSN 0972-5687, Vol.20 No. 1 Jan-June 2020

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Prevalence and pattern of Hypothyroidism in patients attending the Outpatient department of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Dr. Md. FaiyazAlam as second author Published in International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research, July-Sept 2015 | Vol 1 | Issue 1, P-10-12
1. A Clinical Study of Hepatorenal and Haematological Profile in Falciparum Malaria in K.M.C.H., Katihar, Bihar Dr. (Major) Durga Shankar, Dr. Vishal Parmar Published in Indian Medical Journal, March-2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-7(A)-8(A)
2. Comparative Study on the Incidence of Proteinuria in Cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis before and After Anti-Tubercular Therapy Dr. (Major) Durga Shankar, Dr. Vishal Parmar Published in Indian Medical Journal, March-2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-23(A)-24(A)
3. Evaluation of Renal Function in Hepatic Failure Dr. (Major) Durga Shankar, Dr. Vishal Parmar Published in Indian Medical Journal, March-2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-33(A)-34(A)
4. Observation of Renal Functions in HIV Positive and its relationship with CD4 Count Dr. (Major) Durga Shankar, Dr. Vishal Parmar Published in Indian Medical Journal, March-2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-42(A)-43(A)
5. Study of Etiological and Clinical profile of Pericardial Effusion in a tertiary Care Hospital in Kosi Region of Bihar Dr. Jamal Uddin, Mrityunjay Pratap Singh, MehreDarakhshan Mehdi Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, Volume 3, Issue-3, August 2016, pISSN: 2349-3925, eISSN: 2349-3933 indexed in index copernicus
6. Clinical and Etiological Profile of Acute Kidney injury in Cases Attending a Tertiary Care Center in Kosi Region of Bihar Dr. Mrityunjay Pratap Singh , Dr. Jamal Uddin, MehreDarakhshan Mehdi Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine on May 26, 2016, in Volume 3, Issue-3, August 2016, pISSN: 2349-3925, eISSN: 2349-3933
7. An Observational Study of Lipid Profile and Prevalence of Micro Vascular Complication on Type 2 diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Hospital Based Study Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Izhar Alam Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-52, June 30, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-2655-2659, Indexed in Index Copernicus
8. Comparison of the Efficacy of Salmeterol and Formoterol in the Treatment of Patients with Severe Bronchial Asthma Dr. Atul Kumar Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-51, June 27, 2016,P-2628-2630, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, Index Copernicus
9. Comparison of Safety and Efficacy of Rosuvastatin Dr. Atul Kumar Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Applied Research, for 1st July 2016, issue, Index Copernicus
10. A Clinical Outcome of Dexamethasone Therapy of Patients with Pyogenic meningitis Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Md. Izhar Alam, Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza, Dr. Shruti Sonal Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Reearch, Volume-4, Issue 07 July, Page-11384-11391, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus
11. A study on clinical profile of patients of hepatic Abscess Dr. Md. Aftab Alam, Associate Professor Published in Indian Medical Journal, April-2016, Vol. 110, No. 4, P-117(A)-119(A)
12. Comparative study between the efficacy of conservative treatment and enoxaparin in management of Unstable Angina Dr. Md. Aftab Alam, Associate Professor Published in Indian Medical Journal, April-2016, Vol. 110, No. 4, P-125(A)-128(A)
13. Incidence of tuberculosis among patient of Bronchial Asthma receiving treatment with Metered Dose corticosteroid by Inhalation Dr. Md. Aftab Alam, Associate Professor Published in Indian Medical Journal, April-2016, Vol. 110, No. 4, P-143(A)-145(A)
14. Study of Glycosylated Hb in cases of Diabetes Mellitus with Microangiopathy Dr. Md. Aftab Alam, Associate Professor Published in Indian Medical Journal, April-2016, Vol. 110, No. 4, P-158(A)-160(A)
15. Comparison of Safety and Eficacy of Rosuvastatin (10 Mg) and Atorvastatin (30 Mg) in cases of Dyslipidemia over twelve weeks of treatment Dr. Atul Kumar Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volue-6, Issue-7, July 2016, P-4-7, ISSN-2249-555X, Index Copernicus
16. A Study on the Clinical Profile and Hepatitis B and C Viral Markers in Acute and Chronic Liver Disease Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza, Dr. P. K. Agrawal, Dr. Aninda Sen Published in International Journal of current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2016, August, 11(3), 188-193, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN: 2321-9327
17. Study on Type of Stroke with Special Preference to Association of Modifiable Risk Factors in Kosi Zone Dr. Shruti Sonal,Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Published in International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research, Oct-Dec 2016, Vol 2, Issue 4, Page 40-45, eISSN-2454-9894, PISSN-2454-9886
18. Study of Anaemia in Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Relation to Glycemic Control Dr. Karan Bhargav, Dr. Krishna Baruah, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Dr. FaiyazAlam, Dr. Shruti Sonal, D Published in International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research, Oct-Dec 2016, Vol 2, Issue 4, Page 29-33, eISSN-2454-9894, PISSN-2454-9886
19. An Observation of Risk Factors Associate with Patients with Ischemic Stroke Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza, Dr. P. K. Agrawal, Dr. Shruti Sonal Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol. (2), Issue 6, September 2016, Page 8-12, ISSN (0): 2395-2822; ISSN (P): 2395-2814, Indexed In Index Medicus
20. Relationship of Microalbuminuria with Acute Myocardial Infarction in Nondiabetic Normotensive Patients Dr. Soubhagya Mishra, Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Anand Dev Published in Journal of Evidence based Medicine & Health care. pISSN-2349-2562, eISSN-2349-2570, Vol.3, Issue 76, Sept.22,2016, page 4104-4108
1. Prevalence of Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus with Microalbuminuria Dr. Sonu Chauhan, Dr. Mrinmay Ghosh, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agarwal, Dr. Mrityunjay Pratap Singh Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, January-February 2017 , Vol 4, Issue 1, Page 40-46, pISSN-2349-3925, eISSN-2349-3933
2. Observation on relationship of hepatic and renal dysfunction with haemorrheological parameters in plasmodium falciparum malaria in Kosi region, Bihar, India Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agrawal Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, January- February 2017, Vol 4, Issue-1, P-15-22, pISSN 2349-3925, eISSN 2349-3933
3. Study of cardiac arrhythmias in acute myocardial infarction within 48 hours Dr. Vikash Kumar, Dr. Mrityunjay Pratap Singh, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr.Sonu Cha Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, January-February 2017, Vol 4, Issue-1, , P-103-107, pISSN 2349-3925, eISSN 2349-3933
4. A correlation study for detection of Left Atrial Enlargement of patients with cardiac and non cardiac disease: A hospital based study Dr. Taskeen Ahmed Reza, Assistant Professor Published in Journal of Medical Science And Clinical Research, Vol-5, Issue-07, Page-24844-24850, July 2017, pISSN2455-0450, eISSN 2347-176x DOI:
5. An Observational study on the Cardiovascular Abnormalities of Patients with Chronic Renal Failure Dr. Taskeen Ahmed Reza, Assistant Professor Published in International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences, July 2017, 15(2), 67-71, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN-2321-9327 Indexed in Index Copernicus
6. Clinical profile of acute rheumatic fever patients attending a tertiary care hospital in eastern Bihar, India Dr. Shanker Suman, Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Dr. Divya Jyoti, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Dr. Vishal Pramar Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, September-October 2017, Vol-4, Issue-5, Page 1-4
1. Level of C-ReactiveProtein in Prognosis of Unstable Angina and Non St Elevation Myocardial Infarction Dr. Md. Tabrez Alam Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-11, November 2018, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus
2. Glycosylated Hemoglobin and left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Dr. Raghib Hasan Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-11, Page 25-31, November -2018, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus /10.18535/jmscr/v6i11.05
3. Cardiovascular Abnormalities in CKD Patients Dr. FaroghHaidry Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-11, November -2018, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus
4. Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Primary Hypothyroid Patients before and After L-Thyroxine Therapy Dr. PK Agrawal, Dr. MP Singh, Dr. FaiyazAlam, Dr. Usman Rasool Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-11, November -2018, P 420-427 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. An observational study to evaluate correlation between different biochemical and anthropometric indicators to assess predictability of diabetes. Dr. Anand Shankar Accepted for Publication in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) Vol. 7, Issue-9, September 2019, ISSN: 2320-6691(Online), ISSN: 2347-954X (Print)
2. “Type 2diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and Metabolicsyndrome (MetS): Anobservational trial to evaluate theprevalence as per IDF criteria in Bihar” Dr. Anand Shankar Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-7, Issue-9, Page-332-336, Sept-2019, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI:
3. Osteocalcin, a promising marker of osteoporosis: evaluation in postmenopausal females with osteoporosis Dr. FaiyazAlam Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, November-December 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 6, Page 1-4, pISSN 2349-3925 | eISSN 2349-3933, DOI:
4. Vitamin D Status in Post-Menopausal Female Including Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis and Prevalence of Hypovitaminosis-D Dr. FaiyazAlam Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, April 2019, P-1562-1565, Volume-7, Issue-4, ISSN 2347-954X (Print) | ISSN 2320-6691 (Online), DOI: 10.21276/sjams.2019.7.4.39
1. Study of Serum Mean Platelet Volume in Ischemic Stroke Patients: A Case — Control Study. Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza Published in International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences, 2020, May, 26(3), 21-25. E-ISSN: 2321-9335,P-ISSN:2321-9327
2. Vitamin D3 Deficiency in Hypothyroidism Patients: A Hospital Based Prospective Study Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza Published in International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences, 2020, March, 26(1), 06—10. P-ISSN:2321-9327
3. Role of Altered Lipid Profile and Other Associate Risk Factors In Ischemic Stroke in Kosi Region, Bihar, India Dr. Rakesh Raushan, Dr. Atul Kumar Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-9, Issue-8, August 2020, P 1-4, pISSN: 2277-8179, Indexed in Index Copernicus
4. Hypertension Induced Left Ventricular Hypertrophy with correlation between ECG and Echocardiography Dr. Shaikh Mohammed Ashique Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-9, Issue-10, October 2020, pISSN: 2277-8179, Indexed in Index Copernicus
5. A comparative study of metabolic syndrome among diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Dr. Ahmad Faraz, Dr. M. P. Singh Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-9, Issue-11, November 2020, pISSN: 2277-8179, Indexed in Index Copernicus
6. Comparative evaluation of complications and mortality in ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) in diabetic and nondiabetic patients Dr. Shakeel Akhter Published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 08, Issue 04, 2021, P-1183-87, Indexed in DOAJ.
7. Gestational diabetes mellitus (gdm), management of mother and new born Dr.Nishant Upadhyay, Dr. M. P. Singh Corresponding Author Published in International Journal of Scientific Research Volume - 9 | Issue - 6 | June - 2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
1. Incidence of Use of Contraindicated Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs in New Patients of diabetic Nephropathy Visiting OPD of Tertiary Care Hospital Dr. Vikrant Kumar Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-9, Issue-10, Page-132-135, October 2021, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
2. Syndromic Approach to Diagnosis of Viral Thrombocytopenic Fever Dr. Keshav Kumar, Dr. P. K. Agrawal Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-9, Issue-10, Page-97-100, October 2021, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
1. Efficacy and Safety of Empagliflozin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus in Adequately Controlled on triple drug therapy Dr. Sachin Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-10, Issue-3, March 2022, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
2. “A study of Electrocardiographic and Echocardiographic changes in patients with chronic kidney disease” Dr Prashant Pathak, Dr MP Singh (Professor), Dr PK Agrawal (Prof .HOD), Dr Sachin Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-10, Issue-3, March 2022, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
3. In Type 2 Diabetes, A Study Examined The Correlation Between Serum Ferritin and Hba1c Dr. Sajjad Ahsan, Published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Volume 9, Issue 4, Summer 2022, ISSN 2515-8260, P-1397-1401, Indexed in DOAJ & Embase
4. Study of Copy Number Variants as A Prognostic Marker In Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Dr. Sachin Bharti Published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 21, Issue 5 Ser.4 (May. 2022), PP 07-1

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. GERD Symptoms Associated with Open Versus Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Comparative Study Dr. Shamim Ali, Dr. Deepak Pankaj, Dr. Amjad Zia Mallik, Dr. Manish Anand Published in Indian Medical Journal; January 2016 (Annexure), Vol. 110, No.1, Page 121(A)-122(A)
2. Experience with surgical management of intestinal tuberculosis at a rural teaching hospital Dr. Momammed Shamim Ali, Dr. Prince Pankaj, Dr. Deepak Pankaj, Dr. Sweta Muni Published in International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, February 2016,b Vol. 4, Issue-2, Page-633-638, pISSN: 2320-6071, eISSN-2320-6012
3. A clinic-pathological study of malignant breast lump in a tertiary care hospital in Kosi region of Bihar, India Dr. Shambhu Kumar Singh, Deepak Pankaj, Rajesh Kumar, Reyaz Mustafa Published in International Surgery Journal, January-March 2016, Vol-3, Isue-1, Page-1-5, pISSN: 2349-3305, eISSN 2349-2902 Indexed in Index Copernicus
4. Etiology, Clinical Features, and Complications of Urethral Stricture Md. Shadab, Manish Anand, Deepak Pankaj, Mohammad Arif Ansari, Abhijeet Sinha Published in IJSS Journal of Surgery, September-October-2016, Volue-2, Issue 5, Page 12-16, pISSN: 2321-6379, eISSN: 2395-1893 Indexed in Index Copernicus
5. A study of types of urethral stricture and their management Md. Shadab, , Deepak Pankaj, Sweta Muni, Manish Anand, Md Shamim Ali Published in International Surgery Journal, October-December 2016, Vol-3, Isue-4, Page-1-5, pISSN: 2349-3305, eISSN 2349-2902 Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Epidemiological Study of Urolithiasis with Special Reference to Its Chemical Nature Dr Khwaja Nasim Ahmad, Dr. Md. Abdur Rahman Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-5 Issue 10 October 2017, P-29446-29448, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus
1. Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori in Peptic Ulcer Perforation Dr. BrishBhan Gupta, Dr. (Prof.) M. Arif Ansari Published in Indian Medical Journal, Dec-2018, Vol.-112, No. 12, P-71(A)-47(A)
2. A Comparison between Mass Closure and Layered Closure of Midline Abdominalc Dr. BrishBhan Gupta, Dr. (Prof.) M. Arif Ansari Published in Indian Medical Journal, Dec-2018, Vol.-112, No. 12, P-44(A)-74(A)
3. Clinical Profile of Sigmoid Colon Volvulus and Evaluation of primary Colectomy and Anastomosis Dr. BrishBhan Gupta, Dr. (Prof.) M. Arif Ansari Published in Indian Medical Journal, Dec-2018, Vol.-112, No. 12, P-56(A)-58(A)
4. A Prospective Study showing incidence of Inguinal Hernia with Undescended Testes in KMC, Katihar Dr. Md. AbdurRAhman Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 10 October 2018, P-1402-1404, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus
1. Evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma with mutli detector CT: special emphasis to bowel and mesenteric injury Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 8 August 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus
2. Pneumatosis Intestinalis: A Rare entity for Acuty Abdomen in KMC Dr. Shakeb Ahmad, Dr. Ashtosh Patel, Dr. Arif Hussain Published in JMSCR, Vol-7, Issue-01, Jan 2019, Page – 800-802
3. A study on clinical Radiological operative profile on acute appendicitis Dr. BrishBhan Gupta, Dr. (Prof.) M. Arif Ansari Published in Indian Journal of Research, April-2019, Vol.-8, Issue-4, P 15-16, pISSN: 2250-1991, Indexed in Index Copernicus
4. A study on clinical profile of post-cholycystectomy syndrome after laparoscopic cholecystectomy Dr. BrishBhan Gupta, Dr. (Prof.) M. Arif Ansari Published in Indian Journal of Research, April-2019, Vol.-8, Issue-4, P 12-14, pISSN: 2250-1991, Indexed in Index Copernicus
5. Neglected Cases of Breast Abscess Dr. Khwaja Nasim Ahmad 2nd Author Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 03 March 2019, P-597-599, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus
6. A Study of Percutaneous Antegrade Transvesical Fulguration of Posterior Urethral Valves in Neonates and Infants Dr. Khwaja Nasim Ahmad 1st Author Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 01 January 2019, P-800-802, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus
7. A clinicopathological Study of Gall Bladder Disorders Dr. Khwaja Nasim Ahmad 2nd Author Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 03 March 2019, P-222-226, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus
8. Incidence of Wound Infection post subcuticular suturing versus simple suturing a comparative study in KMC, Katihar Dr. Shakeb Ahmad Published in JMSCR, Vol-7, Issue-07, July 2019, Page – 408-410, ISSN (e)-2347-176x, ISSN (p) 2455-0450
9. Primary Hydatic Cyst of Spleen: A rare case presentation Dr. Saumya Sinha Published in JMSCR, Vol-7, Issue-11, Nov 2019, Page – 408-410, ISSN (e)-2347-176x, ISSN (p) 2455-0450
10. Eadible Foreign Body Causing Intestinal Perforation – KMC, Katihar Dr. Saumya Sinha Published in JMSCR, Vol-7, Issue-11, Nov 2019
1. Incidental Finding of Jejunal Diverticulum in case of Intestinal Obstruction – KMC, Katihar Dr. Khwaja Nasim Ahmad, Dr. Amjad Zia Mallik, Dr. Abdur Rahman Published in JMSCR, Vol-8, Issue-01, Jan 2020
2. Outcome of the Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract (LIFT) in the treatment of Anal Fistual: Initial Results Dr. Saumya Sinha Published in JMSCR, Vol-8, Issue-07, July 2020
1. Middle Hepatic Vein Injury during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Bleeding From Gb Bed And Its Management, In Kmch Katihar Dr. Shambhu Kumar Singh, Dr.Md Abdur Rahman,Dr.Amjadziamallik,Dr Ankita sharma,Dr Sunil kumar Published in International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research, Volume 3 , Issue 4, July-Aug 2021 , Page No : 133-134

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Experience with surgical management of intestinal tuberculosis at a rural teaching hospital Dr. Momammed Shamim Ali, Dr. Prince Pankaj, Dr. Deepak Pankaj, Dr. Sweta Muni Published in International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, February 2016,b Vol. 4, Issue-2, Page-633-638, pISSN: 2320-6071, eISSN-2320-6012
2. A Study on the Clinical Profile and Hepatitis B and C Viral Markers in Acute and Chronic Liver Disease Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza, Dr. P. K. Agrawal, Dr. Aninda Sen Published in International Journal of current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2016, August, 11(3), 188-193, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN: 2321-9327
3. Correlation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in HIV Positive Patients and its association with CD4 Count c Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, Dr. Krishan Nandan Published in International Journal of Life-Sciences Scientific Research, Volume-2, Issue-6, P-636-639, ISSN: 2455-1716, November-2016, DOI: 10.21276/IIJLSSR.2016.
4. Molecular characterization of Virulence genes in Vancomycin Resistant and Vancomycin-Sensitive Enterococci Dr. Ms. Priyanka Paul Biswas, Dr. Sangeeta Dey, Aninda Sen. Published in Journal of Global Infectious Diseases. Vol 8, Issue 1, Jan-Mar 2016, Pg. 16-24, Indexed in Index Copernicus
5. Bacteriological profile of osteomyelitis cases with special reference to antibiotic Susceptibility pattern of isolates in a tertiary care hospital of eastern India Dr. Anupama Singh, Dr. Ms. Priyanka Paul Biswas, Aninda Sen. Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol 5, Issue 53, July 4, 2016, Pg3596-3601, eISSN: 2278-4748, pISSN: 2278-4748
1. Observation of Bacteriological Flora in Active Mucosal Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media in Katihar, Bihar Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Faulad Md Noori, Sanjay Kumar Mandal, Sangeeta Dey Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-3, Issue-2, Page-7-9, Mar-April 2017, pISSN: 2395-2814, eISSN: 2395-2822, DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2017.3.2.EN3 Indexed in Index Medicus
2. Observation of anterior ethmoidal artery in coronal CT scans of paranasal sinuses in patients attending Katihar Medical College, Katihar Dr. Faulad Md Noori, Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Sanjay Kumar Mandal, Sangeeta Dey Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-3, Issue-2, Page 4-6, Mar-April 2017, pISSN: 2395-2814, eISSN: 2395-2822, DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2017.3.2.EN2, Indexed in Index Medicus
3. Detection of Metallo--Lactamase Production in Gram-Negative Bacilli Isolated from patients attending a tertiary care hospital in Bihar Dr. Nishant Upadhyay, Dr. Sangeeta Dey, Mrs. Priyanka Paul Biswas Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol 6, Issue 26, March30, 2017, Pg2130-2133, eISSN: 2278-4748, pISSN: 2278-4748
4. Determination of Vancomycin and Linezolid Resistance in Staphylococcus Aureus isolated from Katihar District of Bihar, India Dr. Mahadeo Mandal, Dr. Sangeeta Dey, Dr. Dhananjay Kumar, Mrs. Priyanka Paul Biswas Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol 6, Issue 26, March30, 2017, Pg2130-2133, eISSN: 2278-4748, pISSN: 2278-4748
5. Protection of MBL Production in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Katihar District, Bihar Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, Dr. Krishan Nandan, Dr. Aninda Sen Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol 6, Issue 55, July 10, 2017, Pg4138-4141, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnant Women in Katihar District, Bihar Dr. Tarannumyasmin, Dr. M. Yousuf Sarwar (CA), Dr. Aninda Sen Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol.7, Issue 3, Jan 15, 2018, Pg372-375, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/82
2. Intestinal Parasitic Infection In School Going Children In Katihar, Bihar Dr. Anamika Singh1, Dr. Sangeeta Dey2, Dr. Aninda Sen3, Dr. Dhanjay Kumar4, Dr. Kahkashan Akthar5 Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol.7, Issue 5, Jan 29, 2018, Pg637-640, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index CopernicusDOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/144
3. Variation in shape, weight and number of cotyledons of placentae in Kosi Region of Bihar, North East India Dr. M. Yousuf Sarwar, Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, (CA), Dr. S. K. Sinha Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 27, Jul02, 2018, Pg6808-6811, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/0000
1. Comparison Between conventional blood culture and lysis-centrifugation method in suspected cases of sepsis in children in Katihar, Bihar Dr. Nafisa Rahman, Dr. Kahkashan Akhter Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pg1107-1110, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2019/245
1. Utility of Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Detection of Malarial Antigens and their comparison with peripheral blood smear examination Dr. Shreshy Singh Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Dated 2020,9(15):1291-1294
2. Clinical and microbiological profile of chronic osteomyelitis cases with reference to virulence markers in staphylococcus aureus. Dr. Priyanka Paul, Dr. Aninda Sen Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Dated 2020, 9(09):625-633
3. A Clinical and Bacteriological Study of Neonatal Septicaemia in Katihar Medical College & Hospital, Katihar, Bihar Dr. Krishan Nanda, Kumari Swati Published in Internal Journal of Scientific Research, 2020, 9(05):1-3
4. Prevalence of Resistance to Ampicillin, Gentamicin, Streptomycin and Vancomycin in Enterococcus Species Isolated from Clinical Specimens Dr. Priyanka Paul Biswas, Anamika Singh, Mohammad Intekhab Alam Chand Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-7, Issue-35, August 31, 2020, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-1839-1834
1. A retrospective observational study to determine etiology in pediatric patients with acute liver failure Dr. Ashit Kumar, Dr. Shreshy Singh, Ashish Bharti Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume - 10, Issue - 04, April- 2021 • Print ISSN NO. 2277 - 8160 • doi : 10.36106/gjra
2. Bacteriological Profile and Antibiogram of Blood Culture Isolates from Septicaemic Neonates and Children up to 10 Years of Age, in a Tertiary Care Centre of Eastern Bihar in India Dr. Priyanka Paul Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare, pISSN - 2349-2562, eISSN - 2349-2570 / Vol. 8 / Issue 14 / Apr. 05, 2021, P 882-887, DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/172, Indexed in Index Copernicus
3. New Onset Diabetes Mellitus in Second Wave of COVID-19 Patients in North India Dr. Krishan Nandan Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-10 | Issue-8 | August 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 |, Indexed in Index Medicus.
4. Detection of biofilm formation and virulence markers amongst the CONS isolates in a tertiary care center in Bihar. Biswas PP, Akhter K, Fidai F, Singh A, Sen A, Dey SA International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research. 2021;13(6):01-09

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Successful Pregnancy Outcome after Laprotomy (A Case of Pregnancy with Ovarian Tumour) Dr. Shilpi Chowdhury Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 2 February 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
1. Comparison of Oral Iron, iron Sucrose and Ferric Carboxymaltose (FCM) to treat post partum Anaemia Dr. Sipra Singh, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Shanti Singh Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-20, March 10, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-832-835Index in Index Copernicus
2. Comparison of antiemetic efficacy of ondansetron, granisetron and palonosetron in high risk patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy under general anaesthesia Dr. Sipra Singh, Professor Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-32, April 21, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-1537-1540Index in Index Copernicus
3. Histopathological Study of Hysterectomy Specimen in Tertiary Centre of Rural Bihar Dr. Rashmi Verma Published in International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol-7, Issue-2, Page: 9021-9023, February 2016, ISSN: 0976-3031 index in Index Copernicus
4. A study of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopausal Age in Rural Bihar Dr. Rashmi Verma Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-4, Issue 02 February 2016, Page-9262-9274, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus
5. Mifegest and Misoprostol Combination Vs Misoprostol Alone for Termination of Second Trimester of Pregnancy Dr. Rashmi Verma Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-4, Issue 03 March 2016, Page-9733-9736, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus
6. Comparison of Intramuscular and Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate for Control of Eclamptic Fits Dr. Rashmi Verma Published in International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol-7, Issue-3, Page: 9439-9443, March 2016, ISSN: 0976-3031 index in Index Copernicus
7. Cervical Carcinoma in Pregnancy Dr. Rashmi Verma Published in International Journal of Development Research, Vol-6, Issue-03, Page-7131-7134, March, 2016, ISSN: 2230-9926 index in Index Copernicus
8. A study of clinical cases of rupture uterus in Katihar Medical College, Katihar Dr. Pram Ray Accepted for Publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2117 xii dated 03-12-2016
9. Incidence of toxoplasmosis, Rubella and syphilis in missed abortion and intrauterine death Dr. Supriya Kumari Accepted for Publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2117 xv dated 03-12-2016
10. Rupture uterus: a clinical analysis Dr. Soma Bandyopadhyay, Sipra Singh Published in International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, July 2016, Volume-5, Issue-7, Page-2183-2186, pISSN 2320-1770, eISSN 2320-1789
11. Outcome of Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section (VBAC): a Prospective Study Dr. Prama Ray, Dr. Ankan Mondal Published in International Journal of Scientific Study, December 2016, Vol-4, Issue-9, Page-119-122
1. Comparative study of vaginal delivery and caesarean section in antepartum eclampsia at tertiary care hospital Dr. Priti Kumari, Dr. Sipra Singh, Dr. Salma Khatun, Dr. Shashikar Published in International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology February 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2, P-457-460, pISSN 2320-1770, eISSN 2320-1789
2. Comparative Study of Duration of analgesia And Haemodynamic Changes in Epidural Anaesthesia with Lignocaine (2%) With Lignocaine (2%) Plus Clonidine for Lower Abdominal and Lower Limb Surgeries Dr. Balmukund Jha, Dr. Amrita Published in International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR), Volume – 2, Issue –6, November – December – 2017, Page No. : 404 – 411, ISSN- O: 2458 – 868X, ISSN –P: 2458 – 8687, Indexed in index Copernicus
3. An observational study on risk factors, causes, prevention and Management of Patients with Postpartum Haemorrhage after Caesarean Section Dr. Priyanka Published in International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2017, December, 17(1), 13-16, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN: 2321-9327, Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Epidural Labour Analgesia-Efficacy and Foetomaternal Outcome Dr. Jyoti Kumar & Dr. Shipra Singh Published in The Patna Journal of Medicine, Vol-92, Issue-11, Nov. 2018, Page-583-585
2. Abdominal Pain in a posthysterectomy patient: Diagnostic Dilemma Dr. Jyoti Kumar & Dr. Shipra Singh Published in The Patna Journal of Medicine, Vol-92, Issue-12, Nov. 2018, Page-656-658
3. Abdominal Pain in a posthysterectomy patient: Diagnostic Dilemma Dr. Jyoti Kumar & Dr. Shipra Singh Published in The Patna Journal of Medicine, Vol-92, Issue-12, Nov. 2018, Page-656-658
4. Single versus double layer closure of low transverse uterine incision at caesarean section Dr. Amrita, Dr. Bal Mukund Jha Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 32-34
5. Comparision of Fentanyl Versus Meperidine as supplements to epidural clor.idline Bupivacaine in patients with lower limb orthopaedic surgery under combined spnal epidural anaesthesia Dr. Balmukund Jha, Dr. Amrita Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 13-16
6. To Compare the Circulatory Responses of Propofol and Thiopentone to Laryngoscopy and Intubation Dr. Balmukund Jha, Dr. Amrita Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 38-40
7. Clinicocytological Study in Coper-T Users Dr. Amrita, Dr. Bal Mukund Jha Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 11-13
8. Clinical Study of Intra Uterine Fetal Death Dr. NajmunNisa, Dr. Sipra Singh Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 06, Issue 09September 20I8, P 694-Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
9. Ovarian Cancer Screening Dr. Gauri Rani Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 06, Issue 05May 20I8, P 1042-1044, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
10. A Comparative Study of Postaglandins (Intravaginal PGE1 & Intracervical PGE2) with Oxytocin Infusion of Induction of Labour Dr. Fauzia Shafi Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 06, Issue 05May 20I8, P 998-1000, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
1. Bacterial Vaginosis: A Risk Factor for Preterm Labour – A Case – Control Study Dr. Shazia Iqbal, Dr Soma Bandyopadhyay Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 4 April 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
2. Induction of Labour vs Expectant management for pregnancies beyond 40 weeks of Gestation a prospective comparative randomised study Dr. Poonam Kumari, Dr Sipra Singh Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 5 May 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
3. Management Protocol of Ovarian Masses in Adolescene Dr. Rashmi Singh, Dr. Rashmi Verma Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 11 Nov 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
4. An Observational Study to Evaluate in General Anesthesia Effectiveness of Nebulized Ketamine in Different Doses to Decrease the Severity of Postoperative Sore Throat Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3853-3855, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN2347-954X(Print)ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.004
5. An Observational Study to Evaluate Efficacy of Methotrexate Single Dose for Medical Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy Dr. Ashmita Kiran1 Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3856-3857, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN2347-954X(Print)ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.005
6. An Observational Study done in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital to Evaluate the Effect of Coagulation Profile in in Early and later part of Third Trimester of Pregnancy Dr. Ashmita Kiran1 Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3858-3860, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN2347-954X(Print)ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.006
7. An Observational Prospective Study in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital at Katihar to Evaluate, Compare and determine the incidence of PONV with intra-operative use of Nitrous Oxide and Medical Air or General Anesthesia in patients undergoing Breast Surgery Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3861-3863, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN2347-954X(Print)ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.007
8. An observational study to compare stress and burnout among anesthesia and surgical PG student or residents in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Kathihar, Bihar Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 12 December 2019, Page-193-196, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: jmscr/v7i12.33index in Index Copernicus
9. An Observational Study to Compare Propofol with Midazolam plus Fentanyl Combination for Sedation in Gastrointestinal Endoscopies at Tertiary care Hospital in Katihar, Bihar Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 12 December 2019, Page-203-207, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: jmscr/v7i12.35 index in Index Copernicus
10. Changes in Serum Blood Sugar Levels before and After Induction of General Anaesthesia with Propofol and Thiopentone: An Observational Comparative Study Done In a Teaching Hospital Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 Published in International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.6; Issue: 12; December 2019, P-198-201, E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237
1. A retrospective analytical study of indications of caesarean section Dr. Rashmi Verma Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 1 January 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, P-505-509
2. Retained Intrauterine Fetal Bone Chips – A Case Report Dr. Rashmi Verma Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 1 January 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, P-962-964
3. Eclampsia – A Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Care Centre of Rural Bihar Dr. Rashmi Verma Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-7, Issue-05, February 03, 2020, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-213-217
4. A Case of Heterotopic Pregnancy-Right Cornual Ruptured Ectopic with Non Viable Intrauterine Pregnancy Dr. Rafia Gul Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 4 April 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
5. A comparison of oxytocin and carboprost tromethamine in the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in high-risk patients undergoing cesarean delivery Dr. Kumari Shiva Published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 19, Issue 6 Ser.12 (June. 2020), PP 01-04 DOI: 10.9790/0853-1906120104
6. A Review on the Study of Importance of Laparoscopy in Infertility Dr. Kumari Shiva Published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 19, Issue 7 Ser.9 (July. 2020), PP 33-36
7. Prophylactic Versus Therapeutic Amnioinfusion for Oligo Hydramnios in Labour Dr. Shabnam Phuleman Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 7 July 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
8. A Comparative Study of Efficacy of Magnesium Sulphare and Nifedipinein Pre-Term Labour Dr. Shaesta Iqbal Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 8 August 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
9. Obstetric Hysterectomy (A Ray of Hope for Dying mother) Dr. Bhagyashree Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 2 February 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
10. A comparative study of intraumbilical oxytocin versus Intravenous methylergometrine in active management of third stage of labour Dr. Jyoti Kumari Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Volume 6; Issue 9; 2020; Page No. 99-102, August 2020
11. An observational study to determine the incidence and association of thyroid dysfunction in patients with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Dr. Jyoti Kumari Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Volume 6; Issue 10; 2020; Page No. 53-55, Oct. 2020
12. Correlation of Cervical Smear and Colposcopy with Pathohistological findings in Detection of Premalignant lesions of cervix at a tertiary care centre. Dr. Rashmi Verma Accepted for publication in International Journal of Contemporary Medical Rsearch, accepted on 20.11.2020, eISSN-2393-915X,pISSN: 2454-7379
13. Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy: A Rare Case Dr. Soumya Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 08, Issue 11 November 2020
1. Analytical Study of causes of infertility in couples attending tertiary care centre of Rural Bihar Dr. Rashmi Verma Published in International Journal Of Scientific Research, Volume 10, Issue 2; February 2021; Page No. 1-3, PISSN no. 2277 – 8179
2. A Case of Ruptured Interstitial Ectopic Pregnancy Dr. Nitu Bharti Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 09, Issue 03 March 2021
3. Central Placenta Previa with Rh Negative Pregnancy with IUD Dr. Anupriya Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 09, Issue 03 March 2021
4. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Neoplastic and Nonneoplastic Ovarian Masses with Histological Correlation Dr. Izhar Alam, Dr. Monalisa Corresponding, Dr. Sipra, Dr. Neha Singh Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, volume - 10 | Issue - 08 | August - 2021 | print issn no. 2277 - 8179 | doi : 10.36106/ijsr
5. A Study of Comparison of Serum Lipid Profile of Women with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and Normal Pregnancy at KMCH, Katihar, Bihar Dr. Faraha Deeba Fatima & Dr. Soma Bandyopadhyay Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, volume - 10 | Issue - 12 | Dec - 2021 | print issn no. 2277 - 8179 |

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Paediatric Ocular Trauma: A population based study on Ocular Morbidity in Children and Prevention of Monocular Blindness in cased attending a tertiary care teaching hospital Dr. Atul Mishra, Dr. Jawaid Hasan Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol. (2), Issue 3, 2016, Page 99-101, ISSN (0): 2395-2322; ISSN (P): 2395-2514, Indexed In Index Medicus
2. Prevalence and Causes of Corneal Opacity in a Rural Population in Bihar: Need for Promotion of Heath Awareness for Prevention of Corneal Blindness Dr. Atul Mishra, Dr. Jawaid Hasan Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol. (2), Issue 3, 2016, Page 115-117, ISSN (0): 2395-2322; ISSN (P): 2395-2514, Indexed In Index Medicus
3. Surgical Complications during cataract operation in patients with Pseudoexfoliation syndrome Dr. Arjun Kumar Singh Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2081 (b) dated 03-08-2016
4. Study of efficacy of small incision cataract surgery in hospital based eye campus in bihar Dr. Arjun Kumar Singh Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2081 (a) dated 03-08-2016
1. Evolution of Medical Education in India: some miles travelled, many miles to go Deka RC, Principal, Katihar Medical College, Katihar Published in International Journal of Health Research and Medico Legal Practice, Vol. 6, Issue-2 of 2020
2. Association of dyslipidemia and Diabetic Retinopathy among patients coming to OPD of Katihar Medical College Hospital and its visual outcome: A prospective observational study Dr Himanshu Kumar 1 Dr Arjun Kumar Singh corresponding author Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 06 June 2020, Page 364-368, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus DOI:
3. Understanding Ophthalmology in the last four decades Deka RC, Principal, Katihar Medical College, Katihar Accepted for publication in Journal of Ophthalmological Society of Assam
4. Prevalence of various causes of infectious keratitis among patients coming to OPD of Katihar Medical College Hospital and its visual outcome: A prospective observational study Dr Himanshu Kumar 1 Dr Arjun Kumar Singh corresponding author Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 06 June 2020, Page 353-356 ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus DOI:
5. Association of HBA1C level and diabetic retinopathy among patients coming to OPD of Katihar Medical College Hospital and Its visual outcome: A retrospective cross sectional study Dr Arjun Kumar Singh Dr Himanshu Kumar corresponding author Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-9, Issue-9, Sept-2020, P-18, DOI: 10.36106/IJSR, PRINT ISSN No. 2277-8179
6. Prevalence of dry eye disease and its risk factors in visual display terminal users among patients coming to OPD of Katihar Medical College Hospital: A prospective observational study Dr Himanshu Kumar 1 Dr Arjun Kumar Singh corresponding author Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-9, Issue-9, Sept-2020, P-19-20, DOI: 10.36106/IJSR, PRINT ISSN No. 2277-8179
7. HbA1C Levels and its correlation in Diabetic Retinopathy Dr. Saba Eqbal, Dr. Atul Mishra Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 9 September 2020, Page-188-193, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
1. Nepafenac punctal plugs delivery system- potency in inflammation following cataract surgery Dr. Samia Rahman, Assistant Professor Published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 9, Issue 4, Summer 2022, P-1420-1424
2. Overall Standard of Living in Glaucoma Patients with Dry Eye Syndrome Dr. Samia Rahman, Assistant Professor Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022; Volume – 14, Issue-7; 45-51, e-ISSN: 0975-1556, p-ISSN:2820-2643

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Surgical Management of Midclavicular fracture Dr. Kanhaiya Lal Gupta, Assistant Professor, Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Assistant Professor Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2034© dated 29-04-2016
2. A Comparison of Intramedullary and extramedullary fixation devices in unstable trochanteric fractures Dr. Kanhaiya Lal Gupta, Assistant Professor, Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Assistant Professor Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2034(d) dated 29-04-2016
3. Comparative study between dynamic hip screws vs proximal femoral nailing in intertrochanteric fracutures of the femur in adults Dr. Gourab Chandra, Dr. Ajay Kumar Mahto, Dr. Waseem Akram, Dr. Nilabh Kumar, Dr. Nishant Kumar Mish Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2116(a) dated 02-12-2016
1. Analysis of the results of surgical management of traumatic paraplegia Dr. Kumar, Nitesh, Dr. Ajay Kumar Mahto Published in International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics,| January-February 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1, P 35-42
2. Evaluation of results of minimally invasive plating osteosynthesis(MIPO) technique in the treatment of fractures of distal tibia Dr. Waseem Akram, Dr. Ajay Kumar Mahto, Dr. MasroorAlam Published in International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics,| January-February 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1, P 1-5
3. “Surgical management of fracture shalt of humerus in adults using flexible nails — by retrograde technique.” Dr. Uday Chandra Chaudhary, Asst. Professor Published in Indian Medical (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt. 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India), Aug-2017, (Annexure-1), Vol. 111, No. 8, Page 219(A)-222(A)
4. “Closed reduction and percutaneous kirschner wire fixationcombined with plaster cast versus conventional plaster cast immobilization in thetreatment of cones’ fracture.” Dr. Uday Chandra Chaudhary, Asst. Professor Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt. 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India), Dec-2017, (Annexure-1), Vol. 111, No. 12, Page 92(A)-94(A)
5. Evaluation of locking compression plate (LCP) in the Management of Bones of Upper and Lower Limbs Dr. Md. Mohtashemul Haque, Dr. Raj Kumar Singh Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ, Aug. 2017 (Annexure), Vol.111, Number 08, Page-191A-192A, ISSN No. 0091-5871
6. Evaluation of functional outcome of pre-contoured olecranon locking plate in fractures of the olecranon Dr. Md. Mohtashemul Haque Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ, Dec. 2017 (Annexure), Vol.111, Number 12, Page-164A-166A, ISSN No. 0091-5871
7. Cubitus varusdeformit in children treatment by lateral closed wedge osteotomy Dr. Raj Kumar Singh Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ, August 2017 (Annexure), Vol.111, Number 8, Page-188A-190A, ISSN No. 0091-5871
8. Comparative study of trochanteric fracture fixation by D.H.S. and proximal femoral nailing Dr. Raj Kumar Singh Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ, August 2017 (Annexure), Vol.111, Number 8, Page-185A-187A, ISSN No. 0091-5871
1. Management of De Quervain’s Disease: A Hospital Based Observational Study Dr. Niraj Narain Singh Published in International Journal of current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2018, February, 17(3), 77-80
2. Comparative Study of outcome of Treatment of Traumatic Paraplegia by Hartshill Fixation vs Pedicle Screw Fixation Dr. Vishal Prakash, Dr. Shanawaz Hussain Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 10 October 2018, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus
1. An outcome evaluation of operative compared with Non operative management of fracture calcaneum Dr. Aditya Kumar, Dr Ajay Mahto Published in Indian Medical Journal, Vol.113, NO. 1, 15th January 2019 (Annexure)
2. Functional Outcome of Extra-articular Distal Humerus Fracture Fixation using a Singh Locking Plate: A Retrospective Study Dr. Niraj Narain Singh Published in Indian Medical Journal, Vol.113, NO. 1, 15th January 2019 (Annexure), Page-85(A)-86(A)
1. Arthroscopic Reconstruction of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Using Semitendinous & Gracilis Tendon Autograft Dr. Sanjiv Kumar Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-8, Issue-7, July 2020
2. Role of Arthroscopy in Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint Dr. Azfar Nawaz Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-8, Issue-9, September 2020
3. Locking plate fixation of displaced intraarticular fractures of calcaneum: prospective open label observational study Dr. Niraj Narain Singh Published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM), Vol. -7, Issue-10, 2020, P-3456-3462
1. Impact On Orthopaedics Patients in India Due to Pandemic: A Short Communication Dr. Sharaf Alam Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-11, Issue-12, Dec-21
2. Role of Fibular Osteotomy in Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint Dr. Rishab Dubey Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-9, Issue-11, October 2021
1. Fluoroscopically guided epidural steroid injection in the management of low back pain Dr. Masroor Alam Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume - 12 | Issue - 05 | May - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar
2. Impact on orthopaedic patients in India due to pandemic: a short communication. Dr. Masroor Alam Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 12 | December - 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Observation of Bacteriological Flora in Active Mucosal Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media in Katihar, Bihar Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Faulad Md Noori, Sanjay Kumar Mandal, Sangeeta Dey Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-3, Issue-2, Page 7-9, Mar-April 2017. Indexed in Index Copernicus, Index Medicus, pISSN:2395-2814, ISSN: 2395-2822 DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2017.3.2.EN3
2. Observation of anterior ethmoidal artery in coronal CT scans of paranasal sinuses in patients attending Katihar Medical College, Katihar Dr. Faulad Md Noori, Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Sanjay Kumar Mandal, Sangeeta Dey Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-3, Issue-2, Page 4-6, Mar-April 2017. Indexed in Index Copernicus, Index Medicus pISSN:2395-2814, ISSN: 2395-2822 DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2017.3.2.EN2
1. Epidemiological Profile of Oral Cancer Patients Attending Katihar Medical College, Katihar, Bihar Dr. Md. Akbar Ali Published in annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-5, Issue-6, Page-12-14, October 2019, pISSN: 2395-2814, eISSN: 2395-2822, DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2019.5.6.EN4, Indexed in Index Medicus
1. A Study of Anatomical Variations of Sphenoid Sinus on CT PNS: Our Experience Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Dr. Manish Jaiswal, Published in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
2. Success Rate of Type I Tympanoplasty Using Temporalis Fascia by Underlay Technique in Safe Mucosal COM in KMCH, Katihar Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Published in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. A Clinical Outcome of Dexamethasone Therapy of Patients with Pyogenic meningitis Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Md. Izhar Alam, Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza, Dr. Shruti Sonal Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Reearch, Volume-4, Issue 07 July, Page-11384-11391, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus
2. Role of HbA1c in Determining Glycemic Control in Diabetes Mellitus Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Vol-3, Issue-81, October 10, 2016 pISSN: 2349-2562, eISSN: 2349-2570 indexed in Index Copernicus
3. Correlation of Dyslipideamia among Hypothyroidism and Type II Diabetes Mellitus Md. Ezaz Zafar, Sangita Choudhary, Md. Faizur Rahman, Rajesh Kumar Accepted for publication in Schorals Journal of Applied Medical Sciences; ISSN 2320-6691 & ISSN 2347-954X Indexed in Index Copernicus
4. A clinic-pathological study of malignant breast lump in a tertiary care hospital in Kosi region of Bihar, India Dr. Shambhu Kumar1 Singh, Deepak Pankaj1, Rajesh Kumar2, Reyaz Mustafa2 Published in International Surgery Journal, January-March 2016, Vol-3, Isue-1, Page-1-5, pISSN: 2349-3305, eISSN 2349-2902 Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Role of FNAC in Diagnosis of Palpable Subcutaneous Nodules Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Sangita Choudhary, Md. Ezaz Zafar, Ragini Kumari, Preety Singh, Abhijeet Das Accepted for publication in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) Vol.-5, Issue-1, January 2017: ISSN: 2320-6691 &issn 2347-954X Academic & Scientific Publishers (An International Publisher for Academic & Scientific Resources) Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Treatment options available for COVID 19 and an analysis on possible role of combination of rhACE2, Angiotensin (1-7) and Angiotensin (1-9) as effective therapeutic measure Dr. Izhar Alam Accepted for publication (vide letter dated: 08/07/2020 in SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine Manuscript No. SNCM-D-20-00648R1.
1. Treatment options available for COVID 19 and an analysis on possible role of combination of rhACE2, Angiotensin (1-7) and Angiotensin (1-9) as effective therapeutic measure Dr. Izhar Alam Accepted for publication (vide letter dated: 08/07/2020 in SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine Manuscript No. SNCM-D-20-00648R1.
1. Cytomorphological spectrum of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and significance of eosinophils in its diagnosis Dr. Neha Singh International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR), Volume – 6, Issue – 1, February – 2021 , Page No. : 50 - 59
2. Study on the Diagnostic Efficacy of FNAC alongwith assay of thyroid hormones and thyroid peroxidise antibodies in chronic thyroiditis-patients Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-10 | Issue-3 | May 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 |, Indexed in Index Medicus.
3. Role of thyroid stimulating hormone as inducers of oxidative stress in patient of hypothyroidism Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-10 | Issue-5 | May 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 |, Indexed in Index Medicus.
4. A restrospective clinica-haematological study of 150 cases of panuptopenia in tertiary care centre Dr. Rajesh Kumar Published in Indian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
5. Reliability and diagnostic accuracy of FNAC in cases of lymphadenopathy- A retrospective study from a tertiary care centre, Katihar, Bihar Dr. Izhar Alam, Dr. Neha Corresponding, Dr. Neyaz Alam, Published in International Journal of Medical Science and innovative research, Volume – 6, Issue – 4, July – 2021 , Page No. : 259 – 269, ISSN- O: 2458 - 868X, ISSN–P: 2458 – 8687
6. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Neoplastic and Nonneoplastic Ovarian Masses with Histological Correlation Dr. Izhar Alam, Dr. Monalisa Corresponding, Dr. Sipra, Dr. Neha Singh Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, volume - 10 | Issue - 08 | August - 2021 | print issn no. 2277 - 8179 | doi : 10.36106/ijsr
7. Study of cholelithiasis induced morphological changes in gall Bladder Dr. Md. Khurshid Anwar, Asst. Prof. as First Author Published in International Journal of Scienctific Research, Volume - 10 | Issue - 10 | October - 2021 | Page 6-8 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr indexed in Index Medicus
8. Evaluation of quantitative disorder of platelet count in Pediatric patients with dengue fever Dr. Md. Khurshid Anwar, Asst. Prof. as First Author Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 10 | Issue - 10 | October – 2021| Page 9-10 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr indexed in Index Medicus
9. Retrospective clinic hematological study of 150 cases of pancytopenia Monilisha J, Izhar A, Neha S, et al. IJMHS. 2021; 8(1): 11-18.
1. Haematological analysis in cases of pancytopenia Dr. Md. Khurshid Anwar, Assoc. Prof. as corresponding author, Dr. Anzar Ahmad Khan, Professor, 1st a Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 1 | January– 2022| Page 1-3 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr indexed in Index Medicus

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. A study of renal manifestations in children with malaria Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad, Dr. Apeksha Pathak, Dr. DP Banerje, Dr. Md Haider Ali Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Volume 2; Issue 1; January 2016; Page No. 25-30 Indexed in Index Copernicus
2. Role of Iron Deficiency as a Risk Factor for First Episode of Febrile Seizure of Age Group of 6 Months to 5 Years Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad, Dr. Kunal Anand, Dr. Utpal Kant Singh, Dr. D.P. Banerjee Published in International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences, 2016, June, 11(1),35-41.
3. An Observational Study of High Risk New Born: A Hospital Based Study Dr. Kumar Shambhu Nath, Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad, Dr. Md Haider Ali Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-04, Issue-07, Page 11527-11532, July-2016, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus /10.18535/jmscr/v4i7.56
4. An Observational Study on Acid-Base Status and Clinical Outcome in Babies with Meconium Aspiration Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad, Dr. Kumar Shambhu Nath, Dr. Narendra Kumar, Dr. Abu Irfan Published in Global Journal For Research Analysis Refereed & Indexed International Journal, Vol-5, Issue-12, December 2016, ISSN No 2277-8160, P-8-10 Indexed in Index Copernicus
5. A study of neonatal bacterial infection in hospital and home delivery in Katihar Medical College, Katihar Dr. Abu Irfan, Dr. Sobia Akram Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 12, Page -22A-25A, Indexed in Index Medicus
6. Study of blood leucocyte changes for early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis in Katihar Medical College, Katihar Dr. Binit Singh & Dr. Manazir Hasan Rahmani Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 12, Page -50A-53A, Indexed in Index Medicus
7. Prevalence of Epstein Barr Virus in children of leukemia and lymphoma Dr. Kumar Shambhu Nath, Associate Professor as 1st Author Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Volume 2; Issue 5; May 2016; Page No. 25-30, ISSN: 2454-9142
1. Epidemiological Study of Sickle Cell Disease in Tribal Children in Katihar District Dr. Avinash Kumar Sahay,M.D.(Paed)1, Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad, M.D2. Published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 16, Issue 4 Ver. II (April. 2017), PP 19-21
2. Intramuscular midazolam versus intravenous diazepam for control of seizures in children Dr. Manazir Hasan Rahmani Published in Indian Medical Journal, 2265 xix, dated 08.09.17
1. Comparative Study of Efficacy of Nebulized Beta 2 Agonist vs Nebulized Adrenaline in Bronchiolitis Dr. Aamir Ali, Dr. Kumar Shambh Nath, Dr. Ashit Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-06, Page 738-740, July-2018, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus
2. Prevalence of urinary tract pathogen and its antimicrobial susceptibility pattern in children admitted in KMCH, Kathiar, Bihar and compare its susceptibility pattern from national trend. Dr. Ashit Kumar, Dr. Ghazi S. Ahmad, Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-10, Page 942-946, Oct-2018, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus
3. Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome Dr. Mohammad Taqui Imam Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 06 June 2018, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus
1. Opitz Syndrome Dr. Niharika Nitya Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 8 August 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
2. Vacterl-H Syndrome – A Case Report Dr. Priya Singh Published on International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Volume 3, Issue 9; September: 2019; Page No. 38-41, ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X,
3. A case report of congenital diaphragmatic Hernia Dr. Kumari Ekita Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 10 Oct 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus
4. A clinicopathological Study of Gall Bladder Disorders Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 3 March 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus
5. Meconium Stained Amniotic fluid and Meconium aspiration syndrome: A prospective study. Kumar Shambhu Nath, Arshpreet Dhiman Published in International Journal of Scientific Research May 2019, Vol. 8, Issue-5, P 1-7 Print ISSN No. 2277-8179, Index-pubmed
6. Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy Of Childhood: A Case Report From Katihar Medical College, Bihar, India Dr. Ashit Kumar, Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad Published in International Journal of Scientific Research Nov 2019, Vol. 8, Issue-11, P 1-2 Print ISSN No. 2277-8179, Index-pubmed
1. A retrospective observational study to determine etiology in pediatric patients with acute liver failure Dr. Ashit Kumar, Dr. Shreshy Singh, Ashish Bharti Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume - 10, Issue - 04, April- 2021 • Print ISSN NO. 2277 - 8160 • doi : 10.36106/gjra
2. Prevalence of Anemia in Adolescent Girls in Katihar District Dr. Asif Iqubal, Gupta Bhushan MedPulse International Journal of Pediatrics, August 2021, 19(2)
1. Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease – Classical Form: A rare case report from Katihar Medical College, Katihar, Bihar Dr. Ashit Kumar as Corresponding Author Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-10, Issue 01 January 2022, P-85-89, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus, : /v10i1.17
2. Association of Prevalence Of Obesity, Overweight And Underweight In Adolescent Girls Of Katihar Urban With Dietary And Physical-Activity Dr. Ashit Kumar as Corresponding Author Published in International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research (IJMSCR), Volume 5, Issue 3, Page No: 675-684 May-June 2022, ISSN (Print): 2209-2870 ISSN (Online): 2209-2862, Index in Pubmed
3. Study On Acute Encephalitis Syndrome In Children And Their Correlation With Clinical Parameters And Etiological Factors Dr. Abhinav Kumar Agrawal Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-11, Issue-3, Mar-2022, DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, PRINT ISSN No. 2277-8179, Indexed in Citation Index
4. Outcome of surfactant therapy in newborns with respiratory distress syndrome in relation to age of presentation to nic Dr. Abhinav Kumar Agrawal Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-12, Issue-7, July-2022, DOI : 10.36106/ijar, Indexed in Citation Index

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Liraglutide effect in regarding HbA1c and weight in Indian Population with type 2 diabetes, a prospective observational trial. Dr. Mala Kumari, Associate Professor Accepted for publication in Indiam Medical Journal vide letter no. 1087q)/2015 dated 08.01.2016
2. Observations on effects of Itopride, Gatifloxacin, and Desloratadin on Q-Tc interval in patients. Dr. Mala Kumari, Associate Professor Accepted for publication in Indiam Medical Journal vide letter no. 1087p)/2015 dated 08.01.2016
1. Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity of Leaves of bombax Ceiba Dr. Amit Kumar, PG Published in Journal of Medical Science And Clinical Research, Vol-6, Issue-12, Page-119-126, December 2018, pISSN2455-0450, eISSN 2347-176x DOI:
2. Patterns of antihypertensive drug distribution of patients with hypertensive diabetes mellitus: A Hospital based observational study Dr. Yasmin Sultana Rahman Published in Journal of Medical Science And Clinical Research, Vol-6, Issue-11, Page-757-764, November 2018, pISSN2455-0450, eISSN 2347-176x DOI:
1. Osteocalcin, a promising marker of osteoprorosis: evaluation in post-menopausal females with osteoporosis Dr. Faiyaz Alam, Dr. Azmat Rana Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, November-December 2019, Vol-6,Issue-6, Page-1
1. A comparative, naturalistic, clinical study of efficacy and adverse effect profile of lithium versus divalproex sodium in the treatment of patients with bipolar affective disorders on combination therapy Dr. Md. Matiur Rahman Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 03 | March - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, P-43-44
2. A comparative prospective study to assess the clinical efficacy and safety of pantoprazole monotherapy versus pantoprazole and itopride dual therapy in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Md. Matiur Rahman Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 03 | March - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, P-45-47

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Prevalence of Catatonic Signs and Symptoms in dug Naïve/Drug Free Persons suffering from schizophrenia in Adult in Pyschiatric Clinic Dr. Manish Kumar Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, An International Journal, March-2019, Vol-9, Issue-3, P 70-72, ISSN: 2249-555X, Indexed in Index Copernicus
2. Disease Mongering and Psychiatry: A Review Dr. Manish Kumar Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Apri-2019, Vol-8, Issue-4, P 8-12, pISSN: 2277-8179, Indexed in Index Copernicus
3. Association between Metabolic Syndrome, Central Obesity and Depression: A Dr. Raginee Singh Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 10 October 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
1. Glutamate In Alcoholism: A Review Dr. Manish Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 9 | Issue - 11 | November - 2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, Index Copernicus
2. Cross-sectional study to assess psychiatric comorbidities and socio-demographic profile of patients of Alcohol dependence syndrome and assessing the correlation of depression with severity Dr. Arati Shivhare Publication in Delhi Psychiatry Journal, Vol. 23 No. 1, APRIL 2020, P 48-54
1. Psychological Impact of Covid on Health Care Worker Due to Covid-19 Pandemic in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Cross Sectional Study Dr. Anjana Kumari, Dr. Manish Published in International Journal of Advanced Research, Vol-9, Issue 12, Dec 2021, P-435-442, ISSN: 2320-5407 : IJAR01/13927
2. Effect Of Inhaled Corticosteroid On Blood Glucose And Hba1c Levels In Patients Of Asthma Aged 3-12 Yrs Dr. Ashish Bharti, Dr. Ashit Kumar Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume - 10, Issue - 05, May- 2021 • Print ISSN No. 2277 - 8160 • doi : 10.36106/gjra
1. Comparative Efficacy of Thiopentone and Propofol on Haemodynamic Changes during Modified Electroconvulsive Therapy Dr. Manish Kumar, Corresponding Author Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 7 | July - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, Indexed in Citation Index
2. Stressful Experiences of Mothers of Neonates or Premature Infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Arati Shivhare1, Raginee Singh2, Pranav Prakash Choudhary3, Rohit Alok4 Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol.-14, Issue-7, 2022, Page 117-126
3. Evaluating Male Sexual Dysfunctions in the Rural Areas of Bihar's Koshi Region Arati Shivhare1, Raginee Singh2, Pranav Prakash Choudhary3, Rohit Alok4 Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol.-14, Issue-7, 2022, Page 132-138

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. A study on nutritional anemia with special relation to linic obin, MCV and MCHC among different age and sex group in inhabitants of Katihar Dr. Sanjay Tiwari, Assoc. Prof, Dr. Sanjay Singh, Assist. Prof., Dr. A.K Roy, Prof. Emeritus Published in Indian Medical Journal, April 2016 (Annexure). Vol. 110, No. 4, Page 31 & 32
2. A study on incidence of Kala-Azar in different age and sex group of inhabitants of Katihar along with haematological alterations Dr. Sanjay Singh, Assist. Prof., Dr. Sanjay Tiwari, Assoc. Prof, Dr. A.K Roy, Prof. Emeritus Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2016 (Annexure). Vol. 110, No. 3, Page 8 & 9
3. Stress and Coping in Parents of Children with Mental Retardation Dr. Priyadarshee Patra, Dr. Jyoti Prakash, Dr. Balaram Patra Published in Delhi Psychiatry Journal (Delhi Psychiatry Society), Vol. 19, No. 1, April 2016, P-120-126, ISSN 0971-9571, Indexed in Index Medicus
1. A Preliminary Study on factors affecting drug abuse in Medical Students in Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata & Jhansi Dr. Sudha Kumari, Dr. Sanjay Singh, Dr. A. K. Ray Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2017 (Annexure). Vol. 111, No. 3, Page 63A
2. An Evaluation of Prescribing Pattern of the Private Practioners Dr. Sudha Kumari, Dr. Sanjay Singh, Dr. A. K. Ray Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2017 (Annexure). Vol. 111, No. 3, Page 68A & 69A
3. A Study on the Correlation of Serum uric acid and Dyslipidemia with Glycaemic Status in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Dr. Md Tanweer Ushmani1 , Dr. Rajiv Ranjan2 , Dr. Kumari Tanuja3 Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 05, Issue 11 November 20I7, P-30937-30948, Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI: jmscr/v5i11.191
4. Parenting styles in schizophrenia Patients – A case control study Dr. AratiShivahare, Dr. Balaram Patra Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume-6, Issue-3, March-2017, ISSN No. 2277-8160, P-601-603 Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Study on Relationship between Foetus, Neonatal & Maternal Haemoglobin Level Kumari Tanuja1 , Md Tanweer Usmani2 , Nishi Kant3 , Rajiv Ranjan4 Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 06, Issue 1 January 20I8, P-32544-32555, Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI:
2. Clinico-Psycho-Social profile of patients brought under consultation liaison psychiatry care in a large tertiary care referral hospital Dr. P. Patra, Dr. Divinakumar KJ, Dr. Prakash J, Dr. B. Patra, Dr. R. Chakraborty Accepted for publication in Industrial Psychiatry Journal dated April 3, 2017
1. Association of ABO Blood Group with Breast Cancer: An Observational Study Neelima Kumari Published in International Journal of Physiology, Vol-7, Number-4, Oct-Dec. 2019, ISSN: 2320-6039 (Print), ISSN: 23200608X (Electronic), P-120-122, 10.5958/2320-608X.2019.00152.5, Indexed in Index Copernicus
2. Study of Minute Ventilation, Maximum Voluntary Ventilation and Dyspneic Index During Pregnancy: An Observational, Prospective and Comparative Study Neelima Kumari Published in International Journal of Physiology, Vol-7, Number-4, Oct-Dec. 2019, ISSN: 2320-6039 (Print), ISSN: 23200608X (Electronic), P-123-126, 10.5958/2320-608X.2019.00152.5, Indexed in Index Copernicus
3. An observational and comparative study of diurnal variation of spirometry test parameters among first and second year normal and healthy medical undergraduate students Neelima Kumari Accepted for published in International Journal of Physiology, Vol-8, Number-2, April-June 2020, ISSN: 2320-6039 (Print), Indexed in Index Copernicus
4. Comparison of cardiovascular, cognitive and stress parameters in presence and in absence of examination among medical students: An observational and prospective study Neelima Kumari Published in Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, Vol. 6, Issue-4, Dec. 2019, PISSN: 2394-2118, EISSN: 2394-2126, Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Effect of Endurance training on sympathetic reactivity by sustained hand grip test Dr. Tanweer Md Iqbal Accepted for publication in National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology
2. A Study on the Effect of Obstructive Sleep apnea on Lipid Profile Dr. Tanweer Md Iqbal Accepted for International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research. 2022;14(9)

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. A Case report of Walker Warburg Syndrome: A Rare case with Multiple uncommon features Dr. Sohini Sahini Sah Et al. Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-10, Issue 1, January 22, Page-69-71, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: jmscr/v10i1.14 index in Index Copernicus
1. A prospective duplex sonographic study of intrarenal arteries in acute ureteric obstruction Dr. Swami Vivekanand, Dr. Ajit Kumar Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), January 2016, Vol. 110, No. 1, P-96(A) – 99(A) by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India
2. Breast Cancer Detection Using Sonography in Women with Mammographically Dense Breasts Dr. Archana Verma, SR, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Assistant Professor Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), Mar 2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-139 (A) – 142(A) by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India
3. Concomitant Septic Arthritis and Osteomyelitis of the HIP in Young Children; a New Pathophysiological Hypothesis Suggested by MRI Enhancement pattern Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Assistant Professor , Dr. Archana Verma, SR, Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), Mar 2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-143 (A) – 146(A) by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India
4. Surgical Management of Midclavicular fracture Dr. Kanhaiya Lal Gupta, Assistant Professor, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Assistant Professor Accepted for Publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2034© dated 29-04-2016
5. A Comparison of Intramedullary and extramedullary fixation devices in unstable trochanteric fractures Dr. Kanhaiya Lal Gupta, Assistant Professor, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Assistant Professor Accepted for Publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2034(d) dated 29-04-2016
6. Computed tomographic evaluation of pulmonary tuberculosis & its sequelae Dr. Rishikant Sinha Accepted for Publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2117 xiii dated 03-12-2016
7. Study on Role of Sonohysterography in Evaluating Aetiology of Infertility Prior to Hysterolaparoscopy Dr. Ahmad Rizwan Karim, Dr. Kshitish Kumar Published in Indian Medical Journal, July 2016 (Annexure), Vol. 110, No. 7, P-160(A)-162(A)
8. Assessment of Renal Parenchymal Diseases in Diabetes Mellitus by Colour Doppler Study of Intra Renal Vessels Dr. Ahmad Rizwan Karim, Dr. Kshitishkumar Published in Indian Medical Journal, July 2016 (Annexure), Vol. 110, No. 7, P-86(A)-89(A)
9. Role of Color Doppler in Medical Renal Disease and its Correlation with Histopathological Findings Dr. Ahmad Rizwan Karim Published in International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2016, December, 13(1), 18-21, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN-2321-9327 Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Role of Computed Tomography in Evaluation of Cerebrovascular Accidents Dr. Rishikant Sinha, Dr. Ahmad Rizwan Karim Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-3, Issue-2, P-35-39, January 2017 PISSN: 2395-2814, EISSN-2395-2822 Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.21276/AIMDR.2017.3.2.RD10
2. A study on the significance of abdominal lymphatic malformation Dr. Kshitish Kumar Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Vol. 3, Issue-2, February 2017, Page-110-114 ISSN: 2454-9142 Indexed in Index Copernicus
3. A study on the significance of neonatal and infantile spinal sonography Dr. Kshitish Kumar Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Vol. 3, Issue-2, February 2017, Page-110-114 ISSN: 2454-9142 Indexed in Index Copernicus
1. Assessment of suspicious ovarian masses by using USG & CT Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Vol. 4, Issue-1, January 2018, Page-115-117 ISSN: 2454-9142 Indexed in Index Copernicus
2. Assessment of umbilical coiling index as a marker of perinatal outcome Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Vol. 4, Issue-4, April 2018, Page-69-71 ISSN: 2454-9142 Indexed in Index Copernicus
3. A Correlational study of computer tomographic evaluation and histopathological diagnosis of patients with chest masses: A hospital based observational study Dr. Shambhavi Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 09 September 2018, Page-185-191, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: in Index Copernicus
4. MRI Findings of Sports Related Knee Injury: A Hospital Based Observational Study Dr. Shikha Rani Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 10 October 2018, Page-897-901, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: in Index Copernicus
5. A Cross sectional Study on role of MRI and its Clinico-Radiological correlation of Patients with White Matter Disease Dr. Saif Rahman Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 10 October 2018, Page-482-487, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: in Index Copernicus
1. Evaluation of Gestational age by Sonological Measurement of Placental Thicknss Dr. Himanshu Kumar Jaiswal Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 1 January 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450
2. USG evaluation of Spectrum of breast lesion in Kosi Region of India and their correlation with histopathology Dr Anuggya Mimansa Published in International Journal of Radiology August 2019
3. Evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma with mutli detector CT: special emphasis to bowel and mesenteric injury Dr. Shashank Saurav Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 8 August 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus
4. Study Of Congenital Fetal Anomalies With The Help Of Sonographic Evaluation Dr. Ajit Kumar, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak correspondence author Published on International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Volume 3, Issue 10; October: 2019; Page No. 263-268, ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X, DOI: Index copernicus
5. Clinical evaluation of diffusion weighted imaging of breast masses in femalepatients from bihar region Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak , Dr. Ajit Kumar, correspondence author Published on International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Volume 3, Issue 11; November 2019; Page No. 10-16, ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X, DOI: DOI: ijmbs.v3i11.690 Index copernicus
1. Ultrasonographic evaluation of fatty liver disease and cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetic patients Dr. Archana Verma Published in International Journal of Health & Clinical Research, 2020,3(12S): 149-153
2. The relationship between quantitative computed tomography parameters and spriometry measurements of disease severity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Dr. Archana Verma Published in International Journal of Health & Clinical Research, 2020,3(11): 271-275
3. Role of Multidetector CT in the Evaluation of Neck Lesions Dr. Zafar Ali, Dr. Raunak Sinha Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-7, Issue-36, September 07, 2020, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570
4. Assessment Of Suspicious Ovarian Masses By Comparative Study Of Usg And Ct Techniques Dr. Hari Kishore Rai1 , Dr. Swami Vivekanand2 Published in International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Volume 4, Issue 7; July: 2020; Page No. 141-145, ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X |DOI:
1. High Frequency USG and Colour Doppler USG in Scrotal Swelling Dr. Kunal Singh, Dr. Manish Jaiswal Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-10, Issue 3, March 22, Page-150, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: index in Index Copernicus
2. A Study to Ascertain the Current Status of Interventional Radiology in Medical Students by Assessing the Knowledge, Exposure, and Interest of Interventional Radiology among Students from Medical Colleges: A Pan India Survey Dr. Archana Verma, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Corresponding author Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol 14, Issue-4, Page 685-691, eISSN: 0975-1556, p-ISSN: 2820-2643
3. A Retrospective Study to Establish How Useful Mammography and Sonography Was in Confirming the Diagnosis Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Dr. Archana Verma, Corresponding author Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol 14, Issue-5, Page 629-634, eISSN: 0975-1556, p-ISSN: 2820-2643

Sl. no. Title of research/publication Name & designation Details of journal
1. Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in a young patient with atypical skin manifestations Dr. Ritesh Kamal Case Report Published in International Journal of Scientific Study, Nov-2014, Vol-2, Issue-8, P 201-203
2. Suddent Onset of Laculated Hemothorax: An uncommon complication of anticoagulant therapy in stroke Dr. Ritesh Kamal Case Report Published in International Journal of Scientific Study, Nov-2014, Vol-2, Issue-9, P 103-105
3. Study of Diabetic Patients Link in Tuberculosis Dr. Ritesh Kamal Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2014 (Annexure), Vo. 108, No. 12, Page -754(A)-755(A), Indexed in Index Medicus
4. Study of Bronchoalveolar Lavage in clinically and radiologically suspected cases of pulmonary tuberculosis Dr. Ritesh Kamal Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2014 (Annexure), Vo. 108, No. 12, Page -749(A)-750(A), Indexed in Index Medicus
5. Study of Clinical Profile of Tuberculosis in HIV Infected patients with special reference to CD4 counts Dr. Ritesh Kamal Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2014 (Annexure), Vo. 108, No. 12, Page -751(A)-753(A), Indexed in Index Medicus
6. Use of Positive Expiratory Pressure during Six Minute Walk Test: Results in Patients with moderate to Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Dr. Ritesh Kamal Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2014 (Annexure), Vo. 108, No. 12, Page -756(A)-758(A), Indexed in Index Medicus
1. Ischemic Heart Disease among subjects with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – ecg findings in a population based cohort study Dr. Prakash Sinha Published in Indian Medical Journal, November 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 11, Page -43(A)-45(A), Indexed in Index Medicus
2. Corticosteroids in Treatment of Aspiration-Related Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Result of A Restrospective Cohort Study Dr. Prakash Sinha Published in Indian Medical Journal, November 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 11, Page -37(A)-39(A), Indexed in Index Medicus
3. Mortality and Drug Therapy in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Network Meta-Analysis Dr. Prakash Sinha Published in Indian Medical Journal, November 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 11, Page -102(A)-104(A), Indexed in Index Medicus
4. The use of Corticosteroids in Patients with COPD or Asthma Does Not Decrease Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Dr. Prakash Sinha Published in Indian Medical Journal, November 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 11, Page -123(A)-124(A), Indexed in Index Medicus
1. A cross-sectional study to find out the co-morbidities of asthma in adult patients in a tertiary care hospital at Eastern India. Dr. Ritesh Kamal as second author Published in International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 2020;3(12):1-4
1. Prospective, Open Labelled, Randomised, Parallel Group Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And Safety Of Metformin Add- On Therapy To Standard ATT In Newly Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Kamal et al. Published in International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 2021; 12(1);01-09, ISSN: 0975-5160
1. Role of Cb-Naat In Diagnosing Mycobacterial Tuberculosis And Rifampicin Resistance In Tubercular Peripheral Lymphadenopathy Dr. Ritesh Kamal as 1st Author Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 02 | February - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
2. Prospective, Open Labelled, Randomised, Parallel Group Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And Safety Of Metformin Add- On Therapy To Standard ATT In Newly Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Dr. Ritesh Kamal as 1st Author Published in International Journal of Toxicological and Pharamcological Research, 12(1); 01-09, ISSN: 0975-5160, 20.12.2021
3. To Study the Diagnostic Value of Flexible Thoracoscopy in Undiagnosed Cases of Exudative Pleural Effusion in a Tertiary Care Center Dr. Ritesh Kamal as 1st Author Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Volume-14, Issue-8, P 1-7