Our contribution to the pool of knowledge
Katihar Medical College was inducted into Al-Karim University in 2018. Therefore all research before 2018 mentioned herein relate to the period when Katihar Medical College was not a part of Al-Karim University
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | Morphological Study of the Menisci of the Knee Joint in Adult Cadavers of North Indian Population | Dr. M. Yousuf Sarwar, Dr. Nilesh Kumar, Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, | Published in International Journal of Life-Sciences Scientific Research, Volume-2, Issue-5, P-619-622, ISSN: 2455-1716, September-2016 |
2018 | |||
1. | Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnant Women in Katihar District, Bihar | Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, Dr. M. Yousuf Sarwar (CA), Dr. Aninda Sen | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Jan 15, 2018, Pg 372-375, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/82 |
2. | Variation in shape, weight and number of cotyledons of placentae in Kosi Region of Bihar, North East India | Dr. M. Yousuf Sarwar, Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, (CA), Dr. S. K. Sinha | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 27, Jul 02, 2018, Pg 6808-6811, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/00002 |
3. | Assessment of Foramen Ovale from Zygomatic Bone and Zygomatic Arch: A Morphometric Study on dry Skull | Kumar V, Patel JL, Sinha SK. | Scholars International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology.2019 July;2(7)255-257 |
2022 | |||
1. | Arcuate Foramen: An Anatomical Variation in the Atlas Vertebrae | Buddhadeb Ghosh *1 , Akhtaruzzaman 2 , Md Naushad Alam Dilkash 3 | Published in International Journal of Anatomy and Research, Vol 10(2):8342-45. ISSN 2321-4287, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2022.113 |
2. | Anatomical variation of median nerve: cadaveric study in brachial plexus | Buddhadeb Ghosh1 , Md Naushad Alam Dilkash 2 | Published in Anat Cell Biol 2022; 55:130-134 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2010 | |||
1. | A randomized comparative study between Bupivacaine and Midazolam combination with Bupivacaine alone in spinal blockage to evaluate post-operative analgesia | Dr. Sohail Ahmad | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, February 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
2016 | |||
1. | Comparison of Oral Iron, iron Sucrose and Ferric Carboxymaltose (FCM) to treat post partum Anaemia | Dr. Sipra Singh, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Shanti Singh | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-20, March 10, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-832-835 |
2017 | |||
1. | Levobupivacaine Versus racemic bupivacaine: a comparative study on spinal anaesthesia in lower limb surgeries | Dr. Md. Arshad Imam, Dr. Sabin Hasnat | Published in International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, October-2017, Vol-5, issue-10, Page 4360-4362, pISSN-2320-6071, eISSN-2320-6012 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20174558, Indexed in index Copernicus |
2018 | |||
1. | A Comparative evaluation of effects of Clonidine and Dexmedetomidine when used as an adjuvant to epidural Bupivacaine in lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries | Dr. Balmukund Jha 2nd Author | Published in International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR), Volume – 3, Issue –1, February 2018, Page No. : 31 – 39, ISSN- O: 2458 – 868X, ISSN –P: 2458 – 8687, Indexed in index Copernicus |
2. | Single versus double layer closure of low transverse uterine incision at caesarean section | Dr. Amrita, Dr. Bal Mukund Jha | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 32-34 |
3. | Comparision of Fentanyl Versus Meperidine as supplements to epidural clor.idline Bupivacaine in patients with lower limb orthopaedic surgery under combined spnal epidural anaesthesia | Dr. Balmukund Jha, Dr. Amrita | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 13-16 |
4. | Observation on analgesic efficacy and adverse effects of intrathecal administration of bupivacaine versus bupivacaine-midazolam combination in lower limb surgeries in a tertiary care hospital | Md. Mohsin | Published in International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, Mar. 2016, Vol-4, Issue-3, Page 881-886, pISSN 2320-6012 |
5. | Observation on Analgesic Efficacy of Intrathecal Clonidine as an Adjuvant to Hyperbaric Bupivacaine in Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Surgeries | Md. Mohsin | Published in International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research, Volume 3 | Issue 6 | June 2016 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379, P-1640-1643 |
6. | To Compare the Circulatory Responses of Propofol and Thiopentone to Laryngoscopy and Intubation | Dr. Balmukund Jha, Dr. Amrita | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 38-40 |
7. | Clinicocytological Study in Copper-T Users | Dr. Amrita, Dr. Bal Mukund Jha | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 11-13 |
8. | Post Subarachnoid Block Urinary Retention: Case Study | Dr. Khalid Hyder Kapra | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 04 April 2018, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus |
2019 | |||
1. | An Observational Study to Evaluate in General Anesthesia Effectiveness of Nebulized Ketamine in Different Doses to Decrease the Severity of Postoperative Sore Throat | Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 | Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3853-3855, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN 2347-954X (Print) ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.004 |
2. | An Observational Study to Evaluate Efficacy of Methotrexate Single Dose for Medical Treatment of Etopic Pregnancy | Dr. Ashmita Kiran1 | Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3856-3857, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN 2347-954X (Print) ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.005 |
3. | • An Observational Study done in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital to Evaluate the Effect of Coagulation Profile in in Early and later part of Third Trimester of Pregnancy | Dr. Ashmita Kiran1, Dr Rakesh Ranjan Singh2 | Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3858-3860, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN 2347-954X (Print) ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.006 |
4. | An Observational Prospective Study in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital at Katihar to Evaluate, Compare and determine the incidence of PONV with intra-operative use of Nitrous Oxide and Medical Air or General Anesthesia in patients undergoing Breast Surgery | Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 | Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3861-3863, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN 2347-954X (Print) ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.007 |
5. | An observational study to compare stress and burnout among anesthesia and surgical PG student or residents in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Kathihar, Bihar | Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 12 December 2019, Page-193-196, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ jmscr/v7i12.33 index in Index Copernicus |
6. | An Observational Study to Compare Propofol with Midazolam plus Fentanyl Combination for Sedation in Gastrointestinal Endoscopies at Tertiary care Hospital in Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 12 December 2019, Page-203-207, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ jmscr/v7i12.35 index in Index Copernicus |
7. | Changes in Serum Blood Sugar Levels before and After Induction of General Anaesthesia with Propofol and Thiopentone: An Observational Comparative Study Done In a Teaching Hospital | Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 | Published in International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.6; Issue: 12; December 2019, P-198-201, E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237 |
8. | A Prospective Study of Dexmedetomidine to Attenuate Haemodynamic Responses to Endotracheal Intubation | Dr. Md. Arshad Imam, Dr. Md. Shariq Sayeed | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 10 October 2019, Page-944-946, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i10.162 index in Index Copernicus |
2020 | |||
1. | Incidence of Post dural puncture headache (PDPH) following sub arachnoid block with 25G & 27G Quincke spinal needless lower abdominal surgery | Dr. Chandra Bhushan Kumar Singh, Dr. A. K. Jha | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, February 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, P-40-45 |
2. | A Comparative clinical study of Levobupivacaine (0.5%) & Ropivacaine (0.5%) for Supraclavicular branchial plexus block | Dr. Vikash Kr. Singh, Dr. Rakesh Kr. Singh | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, July 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, P-35-39 |
2022 | |||
1. | A Comparative Study of Intrathecal Bupivacaine & Bupivacaine with Nalbuphine for Lower Limb Major Orthopaedic Surgery | Dr. Niharika Dubey | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-10, Issue-03, March 2022, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, P-40-45 |
2. | A Comparative Study of Esmolol and Nitroglycerine for Controlled Hypotension in Patients Undergoing Tympanoplasty | Dr. Anjani Kumar Sharma, Dr. Prem Anjan, Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Jha | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-10, Issue-04, April 2022, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | Study of Adenosine deaminase activity in Tuberculour Pleural Effusion and Other Respiratory Diseases | Dr Md. Faizur Rahman, Dr. Pallavi Anand, Dr. Manju Lata Arya | Published in Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development; Issn-0976-0245, ISSN- 0976-5506, Volume-7, Number 2, April-June-2016, Page-103-107 |
2. | Role of Magnesium as Hypoglycemic Agent in Type-2 diabetes Mellitus | Dr. Rekha Kumari, Assoc. Prof., Biochemistry | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-07, January 25, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-216-217 |
3. | Lipid Profile in Obese Hypothyroid Women Receiving Thyroxine – A Cross Sectional Study | Dr. Rekha Kumari, Assoc. Prof., Biochemistry | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-16, February 25, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-586-587 |
4. | Hypoglycemic effect of TinosporaCardifolia in Type II diabetes Mellitus | Dr. Rekha Kumari, Assoc. Prof., Biochemistry | Published in International Journal of Scientific Study, Vol-4, Issue-1, April 2016, pISSN – 2321-6379, eISSN- 2321-595X, Page-1 to 3 |
5. | Preliminary Study on the Effect of Aegle Marmelos in Hyperlipidemia | Dr. Rekha Kumari, Assoc. Prof., Biochemistry | Accepted for publication in International Journal of Scientific Study, May 2016, pISSN – 2321-6379, eISSN- 2321-595X |
6. | Correlation between serum hs-CRP and LDL cholesterol as a predictor of cardiovascular diseases | Dr. Md. Ezaz Zafar, Dr. Md. Faizur Rahman | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Volume-5, Issue-32, April 21, 2016, pISSN-2278-4748, eISSN-2278-4802, P-1725-1728 |
7. | Diabetes accelerates age-related lipid profile disturbances in Cardiovascular complications | Dr. Md. Ezaz Zafar, Dr. Md. Faizur Rahman, Dr. K. r. Prasad, M. Nehal | Published in International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Research 2016, Vol.-3, Issue-2 , P-154-158, ISSN No. 2394-6369 (Print) 2394-6377 (Online) |
8. | Study on Dyslipideamia among the patient of North Bihar Suffering from Hypothyroidism | Md. Ezaz Zafar & Dr. Md. Faizur Rahman | Published in International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2016, Volume: 11, Issue:1, June, 11(1),61-64, Page-61, P-ISSN: 2321-9327, ISSN: 2321-9335 |
9. | Correlation of Dyslipideamia among Hypothyroidism and Type II Diabetes Mellitus | Md. Ezaz Zafar, Sangita Choudhary, Md. Faizur Rahman, Rajesh Kumar | Accepted for publication in Schorals Journal of Applied Medical Sciences; ISSN 2320-6691 & ISSN 2347-954X Indexed in Index Copernicus |
10. | Role of HbA1c in Determining Glycemic Control in Diabetes Mellitus | Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Vol-3, Issue-81, October 10, 2016 pISSN: 2349-2562, eISSN: 2349-2570 indexed in Index Copernicus |
2017 | |||
1. | Role of FNAC in Diagnosis of Palpable Subcutaneous Nodules | Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Sangita Choudhary, Md. Ezaz Zafar, Ragini Kumari, Preety Singh, Abhijeet Das | Accepted for publication in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) Vol.-5, Issue-1, January 2017: ISSN: 2320-6691 &issn 2347-954X Academic & Scientific Publishers (An International Publisher for Academic & Scientific Resources) Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2018 | |||
1. | Hyper Homocysteinemia and Dislipidemia as Risk Factors of Patients with Ischaemic Stroke: A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study | Dr. Md. Faizur Rahman | Published in International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2018, July, 19(2), 60-64, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN: 2321-9327, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2. | Study of impaired liver function and lipid profile among alcoholic male patients of Katihar, Bihar, India | Dr. ApurbaBasu, Dr. Akriti Kumari, Dr. Ezaz Zafar | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 11 November 2018, P-345-353, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus |
2019 | |||
1. | Study on Lipid Profile of Obese Female Hypothyroid Patients: A Hospital based prospective study | Dr. Md. Faizur | Published in International Journal of Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Vol-15, Number-1, 2019, P-9-16 |
2. | Dyslipidemia in hypothyroidism patients: a hospital based case and control study | Dr. Jyoti Jha | Published in International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Volume 3, Issue 12; December: 2019; Page No. 215-219, ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X, Indexed in Index Medicus |
2020 | |||
1. | Vitamin D deficiency in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: a hospital based observational study. | Dr. Jyoti Jha | Published in International Journal Of Scientific Research, Volume 9, Issue 2; February 2020; Page No. 83-86, PISSN no. 2277 - 8179 |
2. | C-Reactive Protein in Patients with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | Dr Md Shamim Ahmad, Dr. Sangita Choudhary | Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, April – 20 |
3. | Impact of endogenous stress on albumin structure in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients | Dr. Md. Arif Iqubal | Published in International Journal of Biological macromolecules Journal of Biological 2020. |
2021 | |||
1. | Study on the Diagnostic Efficacy of FNAC alongwith assay of thyroid hormones and thyroid peroxidise antibodies in chronic thyroiditis-patients | Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-10 | Issue-3 | May 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 |, Indexed in Index Medicus. |
2. | Role of thyroid stimulating hormone as inducers of oxidative stress in patient of hypothyroidism | Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-10 | Issue-5 | May 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 |, Indexed in Index Medicus. |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | A Cross Sectional Study of Nutrient Intake Amongst rural Adolescent Girls of Katihar | Dr. Shahid Iqbal, Dr. Rashid Ahmad Khan | J Evolution Med Dent. Sci/eISSN 2278-4748/Vol.5/Issue 04/Jan. 14, 2016, 253-255 |
2. | Paediatric Ocular Trauma: A population based study on Ocular Morbidity in Children and Prevention of Monocular Blindness in cased attending a tertiary care teaching hospital | Dr. Atul Mishra, Dr. Jawaid Hasan | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol. (2), Issue 3, 2016, Page 99-101, ISSN (0): 2395-2322; ISSN (P): 2395-2514, Indexed In Index Medicus |
3. | Prevalence and Causes of Corneal Opacity in a Rural Population in Bihar: Need for Promotion of Heath Awareness for Prevention of Corneal Blindness | Dr. Atul Mishra, Dr. Jawaid Hasan | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol. (2), Issue 3, 2016, Page 115-117, ISSN (0): 2395-2322; ISSN (P): 2395-2514, Indexed In Index Medicus |
4. | An Epidemiological Study of Tobacco use Among Males Above 15 Years of Age in an Urban Area of Meerut District | Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Mohammad IntekhabAlam Chand | Published in J. Evolution Med. Dental Science, eISSN 2278-4802, pISSN: 2278-4748, Vol. 5, Issue-79, Oct 03, 2016, P-5911-5914 indexed in Index Copernicus |
5. | Epidemiological Study of Alcohol Abuse – An Urban Perspective | Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Mohammad IntekhabAlam Chand | Published in J. Evid. Based Med. Healthcare, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN: 2349-2570, Vol. 3, Issue-85, Oct 24, 2016, P-2519-2523 indexed in Index Copernicus |
6. | A Study of Prevalence of Anaemia and Sociodemographic Factors Associated with Anaemia among adolescent Girls in Rural Area of Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Mohammad IntekhabAlam Chand, Dr. Mukesh Nandan, Dr. Bijoy Mukherjee | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol-5, Issue-74, September 15, 2016, P-5470-5472, pISSN 2278-4748, eISSN 2278-4802 indexed in Index Copernicus |
7. | Medical Education: The Hot Seat | Dr. Ranabir Pal, Raman Kumar, Shrayan Pal, Vidyasagar, Bijoy Mukherji | Published in Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, January-March 2016, Volume-5, Issue-1, P-20-23 |
8. | Study of Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus Type-2 And Impaired Glucose Tolerance Among Adults in a Rural Area of Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Sazid Hussain, Mohammad IntekhabAlam Chand | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol-5, Issue-54, July 07, 2016, P-3619-3623, pISSN 2278-4748, eISSN 2278-4802 indexed in Index Copernicus |
2017 | |||
1. | A Study of Prevalence of Overweight among drivers and conductors of Purnea, Katihar, Kosi Division, Katihar | Dr. Iqbal Shahid, Dr. Prawin Chandra | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences, Vol.6, Issue-30, April 13, 2017, Page-2451-2454, pISSN: 2278-4748, eISSN: 2278-4802, |
2. | Hypertension and its risk factors – A cross Sectional Study in Rural Area | Dr. Purnendu Kumar Singh, Dr. Aun Kumar Pandey, Soni Rani | Published in Journal of Evolution Based Med. Healthcare., Vol-4, Issue-44, June 01, 2017, Page 2663-2667, pISSN 2349-2570, eISSN 2349-2570 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2018 | |||
1. | Assessment of Health Status of Under-Six-Year Children at UHTC, Sharifganj Area of KMC, Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Purnendu Kumar Singh, Dr. Vishal Prasad | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences., Vol-7, Issue-27, June 02, 2018, Page 3130-3133, pISSN: 2278-4748, eISSN: 2278-4802, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2. | Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination Status and Knowsledge about Hepatitis B Infection among Health Care Workers of Katihar Medical College, Bihar | Dr. Soni Rani, Dr. Purnendu Kumar Singh* as correspondence author | Published in JMSCR Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2018, Page – 788-793, Indexed in Index Copernicus, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/ 10.18.535/JMSCR/v6i11.139 |
3. | An observational study on prevalence and various risk factors of Anemia in Pregnant Women in rural area of District Katihar, Bihar, India | Dr. UrmiPodda, Dr. Mukesh Nandan as corresponding author | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 11 November, 2018, P 261-266, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DoI https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr /v6i11.46 index in Index Copernicus |
4. | Prevalence and risk factors of hypertension among geriatric population in rural area of Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Abdur Rahman Al Adil | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 11 November, 2018, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455- 0450 DoI https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr /v6i11.46 index in Index Copernicus |
5. | A study to find out the full immunization coverage of 12 to 23 month old children in an urban area of Katihar District | Dr. Soni Kumari | Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volue-8, Issue-8, August 2018, P-22-23, ISSN-2249-555X, Index Copernicus |
2019 | |||
1. | Study of Self Medication Practices among undergraduate Medical Students in Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Kumar Himanshu | Publication of International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research, Vol. 6, Issue-8, 2019 |
2. | Assessment of Unmet Need for Family Planning among married women in a rural area of Katihar district | Dr. Soni Rani, Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey | Published in Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research, Vol.-7/Issue-03/March-2019 |
3. | Menstrual Hygiene: A study among rural adolescent girls in Katihar | Dr. Rashid Ahmad Khan, Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey corresponding author | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-8, Issue-7, July-2019, PRINT ISSN No. 2277-8179, Page-1-3 |
4. | Evaluation of ASHA Workers under NHM in Katihar Sadar and Korha Block of Katihar District | Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Soni Rani | Published in International journal of research and review, Vol.-6/Issue-5/May-2019 |
5. | Prevalence and Risk Factors of Depression among the Elderly Population in Urban Field Practice Area of Katihar Medical College, Katihar , Bihar | Dr. Vishal Prasad | Published in International Journal of Research and Review, Vol. 6, Issue-7, July 2019 |
6. | A Study of Nutritional Anaemia among Urban Primary School Children of Katihar | Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Soni Rani | International Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health, Vol.-6/Issue-7/July-2019 |
7. | An Epidemiological Study Of Anaemia And Its Associated Risk Factors Among Adolescent Girls In Rural Area Of Katihar | Dr. Mohammad Intekhab Alam Chand, Dr. Mukesh Nandan, Dr. Akhil Bandhu Biswas | Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare (JEBMH) Vol. 6/Iss-31/Aug. 05, 2019 |
8. | A Study on Menstrual Abnormalities and its impact on Health and Daily Activities of Adolescent Girls in an Urban Area | Dr. Shahid Iqbal, Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Soni Rani | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol.-10/Issue-8(H)/August-2019 |
2020 | |||
1. | Prevalence of At-Risk Under-Fives and Socio-Demographic Factors Affecting Them-A Cross Sectional Observational Study | Dr. Prawin Chandra | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 9, Issue 6, Feb 10, 2020, Pg 339-342, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2020/77 |
2. | Prevalence of Resistance to Ampicillin, Gentamicin, Streptomycin and Vancomycin in Enterococcus Species Isolated from Clinical Specimens | Dr. Priyanka Paul Biswas, Anamika Singh, Mohammad Intekhab Alam Chand | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-7, Issue-35, August 31, 2020, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-1839-1834 |
3. | Study of Prevalence of Hypertension and its associate risk factors among adult tribal population (18 years and above) in a rural community of Katihar District, Katihar | Dr. Urmi Poddar, Dr. Prawin Chandra2 corresponding author | Published in Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research, Vol.-7/Issue-12/Dec-2020, P-284-288, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535 /jmscr/v8i12.49 |
4. | Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding Mosquito Borne Diseases among Residents of Rural Area of Katihar District, Katihar | Dr. Ravi prakash, Dr. Purnendu | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-7, Issue-28, July 13, 2020, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-1353-1357 |
2021 | |||
1. | To Assess Knowledge Attitude and Practices pertaining to Breast-Feeding among Lactating Mothers in Urban Health Training Centre, Katihar Medical College, Katihar | Dr. Rashid Khan, Dr. Shahid Iqbal, Dr. Pravin Chandra | Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, VOLUME - 10, ISSUE - 05, MAY- 2021 • PRINT ISSN NO. 2277 - 8160 • DOI : 10.36106/GJRA |
2. | Bacteriological profile and antibiogram of blood culture isolates from septicaemic neonates and children up to 10 years of age, in a tertiary care centre of eastern Bihar in India. | Biswas PP, Akhter K, Sen A, Umesh, Chand MIA. | J Evid Based Med Healthc2021 April;8(14):882-887. |
2022 | |||
1. | A Cross Sectional Study of Factors Affecting Utilization of Antenatal Services in Rural Field Practice Area of Katihar Medical College, Katihar | Dr. Rashid Khan, Dr. Shahid Iqbal, Dr. Pravin Chandra | Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume-11, Issue-02, Feb. 2022, P-43-46 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | Clinicodemographic study of lepra reaction in patients attending Dermatology department of a tertiary care hospital in eastern India | Dr. Piyush Kumar | Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, 2015;25 (4): 252-258 |
2. | Clinicopathological consistency in diagnosis of skin disorders: a retrospective study of 371 histopathology reports | Dr. Piyush Kumar | Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, Vol. 26, Number-2, 2016, Page-96-98 pISSN: 1560-9014, eISSN 2413-7650 |
3. | Metabolic changes in Psoriatic skin under topical corticosteroid treatment | Dr. Pritam Pankaj | Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal dated 29.04.2016 |
4. | Topical treatment with fresh human milk versus emollient on atopic eczema spots in young children. | Dr. Pritam Pankaj | Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal dated 29.04.2016 |
5. | Trends In Lipid Profiles In Patients With Psoriasis | Praveen Kumar Bhopalka*, Pritam Pankaj | Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2041 xxii)/2016 dated 15-05-2016 |
6. | Eczema In Early Childhood Is Strongly Associated With The Development Of Asthma And Rhinitis In A Prospective Cohort | Praveen Kumar Bhopalka*, Pritam Pankaj** | Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2041 xxiii)/2016 dated 15-05-2016 |
7. | Comparison Of Therapeutic Efficacy Of Topical Corticosteroid And Oral Zinc Sulfate-Topical Corticosteroid Combination In The Treatment Of Vitiligo Patients | Praveen Kumar Bhopalka*, Pritam Pankaj** | Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2041 xxiv)/2016 dated 15-05-2016 |
8. | Association Of Toll-Interacting Protein Gene Polymorphisms With Atopic Dermatitis | Praveen Kumar Bhopalka*, Pritam Pankaj** | Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2041 xxv)/2016 dated 15-05-2016 |
9. | Comparative evaluation of hydroquinone,tretinoin and mometasone versus glycolic acid versus trichloroacetic acid peelin melasma | Dr. Seeba Hussain | Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, Vol. 26, Number-1, January-March, 2016, pISSN: 1560-9014, eISSN 2413-7650 |
10. | The treatment of melasma by silymarin cream | Dr. Seeba Hussain | Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), June 2016, Volume-110, Number-6 (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt. 14.12.2012 Indexed in Index Medicus |
11. | Prevalence, incidence and predictive factors for hand eczema in young adults – A follow up study. | Dr. Seeba Hussain | Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), June 2016, Volume-110, Number-6 (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt. 14.12.2012 Indexed in Index Medicus |
12. | Sexual behavior in male patients with genital ulcers attending dermatology outpatient department and sexually transmitted infections clinic | Dr. Piyush Kumar | Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, Vol. 26, Number-3, 2016, Page-193-200 pISSN: 1560-9014, eISSN 2413-7650 |
2017 | |||
1. | Comparison of Repigmentation of Stable Vitiligo via Punch Grafting, Thin-thiersch’s grafting and Suction Blister Grafting | Md. Raihan1, Seeba Hussain2*, Abhijeet Kumar Jha3, Vikas Anand4 | Published in International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research, July-Sep 2017, Vol-3, Issue-3, Page-85-89, eissn: 2454-9894, pissn: 2454-9886, DOI: 0.21276/iabcr.2017.3.3.23, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2. | A clinic-demographic profile of 110 male patients with genital ulcer(s) | Dr. Piyush Kumar | Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, Vol. 27, Number-2, 2017, Page-135-144 pISSN: 1560-9014, eISSN 2413-7650 |
2018 | |||
1. | Acne Vulgaris and its Effect on Quality ofLife: A Cross – Sectional Study | Shafia.N. Kakru1, Seeba Hussain2*, Mirza Aumir Beg3 , MdRaihan4, Basit K akroo | Published in International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research, Jan-Mar 2018, Vol-4, Issue-1, Page-160-164, eissn: 2454-9894, pissn: 2454-9886, DOI: 10.21276/iabcr.2017.3.3.23, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2. | Radomized placebo control study of insulin sensitizers (Metformin and Pioglitazone) in psoriasis patients with metabolic syndrome. | Dr. Seeba Hussain, Associate Professor | Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2348 ix) dated 20-05-2018 |
3. | Comparison of therapeutic efficacy of topical corticosteroid and oral zinc sulphate-topical corticosteroid combination in the treatment of vitiligo patients. | Dr. Seeba Hussain, Associate Professor | Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ ICMR/ JR/233 dt 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India) vide letter no. 2348 x) dated 20-05-2018 |
2019 | |||
1. | Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis: A rare Entity | Dr. Mamta Yadav Dr Priya Rajbansh | Published in Indian Dermatology Online Journal, Vol. XX, Issue XX, Month 2019 |
2. | Effects of Poisonous substances on human skin | Dr. Seeba Hussain, Dr. Saibal Gupta | Accepted in Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 31, October 2019 ISSN 0972-5687, Vol.19 No. 2 July-December 2019 |
3. | Cutaneous manifestations following sexual Assaults in Victims | Dr. Seeba Hussain, Dr. Saibal Gupta | Accepted in Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 31, October 2019 ISSN 0972-5687, Vol.20 No. 1 Jan-June 2020 |
2022 | |||
1. | Dermatomycosis At a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Clinicomycological Study | Dr. Seeba Hussain | Published in International Journal of Health & Clinical Research, 2022,5(2): 891-892 |
2. | Comparison of Labor Progress and Delivery Outcome Among Spontaneously Induced Patients | Dr. Seeba Hussain | Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022;14(8);288-292 |
3. | Investigating Thyroid Dysfunction in cases of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Among Gestational Patients | Dr. Seeba Hussain | Published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM), Vol. -9, Issue-4, 2022, P-2964-2971 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy | Clinicodemographic study of lepra reaction in patients attending Dermatology department of a tertiar | Published in Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, 2015;25 (4): 252-258 |
2019 | |||
1. | Prevalence of Malocclusion in Rural and Backward Area (Seemanchal) in Bihar-India | Dr. Abhishek | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-5, Issue-4, Page-34-39, May 2019, pISSN: 2395-2814, eISSN: 2395-2822, DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2019.5.4.DE9 Indexed in Index Medicus |
2. | Myth or Reality – Superstition in Orthodontic Treatment in Rural Area of Katihar – Bihar | Dr. Abhishek | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-5, Issue-6, Page-20-21, Sep 2019, pISSN: 2395-2814, eISSN: 2395-2822, DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2019.5.6.DE5 Indexed in Index Medicus |
3. | HIV A Deadly Virus : Clinical Knowledge | Dr. Abhishek | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 07, Issue 05 May 2019, P-858-862, Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.139 |
4. | Cystic Lesion of Mandible: A Case Report | Dr. Abhishek corresponding author | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 07, Issue 07 July 2019, P-343-345, Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i7.63 |
5. | Squemous Cell Carcinoma- Uncontrolled Growth of Abnormal Cells | Dr. Abhishek | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 07, Issue 07 July 2019, P-59-60, Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i7.12 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2019 | |||
1. | Estimation of Stature by Foot Length in Adult Males in a Tertiary Centre in Bihar | Gupta RB, Guria J, Chand MIA, Alam F., | IIJFMT, 2021 Nov. Vol 19 (1&2):7-10 |
2. | Effects of Poisonous substances on human skin | Dr. Seeba Hussain, Dr. Saibal Gupta | Accepted in Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 31, October 2019 ISSN 0972-5687, Vol.19 No. 2 July-December 2019 |
3. | Cutaneous manifestations following sexual Assaults in Victims | Dr. Seeba Hussain, Dr. Saibal Gupta | Accepted in Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 31, October 2019 ISSN 0972-5687, Vol.20 No. 1 Jan-June 2020 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2015 | |||
1. | Prevalence and pattern of Hypothyroidism in patients attending the Outpatient department of a tertiary care teaching hospital. | Dr. Md. FaiyazAlam as second author | Published in International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research, July-Sept 2015 | Vol 1 | Issue 1, P-10-12 |
2016 | |||
1. | A Clinical Study of Hepatorenal and Haematological Profile in Falciparum Malaria in K.M.C.H., Katihar, Bihar | Dr. (Major) Durga Shankar, Dr. Vishal Parmar | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March-2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-7(A)-8(A) |
2. | Comparative Study on the Incidence of Proteinuria in Cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis before and After Anti-Tubercular Therapy | Dr. (Major) Durga Shankar, Dr. Vishal Parmar | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March-2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-23(A)-24(A) |
3. | Evaluation of Renal Function in Hepatic Failure | Dr. (Major) Durga Shankar, Dr. Vishal Parmar | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March-2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-33(A)-34(A) |
4. | Observation of Renal Functions in HIV Positive and its relationship with CD4 Count | Dr. (Major) Durga Shankar, Dr. Vishal Parmar | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March-2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-42(A)-43(A) |
5. | Study of Etiological and Clinical profile of Pericardial Effusion in a tertiary Care Hospital in Kosi Region of Bihar | Dr. Jamal Uddin, Mrityunjay Pratap Singh, MehreDarakhshan Mehdi | Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, Volume 3, Issue-3, August 2016, pISSN: 2349-3925, eISSN: 2349-3933 indexed in index copernicus |
6. | Clinical and Etiological Profile of Acute Kidney injury in Cases Attending a Tertiary Care Center in Kosi Region of Bihar | Dr. Mrityunjay Pratap Singh , Dr. Jamal Uddin, MehreDarakhshan Mehdi | Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine on May 26, 2016, in Volume 3, Issue-3, August 2016, pISSN: 2349-3925, eISSN: 2349-3933 |
7. | An Observational Study of Lipid Profile and Prevalence of Micro Vascular Complication on Type 2 diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Hospital Based Study | Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Izhar Alam | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-52, June 30, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-2655-2659, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
8. | Comparison of the Efficacy of Salmeterol and Formoterol in the Treatment of Patients with Severe Bronchial Asthma | Dr. Atul Kumar | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-51, June 27, 2016,P-2628-2630, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, Index Copernicus |
9. | Comparison of Safety and Efficacy of Rosuvastatin | Dr. Atul Kumar | Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Applied Research, for 1st July 2016, issue, Index Copernicus |
10. | A Clinical Outcome of Dexamethasone Therapy of Patients with Pyogenic meningitis | Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Md. Izhar Alam, Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza, Dr. Shruti Sonal | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Reearch, Volume-4, Issue 07 July, Page-11384-11391, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus |
11. | A study on clinical profile of patients of hepatic Abscess | Dr. Md. Aftab Alam, Associate Professor | Published in Indian Medical Journal, April-2016, Vol. 110, No. 4, P-117(A)-119(A) |
12. | Comparative study between the efficacy of conservative treatment and enoxaparin in management of Unstable Angina | Dr. Md. Aftab Alam, Associate Professor | Published in Indian Medical Journal, April-2016, Vol. 110, No. 4, P-125(A)-128(A) |
13. | Incidence of tuberculosis among patient of Bronchial Asthma receiving treatment with Metered Dose corticosteroid by Inhalation | Dr. Md. Aftab Alam, Associate Professor | Published in Indian Medical Journal, April-2016, Vol. 110, No. 4, P-143(A)-145(A) |
14. | Study of Glycosylated Hb in cases of Diabetes Mellitus with Microangiopathy | Dr. Md. Aftab Alam, Associate Professor | Published in Indian Medical Journal, April-2016, Vol. 110, No. 4, P-158(A)-160(A) |
15. | Comparison of Safety and Eficacy of Rosuvastatin (10 Mg) and Atorvastatin (30 Mg) in cases of Dyslipidemia over twelve weeks of treatment | Dr. Atul Kumar | Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volue-6, Issue-7, July 2016, P-4-7, ISSN-2249-555X, Index Copernicus |
16. | A Study on the Clinical Profile and Hepatitis B and C Viral Markers in Acute and Chronic Liver Disease | Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza, Dr. P. K. Agrawal, Dr. Aninda Sen | Published in International Journal of current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2016, August, 11(3), 188-193, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN: 2321-9327 |
17. | Study on Type of Stroke with Special Preference to Association of Modifiable Risk Factors in Kosi Zone | Dr. Shruti Sonal,Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agrawal, | Published in International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research, Oct-Dec 2016, Vol 2, Issue 4, Page 40-45, eISSN-2454-9894, PISSN-2454-9886 |
18. | Study of Anaemia in Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Relation to Glycemic Control | Dr. Karan Bhargav, Dr. Krishna Baruah, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Dr. FaiyazAlam, Dr. Shruti Sonal, D | Published in International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research, Oct-Dec 2016, Vol 2, Issue 4, Page 29-33, eISSN-2454-9894, PISSN-2454-9886 |
19. | An Observation of Risk Factors Associate with Patients with Ischemic Stroke | Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza, Dr. P. K. Agrawal, Dr. Shruti Sonal | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol. (2), Issue 6, September 2016, Page 8-12, ISSN (0): 2395-2822; ISSN (P): 2395-2814, Indexed In Index Medicus |
20. | Relationship of Microalbuminuria with Acute Myocardial Infarction in Nondiabetic Normotensive Patients | Dr. Soubhagya Mishra, Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Anand Dev | Published in Journal of Evidence based Medicine & Health care. pISSN-2349-2562, eISSN-2349-2570, Vol.3, Issue 76, Sept.22,2016, page 4104-4108 |
2017 | |||
1. | Prevalence of Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus with Microalbuminuria | Dr. Sonu Chauhan, Dr. Mrinmay Ghosh, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agarwal, Dr. Mrityunjay Pratap Singh | Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, January-February 2017 , Vol 4, Issue 1, Page 40-46, pISSN-2349-3925, eISSN-2349-3933 |
2. | Observation on relationship of hepatic and renal dysfunction with haemorrheological parameters in plasmodium falciparum malaria in Kosi region, Bihar, India | Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agrawal | Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, January- February 2017, Vol 4, Issue-1, P-15-22, pISSN 2349-3925, eISSN 2349-3933 |
3. | Study of cardiac arrhythmias in acute myocardial infarction within 48 hours | Dr. Vikash Kumar, Dr. Mrityunjay Pratap Singh, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr.Sonu Cha | Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, January-February 2017, Vol 4, Issue-1, , P-103-107, pISSN 2349-3925, eISSN 2349-3933 |
4. | A correlation study for detection of Left Atrial Enlargement of patients with cardiac and non cardiac disease: A hospital based study | Dr. Taskeen Ahmed Reza, Assistant Professor | Published in Journal of Medical Science And Clinical Research, Vol-5, Issue-07, Page-24844-24850, July 2017, pISSN2455-0450, eISSN 2347-176x DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i7.91 |
5. | An Observational study on the Cardiovascular Abnormalities of Patients with Chronic Renal Failure | Dr. Taskeen Ahmed Reza, Assistant Professor | Published in International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences, July 2017, 15(2), 67-71, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN-2321-9327 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
6. | Clinical profile of acute rheumatic fever patients attending a tertiary care hospital in eastern Bihar, India | Dr. Shanker Suman, Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Dr. Divya Jyoti, Dr. Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Dr. Vishal Pramar | Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, September-October 2017, Vol-4, Issue-5, Page 1-4 |
2018 | |||
1. | Level of C-ReactiveProtein in Prognosis of Unstable Angina and Non St Elevation Myocardial Infarction | Dr. Md. Tabrez Alam | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-11, November 2018, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2. | Glycosylated Hemoglobin and left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients | Dr. Raghib Hasan | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-11, Page 25-31, November -2018, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicushttp://dx.doi.org /10.18535/jmscr/v6i11.05 |
3. | Cardiovascular Abnormalities in CKD Patients | Dr. FaroghHaidry | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-11, November -2018, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
4. | Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Primary Hypothyroid Patients before and After L-Thyroxine Therapy | Dr. PK Agrawal, Dr. MP Singh, Dr. FaiyazAlam, Dr. Usman Rasool | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-11, November -2018, P 420-427 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2019 | |||
1. | An observational study to evaluate correlation between different biochemical and anthropometric indicators to assess predictability of diabetes. | Dr. Anand Shankar | Accepted for Publication in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) Vol. 7, Issue-9, September 2019, ISSN: 2320-6691(Online), ISSN: 2347-954X (Print) |
2. | “Type 2diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and Metabolicsyndrome (MetS): Anobservational trial to evaluate theprevalence as per IDF criteria in Bihar” | Dr. Anand Shankar | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-7, Issue-9, Page-332-336, Sept-2019, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI:https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i9.58 |
3. | Osteocalcin, a promising marker of osteoporosis: evaluation in postmenopausal females with osteoporosis | Dr. FaiyazAlam | Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, November-December 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 6, Page 1-4, pISSN 2349-3925 | eISSN 2349-3933, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2349-3933.ijam20194639 |
4. | Vitamin D Status in Post-Menopausal Female Including Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis and Prevalence of Hypovitaminosis-D | Dr. FaiyazAlam | Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, April 2019, P-1562-1565, Volume-7, Issue-4, ISSN 2347-954X (Print) | ISSN 2320-6691 (Online), DOI: 10.21276/sjams.2019.7.4.39 |
2020 | |||
1. | Study of Serum Mean Platelet Volume in Ischemic Stroke Patients: A Case — Control Study. | Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza | Published in International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences, 2020, May, 26(3), 21-25. E-ISSN: 2321-9335,P-ISSN:2321-9327 |
2. | Vitamin D3 Deficiency in Hypothyroidism Patients: A Hospital Based Prospective Study | Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza | Published in International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences, 2020, March, 26(1), 06—10. P-ISSN:2321-9327 |
3. | Role of Altered Lipid Profile and Other Associate Risk Factors In Ischemic Stroke in Kosi Region, Bihar, India | Dr. Rakesh Raushan, Dr. Atul Kumar | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-9, Issue-8, August 2020, P 1-4, pISSN: 2277-8179, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
4. | Hypertension Induced Left Ventricular Hypertrophy with correlation between ECG and Echocardiography | Dr. Shaikh Mohammed Ashique | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-9, Issue-10, October 2020, pISSN: 2277-8179, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
5. | A comparative study of metabolic syndrome among diabetic and nondiabetic patients. | Dr. Ahmad Faraz, Dr. M. P. Singh | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-9, Issue-11, November 2020, pISSN: 2277-8179, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
6. | Comparative evaluation of complications and mortality in ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) in diabetic and nondiabetic patients | Dr. Shakeel Akhter | Published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 08, Issue 04, 2021, P-1183-87, Indexed in DOAJ. |
7. | Gestational diabetes mellitus (gdm), management of mother and new born | Dr.Nishant Upadhyay, Dr. M. P. Singh Corresponding Author | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research Volume - 9 | Issue - 6 | June - 2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr |
2021 | |||
1. | Incidence of Use of Contraindicated Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs in New Patients of diabetic Nephropathy Visiting OPD of Tertiary Care Hospital | Dr. Vikrant Kumar | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-9, Issue-10, Page-132-135, October 2021, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 |
2. | Syndromic Approach to Diagnosis of Viral Thrombocytopenic Fever | Dr. Keshav Kumar, Dr. P. K. Agrawal | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-9, Issue-10, Page-97-100, October 2021, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 |
2022 | |||
1. | Efficacy and Safety of Empagliflozin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus in Adequately Controlled on triple drug therapy | Dr. Sachin | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-10, Issue-3, March 2022, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 |
2. | “A study of Electrocardiographic and Echocardiographic changes in patients with chronic kidney disease” | Dr Prashant Pathak, Dr MP Singh (Professor), Dr PK Agrawal (Prof .HOD), Dr Sachin | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-10, Issue-3, March 2022, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 |
3. | In Type 2 Diabetes, A Study Examined The Correlation Between Serum Ferritin and Hba1c | Dr. Sajjad Ahsan, | Published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Volume 9, Issue 4, Summer 2022, ISSN 2515-8260, P-1397-1401, Indexed in DOAJ & Embase |
4. | Study of Copy Number Variants as A Prognostic Marker In Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia | Dr. Sachin Bharti | Published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 21, Issue 5 Ser.4 (May. 2022), PP 07-1 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | GERD Symptoms Associated with Open Versus Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Comparative Study | Dr. Shamim Ali, Dr. Deepak Pankaj, Dr. Amjad Zia Mallik, Dr. Manish Anand | Published in Indian Medical Journal; January 2016 (Annexure), Vol. 110, No.1, Page 121(A)-122(A) |
2. | Experience with surgical management of intestinal tuberculosis at a rural teaching hospital | Dr. Momammed Shamim Ali, Dr. Prince Pankaj, Dr. Deepak Pankaj, Dr. Sweta Muni | Published in International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, February 2016,b Vol. 4, Issue-2, Page-633-638, pISSN: 2320-6071, eISSN-2320-6012 |
3. | A clinic-pathological study of malignant breast lump in a tertiary care hospital in Kosi region of Bihar, India | Dr. Shambhu Kumar Singh, Deepak Pankaj, Rajesh Kumar, Reyaz Mustafa | Published in International Surgery Journal, January-March 2016, Vol-3, Isue-1, Page-1-5, pISSN: 2349-3305, eISSN 2349-2902 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
4. | Etiology, Clinical Features, and Complications of Urethral Stricture | Md. Shadab, Manish Anand, Deepak Pankaj, Mohammad Arif Ansari, Abhijeet Sinha | Published in IJSS Journal of Surgery, September-October-2016, Volue-2, Issue 5, Page 12-16, pISSN: 2321-6379, eISSN: 2395-1893 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
5. | A study of types of urethral stricture and their management | Md. Shadab, , Deepak Pankaj, Sweta Muni, Manish Anand, Md Shamim Ali | Published in International Surgery Journal, October-December 2016, Vol-3, Isue-4, Page-1-5, pISSN: 2349-3305, eISSN 2349-2902 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2017 | |||
1. | Epidemiological Study of Urolithiasis with Special Reference to Its Chemical Nature | Dr Khwaja Nasim Ahmad, Dr. Md. Abdur Rahman | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-5 Issue 10 October 2017, P-29446-29448, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus |
2018 | |||
1. | Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori in Peptic Ulcer Perforation | Dr. BrishBhan Gupta, Dr. (Prof.) M. Arif Ansari | Published in Indian Medical Journal, Dec-2018, Vol.-112, No. 12, P-71(A)-47(A) |
2. | A Comparison between Mass Closure and Layered Closure of Midline Abdominalc | Dr. BrishBhan Gupta, Dr. (Prof.) M. Arif Ansari | Published in Indian Medical Journal, Dec-2018, Vol.-112, No. 12, P-44(A)-74(A) |
3. | Clinical Profile of Sigmoid Colon Volvulus and Evaluation of primary Colectomy and Anastomosis | Dr. BrishBhan Gupta, Dr. (Prof.) M. Arif Ansari | Published in Indian Medical Journal, Dec-2018, Vol.-112, No. 12, P-56(A)-58(A) |
4. | A Prospective Study showing incidence of Inguinal Hernia with Undescended Testes in KMC, Katihar | Dr. Md. AbdurRAhman | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 10 October 2018, P-1402-1404, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus |
2019 | |||
1. | Evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma with mutli detector CT: special emphasis to bowel and mesenteric injury | Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 8 August 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus |
2. | Pneumatosis Intestinalis: A Rare entity for Acuty Abdomen in KMC | Dr. Shakeb Ahmad, Dr. Ashtosh Patel, Dr. Arif Hussain | Published in JMSCR, Vol-7, Issue-01, Jan 2019, Page – 800-802 |
3. | A study on clinical Radiological operative profile on acute appendicitis | Dr. BrishBhan Gupta, Dr. (Prof.) M. Arif Ansari | Published in Indian Journal of Research, April-2019, Vol.-8, Issue-4, P 15-16, pISSN: 2250-1991, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
4. | A study on clinical profile of post-cholycystectomy syndrome after laparoscopic cholecystectomy | Dr. BrishBhan Gupta, Dr. (Prof.) M. Arif Ansari | Published in Indian Journal of Research, April-2019, Vol.-8, Issue-4, P 12-14, pISSN: 2250-1991, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
5. | Neglected Cases of Breast Abscess | Dr. Khwaja Nasim Ahmad 2nd Author | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 03 March 2019, P-597-599, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus |
6. | A Study of Percutaneous Antegrade Transvesical Fulguration of Posterior Urethral Valves in Neonates and Infants | Dr. Khwaja Nasim Ahmad 1st Author | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 01 January 2019, P-800-802, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus |
7. | A clinicopathological Study of Gall Bladder Disorders | Dr. Khwaja Nasim Ahmad 2nd Author | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 03 March 2019, P-222-226, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus |
8. | Incidence of Wound Infection post subcuticular suturing versus simple suturing a comparative study in KMC, Katihar | Dr. Shakeb Ahmad | Published in JMSCR, Vol-7, Issue-07, July 2019, Page – 408-410, ISSN (e)-2347-176x, ISSN (p) 2455-0450 |
9. | Primary Hydatic Cyst of Spleen: A rare case presentation | Dr. Saumya Sinha | Published in JMSCR, Vol-7, Issue-11, Nov 2019, Page – 408-410, ISSN (e)-2347-176x, ISSN (p) 2455-0450 |
10. | Eadible Foreign Body Causing Intestinal Perforation – KMC, Katihar | Dr. Saumya Sinha | Published in JMSCR, Vol-7, Issue-11, Nov 2019 |
2020 | |||
1. | Incidental Finding of Jejunal Diverticulum in case of Intestinal Obstruction – KMC, Katihar | Dr. Khwaja Nasim Ahmad, Dr. Amjad Zia Mallik, Dr. Abdur Rahman | Published in JMSCR, Vol-8, Issue-01, Jan 2020 |
2. | Outcome of the Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract (LIFT) in the treatment of Anal Fistual: Initial Results | Dr. Saumya Sinha | Published in JMSCR, Vol-8, Issue-07, July 2020 |
2021 | |||
1. | Middle Hepatic Vein Injury during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Bleeding From Gb Bed And Its Management, In Kmch Katihar | Dr. Shambhu Kumar Singh, Dr.Md Abdur Rahman,Dr.Amjadziamallik,Dr Ankita sharma,Dr Sunil kumar | Published in International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research, Volume 3 , Issue 4, July-Aug 2021 , Page No : 133-134 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | Experience with surgical management of intestinal tuberculosis at a rural teaching hospital | Dr. Momammed Shamim Ali, Dr. Prince Pankaj, Dr. Deepak Pankaj, Dr. Sweta Muni | Published in International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, February 2016,b Vol. 4, Issue-2, Page-633-638, pISSN: 2320-6071, eISSN-2320-6012 |
2. | A Study on the Clinical Profile and Hepatitis B and C Viral Markers in Acute and Chronic Liver Disease | Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza, Dr. P. K. Agrawal, Dr. Aninda Sen | Published in International Journal of current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2016, August, 11(3), 188-193, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN: 2321-9327 |
3. | Correlation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in HIV Positive Patients and its association with CD4 Count c | Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, Dr. Krishan Nandan | Published in International Journal of Life-Sciences Scientific Research, Volume-2, Issue-6, P-636-639, ISSN: 2455-1716, November-2016, DOI: 10.21276/IIJLSSR.2016. |
4. | Molecular characterization of Virulence genes in Vancomycin Resistant and Vancomycin-Sensitive Enterococci | Dr. Ms. Priyanka Paul Biswas, Dr. Sangeeta Dey, Aninda Sen. | Published in Journal of Global Infectious Diseases. Vol 8, Issue 1, Jan-Mar 2016, Pg. 16-24, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
5. | Bacteriological profile of osteomyelitis cases with special reference to antibiotic Susceptibility pattern of isolates in a tertiary care hospital of eastern India | Dr. Anupama Singh, Dr. Ms. Priyanka Paul Biswas, Aninda Sen. | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol 5, Issue 53, July 4, 2016, Pg3596-3601, eISSN: 2278-4748, pISSN: 2278-4748 |
2017 | |||
1. | Observation of Bacteriological Flora in Active Mucosal Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media in Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Faulad Md Noori, Sanjay Kumar Mandal, Sangeeta Dey | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-3, Issue-2, Page-7-9, Mar-April 2017, pISSN: 2395-2814, eISSN: 2395-2822, DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2017.3.2.EN3 Indexed in Index Medicus |
2. | Observation of anterior ethmoidal artery in coronal CT scans of paranasal sinuses in patients attending Katihar Medical College, Katihar | Dr. Faulad Md Noori, Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Sanjay Kumar Mandal, Sangeeta Dey | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-3, Issue-2, Page 4-6, Mar-April 2017, pISSN: 2395-2814, eISSN: 2395-2822, DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2017.3.2.EN2, Indexed in Index Medicus |
3. | Detection of Metallo--Lactamase Production in Gram-Negative Bacilli Isolated from patients attending a tertiary care hospital in Bihar | Dr. Nishant Upadhyay, Dr. Sangeeta Dey, Mrs. Priyanka Paul Biswas | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol 6, Issue 26, March30, 2017, Pg2130-2133, eISSN: 2278-4748, pISSN: 2278-4748 |
4. | Determination of Vancomycin and Linezolid Resistance in Staphylococcus Aureus isolated from Katihar District of Bihar, India | Dr. Mahadeo Mandal, Dr. Sangeeta Dey, Dr. Dhananjay Kumar, Mrs. Priyanka Paul Biswas | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol 6, Issue 26, March30, 2017, Pg2130-2133, eISSN: 2278-4748, pISSN: 2278-4748 |
5. | Protection of MBL Production in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Katihar District, Bihar | Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, Dr. Krishan Nandan, Dr. Aninda Sen | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol 6, Issue 55, July 10, 2017, Pg4138-4141, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2018 | |||
1. | Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnant Women in Katihar District, Bihar | Dr. Tarannumyasmin, Dr. M. Yousuf Sarwar (CA), Dr. Aninda Sen | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol.7, Issue 3, Jan 15, 2018, Pg372-375, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/82 |
2. | Intestinal Parasitic Infection In School Going Children In Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Anamika Singh1, Dr. Sangeeta Dey2, Dr. Aninda Sen3, Dr. Dhanjay Kumar4, Dr. Kahkashan Akthar5 | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol.7, Issue 5, Jan 29, 2018, Pg637-640, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index CopernicusDOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/144 |
3. | Variation in shape, weight and number of cotyledons of placentae in Kosi Region of Bihar, North East India | Dr. M. Yousuf Sarwar, Dr. Tarannum Yasmin, (CA), Dr. S. K. Sinha | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 27, Jul02, 2018, Pg6808-6811, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/0000 |
2019 | |||
1. | Comparison Between conventional blood culture and lysis-centrifugation method in suspected cases of sepsis in children in Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Nafisa Rahman, Dr. Kahkashan Akhter | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pg1107-1110, eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748, Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2019/245 |
2020 | |||
1. | Utility of Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Detection of Malarial Antigens and their comparison with peripheral blood smear examination | Dr. Shreshy Singh | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Dated 2020,9(15):1291-1294 |
2. | Clinical and microbiological profile of chronic osteomyelitis cases with reference to virulence markers in staphylococcus aureus. | Dr. Priyanka Paul, Dr. Aninda Sen | Published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Dated 2020, 9(09):625-633 |
3. | A Clinical and Bacteriological Study of Neonatal Septicaemia in Katihar Medical College & Hospital, Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Krishan Nanda, Kumari Swati | Published in Internal Journal of Scientific Research, 2020, 9(05):1-3 |
4. | Prevalence of Resistance to Ampicillin, Gentamicin, Streptomycin and Vancomycin in Enterococcus Species Isolated from Clinical Specimens | Dr. Priyanka Paul Biswas, Anamika Singh, Mohammad Intekhab Alam Chand | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-7, Issue-35, August 31, 2020, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-1839-1834 |
2021 | |||
1. | A retrospective observational study to determine etiology in pediatric patients with acute liver failure | Dr. Ashit Kumar, Dr. Shreshy Singh, Ashish Bharti | Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume - 10, Issue - 04, April- 2021 • Print ISSN NO. 2277 - 8160 • doi : 10.36106/gjra |
2. | Bacteriological Profile and Antibiogram of Blood Culture Isolates from Septicaemic Neonates and Children up to 10 Years of Age, in a Tertiary Care Centre of Eastern Bihar in India | Dr. Priyanka Paul | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare, pISSN - 2349-2562, eISSN - 2349-2570 / Vol. 8 / Issue 14 / Apr. 05, 2021, P 882-887, DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/172, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
3. | New Onset Diabetes Mellitus in Second Wave of COVID-19 Patients in North India | Dr. Krishan Nandan | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-10 | Issue-8 | August 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 |, Indexed in Index Medicus. |
4. | Detection of biofilm formation and virulence markers amongst the CONS isolates in a tertiary care center in Bihar. | Biswas PP, Akhter K, Fidai F, Singh A, Sen A, Dey SA | International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research. 2021;13(6):01-09 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2010 | |||
1. | Successful Pregnancy Outcome after Laprotomy (A Case of Pregnancy with Ovarian Tumour) | Dr. Shilpi Chowdhury | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 2 February 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
2016 | |||
1. | Comparison of Oral Iron, iron Sucrose and Ferric Carboxymaltose (FCM) to treat post partum Anaemia | Dr. Sipra Singh, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Shanti Singh | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-20, March 10, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-832-835Index in Index Copernicus |
2. | Comparison of antiemetic efficacy of ondansetron, granisetron and palonosetron in high risk patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy under general anaesthesia | Dr. Sipra Singh, Professor | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-3, Issue-32, April 21, 2016, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-1537-1540Index in Index Copernicus |
3. | Histopathological Study of Hysterectomy Specimen in Tertiary Centre of Rural Bihar | Dr. Rashmi Verma | Published in International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol-7, Issue-2, Page: 9021-9023, February 2016, ISSN: 0976-3031 index in Index Copernicus |
4. | A study of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopausal Age in Rural Bihar | Dr. Rashmi Verma | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-4, Issue 02 February 2016, Page-9262-9274, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus |
5. | Mifegest and Misoprostol Combination Vs Misoprostol Alone for Termination of Second Trimester of Pregnancy | Dr. Rashmi Verma | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-4, Issue 03 March 2016, Page-9733-9736, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus |
6. | Comparison of Intramuscular and Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate for Control of Eclamptic Fits | Dr. Rashmi Verma | Published in International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol-7, Issue-3, Page: 9439-9443, March 2016, ISSN: 0976-3031 index in Index Copernicus |
7. | Cervical Carcinoma in Pregnancy | Dr. Rashmi Verma | Published in International Journal of Development Research, Vol-6, Issue-03, Page-7131-7134, March, 2016, ISSN: 2230-9926 index in Index Copernicus |
8. | A study of clinical cases of rupture uterus in Katihar Medical College, Katihar | Dr. Pram Ray | Accepted for Publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2117 xii dated 03-12-2016 |
9. | Incidence of toxoplasmosis, Rubella and syphilis in missed abortion and intrauterine death | Dr. Supriya Kumari | Accepted for Publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2117 xv dated 03-12-2016 |
10. | Rupture uterus: a clinical analysis | Dr. Soma Bandyopadhyay, Sipra Singh | Published in International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, July 2016, Volume-5, Issue-7, Page-2183-2186, pISSN 2320-1770, eISSN 2320-1789 |
11. | Outcome of Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section (VBAC): a Prospective Study | Dr. Prama Ray, Dr. Ankan Mondal | Published in International Journal of Scientific Study, December 2016, Vol-4, Issue-9, Page-119-122 |
2017 | |||
1. | Comparative study of vaginal delivery and caesarean section in antepartum eclampsia at tertiary care hospital | Dr. Priti Kumari, Dr. Sipra Singh, Dr. Salma Khatun, Dr. Shashikar | Published in International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology February 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2, P-457-460, pISSN 2320-1770, eISSN 2320-1789 |
2. | Comparative Study of Duration of analgesia And Haemodynamic Changes in Epidural Anaesthesia with Lignocaine (2%) With Lignocaine (2%) Plus Clonidine for Lower Abdominal and Lower Limb Surgeries | Dr. Balmukund Jha, Dr. Amrita | Published in International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR), Volume – 2, Issue –6, November – December – 2017, Page No. : 404 – 411, ISSN- O: 2458 – 868X, ISSN –P: 2458 – 8687, Indexed in index Copernicus |
3. | An observational study on risk factors, causes, prevention and Management of Patients with Postpartum Haemorrhage after Caesarean Section | Dr. Priyanka | Published in International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2017, December, 17(1), 13-16, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN: 2321-9327, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2018 | |||
1. | Epidural Labour Analgesia-Efficacy and Foetomaternal Outcome | Dr. Jyoti Kumar & Dr. Shipra Singh | Published in The Patna Journal of Medicine, Vol-92, Issue-11, Nov. 2018, Page-583-585 |
2. | Abdominal Pain in a posthysterectomy patient: Diagnostic Dilemma | Dr. Jyoti Kumar & Dr. Shipra Singh | Published in The Patna Journal of Medicine, Vol-92, Issue-12, Nov. 2018, Page-656-658 |
3. | Abdominal Pain in a posthysterectomy patient: Diagnostic Dilemma | Dr. Jyoti Kumar & Dr. Shipra Singh | Published in The Patna Journal of Medicine, Vol-92, Issue-12, Nov. 2018, Page-656-658 |
4. | Single versus double layer closure of low transverse uterine incision at caesarean section | Dr. Amrita, Dr. Bal Mukund Jha | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 32-34 |
5. | Comparision of Fentanyl Versus Meperidine as supplements to epidural clor.idline Bupivacaine in patients with lower limb orthopaedic surgery under combined spnal epidural anaesthesia | Dr. Balmukund Jha, Dr. Amrita | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 13-16 |
6. | To Compare the Circulatory Responses of Propofol and Thiopentone to Laryngoscopy and Intubation | Dr. Balmukund Jha, Dr. Amrita | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 38-40 |
7. | Clinicocytological Study in Coper-T Users | Dr. Amrita, Dr. Bal Mukund Jha | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2018, Vol. 112, No. 3, Page 11-13 |
8. | Clinical Study of Intra Uterine Fetal Death | Dr. NajmunNisa, Dr. Sipra Singh | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 06, Issue 09September 20I8, P 694-Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 |
9. | Ovarian Cancer Screening | Dr. Gauri Rani | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 06, Issue 05May 20I8, P 1042-1044, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 |
10. | A Comparative Study of Postaglandins (Intravaginal PGE1 & Intracervical PGE2) with Oxytocin Infusion of Induction of Labour | Dr. Fauzia Shafi | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 06, Issue 05May 20I8, P 998-1000, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 |
2019 | |||
1. | Bacterial Vaginosis: A Risk Factor for Preterm Labour – A Case – Control Study | Dr. Shazia Iqbal, Dr Soma Bandyopadhyay | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 4 April 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
2. | Induction of Labour vs Expectant management for pregnancies beyond 40 weeks of Gestation a prospective comparative randomised study | Dr. Poonam Kumari, Dr Sipra Singh | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 5 May 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
3. | Management Protocol of Ovarian Masses in Adolescene | Dr. Rashmi Singh, Dr. Rashmi Verma | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 11 Nov 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
4. | An Observational Study to Evaluate in General Anesthesia Effectiveness of Nebulized Ketamine in Different Doses to Decrease the Severity of Postoperative Sore Throat | Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 | Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3853-3855, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN2347-954X(Print)ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.004 |
5. | An Observational Study to Evaluate Efficacy of Methotrexate Single Dose for Medical Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy | Dr. Ashmita Kiran1 | Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3856-3857, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN2347-954X(Print)ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.005 |
6. | An Observational Study done in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital to Evaluate the Effect of Coagulation Profile in in Early and later part of Third Trimester of Pregnancy | Dr. Ashmita Kiran1 | Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3858-3860, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN2347-954X(Print)ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.006 |
7. | An Observational Prospective Study in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital at Katihar to Evaluate, Compare and determine the incidence of PONV with intra-operative use of Nitrous Oxide and Medical Air or General Anesthesia in patients undergoing Breast Surgery | Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 | Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science, Volume 07, Issue 12, Dec 20I9, P 3861-3863, -Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN2347-954X(Print)ISSN2320-6691(Online) DOI: 10.36347/SJAMS.2019. v07i12.007 |
8. | An observational study to compare stress and burnout among anesthesia and surgical PG student or residents in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Kathihar, Bihar | Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 12 December 2019, Page-193-196, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ jmscr/v7i12.33index in Index Copernicus |
9. | An Observational Study to Compare Propofol with Midazolam plus Fentanyl Combination for Sedation in Gastrointestinal Endoscopies at Tertiary care Hospital in Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 12 December 2019, Page-203-207, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ jmscr/v7i12.35 index in Index Copernicus |
10. | Changes in Serum Blood Sugar Levels before and After Induction of General Anaesthesia with Propofol and Thiopentone: An Observational Comparative Study Done In a Teaching Hospital | Dr. Rakesh Ranjan1, Dr. Ashmita Kiran2 | Published in International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.6; Issue: 12; December 2019, P-198-201, E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237 |
2020 | |||
1. | A retrospective analytical study of indications of caesarean section | Dr. Rashmi Verma | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 1 January 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, P-505-509 |
2. | Retained Intrauterine Fetal Bone Chips – A Case Report | Dr. Rashmi Verma | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 1 January 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, P-962-964 |
3. | Eclampsia – A Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Care Centre of Rural Bihar | Dr. Rashmi Verma | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-7, Issue-05, February 03, 2020, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570, P-213-217 |
4. | A Case of Heterotopic Pregnancy-Right Cornual Ruptured Ectopic with Non Viable Intrauterine Pregnancy | Dr. Rafia Gul | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 4 April 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
5. | A comparison of oxytocin and carboprost tromethamine in the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in high-risk patients undergoing cesarean delivery | Dr. Kumari Shiva | Published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 19, Issue 6 Ser.12 (June. 2020), PP 01-04 DOI: 10.9790/0853-1906120104 |
6. | A Review on the Study of Importance of Laparoscopy in Infertility | Dr. Kumari Shiva | Published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 19, Issue 7 Ser.9 (July. 2020), PP 33-36 |
7. | Prophylactic Versus Therapeutic Amnioinfusion for Oligo Hydramnios in Labour | Dr. Shabnam Phuleman | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 7 July 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
8. | A Comparative Study of Efficacy of Magnesium Sulphare and Nifedipinein Pre-Term Labour | Dr. Shaesta Iqbal | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 8 August 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
9. | Obstetric Hysterectomy (A Ray of Hope for Dying mother) | Dr. Bhagyashree | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 2 February 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
10. | A comparative study of intraumbilical oxytocin versus Intravenous methylergometrine in active management of third stage of labour | Dr. Jyoti Kumari | Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Volume 6; Issue 9; 2020; Page No. 99-102, August 2020 |
11. | An observational study to determine the incidence and association of thyroid dysfunction in patients with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding | Dr. Jyoti Kumari | Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Volume 6; Issue 10; 2020; Page No. 53-55, Oct. 2020 |
12. | Correlation of Cervical Smear and Colposcopy with Pathohistological findings in Detection of Premalignant lesions of cervix at a tertiary care centre. | Dr. Rashmi Verma | Accepted for publication in International Journal of Contemporary Medical Rsearch, accepted on 20.11.2020, eISSN-2393-915X,pISSN: 2454-7379 |
13. | Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy: A Rare Case | Dr. Soumya | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 08, Issue 11 November 2020 |
2021 | |||
1. | Analytical Study of causes of infertility in couples attending tertiary care centre of Rural Bihar | Dr. Rashmi Verma | Published in International Journal Of Scientific Research, Volume 10, Issue 2; February 2021; Page No. 1-3, PISSN no. 2277 – 8179 |
2. | A Case of Ruptured Interstitial Ectopic Pregnancy | Dr. Nitu Bharti | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 09, Issue 03 March 2021 |
3. | Central Placenta Previa with Rh Negative Pregnancy with IUD | Dr. Anupriya | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 09, Issue 03 March 2021 |
4. | Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Neoplastic and Nonneoplastic Ovarian Masses with Histological Correlation | Dr. Izhar Alam, Dr. Monalisa Corresponding, Dr. Sipra, Dr. Neha Singh | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, volume - 10 | Issue - 08 | August - 2021 | print issn no. 2277 - 8179 | doi : 10.36106/ijsr |
5. | A Study of Comparison of Serum Lipid Profile of Women with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and Normal Pregnancy at KMCH, Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Faraha Deeba Fatima & Dr. Soma Bandyopadhyay | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, volume - 10 | Issue - 12 | Dec - 2021 | print issn no. 2277 - 8179 | |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | Paediatric Ocular Trauma: A population based study on Ocular Morbidity in Children and Prevention of Monocular Blindness in cased attending a tertiary care teaching hospital | Dr. Atul Mishra, Dr. Jawaid Hasan | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol. (2), Issue 3, 2016, Page 99-101, ISSN (0): 2395-2322; ISSN (P): 2395-2514, Indexed In Index Medicus |
2. | Prevalence and Causes of Corneal Opacity in a Rural Population in Bihar: Need for Promotion of Heath Awareness for Prevention of Corneal Blindness | Dr. Atul Mishra, Dr. Jawaid Hasan | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol. (2), Issue 3, 2016, Page 115-117, ISSN (0): 2395-2322; ISSN (P): 2395-2514, Indexed In Index Medicus |
3. | Surgical Complications during cataract operation in patients with Pseudoexfoliation syndrome | Dr. Arjun Kumar Singh | Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2081 (b) dated 03-08-2016 |
4. | Study of efficacy of small incision cataract surgery in hospital based eye campus in bihar | Dr. Arjun Kumar Singh | Accepted for publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2081 (a) dated 03-08-2016 |
2020 | |||
1. | Evolution of Medical Education in India: some miles travelled, many miles to go | Deka RC, Principal, Katihar Medical College, Katihar | Published in International Journal of Health Research and Medico Legal Practice, Vol. 6, Issue-2 of 2020 |
2. | Association of dyslipidemia and Diabetic Retinopathy among patients coming to OPD of Katihar Medical College Hospital and its visual outcome: A prospective observational study | Dr Himanshu Kumar 1 Dr Arjun Kumar Singh corresponding author | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 06 June 2020, Page 364-368, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i6.70 |
3. | Understanding Ophthalmology in the last four decades | Deka RC, Principal, Katihar Medical College, Katihar | Accepted for publication in Journal of Ophthalmological Society of Assam |
4. | Prevalence of various causes of infectious keratitis among patients coming to OPD of Katihar Medical College Hospital and its visual outcome: A prospective observational study | Dr Himanshu Kumar 1 Dr Arjun Kumar Singh corresponding author | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 06 June 2020, Page 353-356 ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i6.68 |
5. | Association of HBA1C level and diabetic retinopathy among patients coming to OPD of Katihar Medical College Hospital and Its visual outcome: A retrospective cross sectional study | Dr Arjun Kumar Singh Dr Himanshu Kumar corresponding author | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-9, Issue-9, Sept-2020, P-18, DOI: 10.36106/IJSR, PRINT ISSN No. 2277-8179 |
6. | Prevalence of dry eye disease and its risk factors in visual display terminal users among patients coming to OPD of Katihar Medical College Hospital: A prospective observational study | Dr Himanshu Kumar 1 Dr Arjun Kumar Singh corresponding author | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-9, Issue-9, Sept-2020, P-19-20, DOI: 10.36106/IJSR, PRINT ISSN No. 2277-8179 |
7. | HbA1C Levels and its correlation in Diabetic Retinopathy | Dr. Saba Eqbal, Dr. Atul Mishra | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-8, Issue 9 September 2020, Page-188-193, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
2022 | |||
1. | Nepafenac punctal plugs delivery system- potency in inflammation following cataract surgery | Dr. Samia Rahman, Assistant Professor | Published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 9, Issue 4, Summer 2022, P-1420-1424 |
2. | Overall Standard of Living in Glaucoma Patients with Dry Eye Syndrome | Dr. Samia Rahman, Assistant Professor | Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022; Volume – 14, Issue-7; 45-51, e-ISSN: 0975-1556, p-ISSN:2820-2643 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | Surgical Management of Midclavicular fracture | Dr. Kanhaiya Lal Gupta, Assistant Professor, Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Assistant Professor | Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2034© dated 29-04-2016 |
2. | A Comparison of Intramedullary and extramedullary fixation devices in unstable trochanteric fractures | Dr. Kanhaiya Lal Gupta, Assistant Professor, Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Assistant Professor | Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2034(d) dated 29-04-2016 |
3. | Comparative study between dynamic hip screws vs proximal femoral nailing in intertrochanteric fracutures of the femur in adults | Dr. Gourab Chandra, Dr. Ajay Kumar Mahto, Dr. Waseem Akram, Dr. Nilabh Kumar, Dr. Nishant Kumar Mish | Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2116(a) dated 02-12-2016 |
2017 | |||
1. | Analysis of the results of surgical management of traumatic paraplegia | Dr. Kumar, Nitesh, Dr. Ajay Kumar Mahto | Published in International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics,| January-February 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1, P 35-42 |
2. | Evaluation of results of minimally invasive plating osteosynthesis(MIPO) technique in the treatment of fractures of distal tibia | Dr. Waseem Akram, Dr. Ajay Kumar Mahto, Dr. MasroorAlam | Published in International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics,| January-February 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1, P 1-5 |
3. | “Surgical management of fracture shalt of humerus in adults using flexible nails — by retrograde technique.” | Dr. Uday Chandra Chaudhary, Asst. Professor | Published in Indian Medical (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt. 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India), Aug-2017, (Annexure-1), Vol. 111, No. 8, Page 219(A)-222(A) |
4. | “Closed reduction and percutaneous kirschner wire fixationcombined with plaster cast versus conventional plaster cast immobilization in thetreatment of cones’ fracture.” | Dr. Uday Chandra Chaudhary, Asst. Professor | Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), (NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt. 14.12.2012, Index Medicus by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India), Dec-2017, (Annexure-1), Vol. 111, No. 12, Page 92(A)-94(A) |
5. | Evaluation of locking compression plate (LCP) in the Management of Bones of Upper and Lower Limbs | Dr. Md. Mohtashemul Haque, Dr. Raj Kumar Singh | Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ, Aug. 2017 (Annexure), Vol.111, Number 08, Page-191A-192A, ISSN No. 0091-5871 |
6. | Evaluation of functional outcome of pre-contoured olecranon locking plate in fractures of the olecranon | Dr. Md. Mohtashemul Haque | Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ, Dec. 2017 (Annexure), Vol.111, Number 12, Page-164A-166A, ISSN No. 0091-5871 |
7. | Cubitus varusdeformit in children treatment by lateral closed wedge osteotomy | Dr. Raj Kumar Singh | Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ, August 2017 (Annexure), Vol.111, Number 8, Page-188A-190A, ISSN No. 0091-5871 |
8. | Comparative study of trochanteric fracture fixation by D.H.S. and proximal femoral nailing | Dr. Raj Kumar Singh | Published in Indian Medical Journal IMJ, August 2017 (Annexure), Vol.111, Number 8, Page-185A-187A, ISSN No. 0091-5871 |
2018 | |||
1. | Management of De Quervain’s Disease: A Hospital Based Observational Study | Dr. Niraj Narain Singh | Published in International Journal of current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2018, February, 17(3), 77-80 |
2. | Comparative Study of outcome of Treatment of Traumatic Paraplegia by Hartshill Fixation vs Pedicle Screw Fixation | Dr. Vishal Prakash, Dr. Shanawaz Hussain | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 10 October 2018, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus |
2019 | |||
1. | An outcome evaluation of operative compared with Non operative management of fracture calcaneum | Dr. Aditya Kumar, Dr Ajay Mahto | Published in Indian Medical Journal, Vol.113, NO. 1, 15th January 2019 (Annexure) |
2. | Functional Outcome of Extra-articular Distal Humerus Fracture Fixation using a Singh Locking Plate: A Retrospective Study | Dr. Niraj Narain Singh | Published in Indian Medical Journal, Vol.113, NO. 1, 15th January 2019 (Annexure), Page-85(A)-86(A) |
2020 | |||
1. | Arthroscopic Reconstruction of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Using Semitendinous & Gracilis Tendon Autograft | Dr. Sanjiv Kumar | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-8, Issue-7, July 2020 |
2. | Role of Arthroscopy in Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint | Dr. Azfar Nawaz | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-8, Issue-9, September 2020 |
3. | Locking plate fixation of displaced intraarticular fractures of calcaneum: prospective open label observational study | Dr. Niraj Narain Singh | Published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM), Vol. -7, Issue-10, 2020, P-3456-3462 |
2021 | |||
1. | Impact On Orthopaedics Patients in India Due to Pandemic: A Short Communication | Dr. Sharaf Alam | Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-11, Issue-12, Dec-21 |
2. | Role of Fibular Osteotomy in Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint | Dr. Rishab Dubey | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-9, Issue-11, October 2021 |
2022 | |||
1. | Fluoroscopically guided epidural steroid injection in the management of low back pain | Dr. Masroor Alam | Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume - 12 | Issue - 05 | May - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar |
2. | Impact on orthopaedic patients in India due to pandemic: a short communication. | Dr. Masroor Alam | Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 12 | December - 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2017 | |||
1. | Observation of Bacteriological Flora in Active Mucosal Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media in Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Faulad Md Noori, Sanjay Kumar Mandal, Sangeeta Dey | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-3, Issue-2, Page 7-9, Mar-April 2017. Indexed in Index Copernicus, Index Medicus, pISSN:2395-2814, ISSN: 2395-2822 DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2017.3.2.EN3 |
2. | Observation of anterior ethmoidal artery in coronal CT scans of paranasal sinuses in patients attending Katihar Medical College, Katihar | Dr. Faulad Md Noori, Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Sanjay Kumar Mandal, Sangeeta Dey | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-3, Issue-2, Page 4-6, Mar-April 2017. Indexed in Index Copernicus, Index Medicus pISSN:2395-2814, ISSN: 2395-2822 DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2017.3.2.EN2 |
2019 | |||
1. | Epidemiological Profile of Oral Cancer Patients Attending Katihar Medical College, Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Md. Akbar Ali | Published in annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-5, Issue-6, Page-12-14, October 2019, pISSN: 2395-2814, eISSN: 2395-2822, DOI: 10.21276/aimdr.2019.5.6.EN4, Indexed in Index Medicus |
2021 | |||
1. | A Study of Anatomical Variations of Sphenoid Sinus on CT PNS: Our Experience | Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, Dr. Manish Jaiswal, | Published in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery |
2. | Success Rate of Type I Tympanoplasty Using Temporalis Fascia by Underlay Technique in Safe Mucosal COM in KMCH, Katihar | Dr. Md. Akbar Ali, | Published in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | A Clinical Outcome of Dexamethasone Therapy of Patients with Pyogenic meningitis | Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Md. Izhar Alam, Dr. Taskeen Ahmad Reza, Dr. Shruti Sonal | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Reearch, Volume-4, Issue 07 July, Page-11384-11391, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus |
2. | Role of HbA1c in Determining Glycemic Control in Diabetes Mellitus | Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Vol-3, Issue-81, October 10, 2016 pISSN: 2349-2562, eISSN: 2349-2570 indexed in Index Copernicus |
3. | Correlation of Dyslipideamia among Hypothyroidism and Type II Diabetes Mellitus | Md. Ezaz Zafar, Sangita Choudhary, Md. Faizur Rahman, Rajesh Kumar | Accepted for publication in Schorals Journal of Applied Medical Sciences; ISSN 2320-6691 & ISSN 2347-954X Indexed in Index Copernicus |
4. | A clinic-pathological study of malignant breast lump in a tertiary care hospital in Kosi region of Bihar, India | Dr. Shambhu Kumar1 Singh, Deepak Pankaj1, Rajesh Kumar2, Reyaz Mustafa2 | Published in International Surgery Journal, January-March 2016, Vol-3, Isue-1, Page-1-5, pISSN: 2349-3305, eISSN 2349-2902 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2017 | |||
1. | Role of FNAC in Diagnosis of Palpable Subcutaneous Nodules | Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Sangita Choudhary, Md. Ezaz Zafar, Ragini Kumari, Preety Singh, Abhijeet Das | Accepted for publication in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) Vol.-5, Issue-1, January 2017: ISSN: 2320-6691 &issn 2347-954X Academic & Scientific Publishers (An International Publisher for Academic & Scientific Resources) Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2018 | |||
1. | Treatment options available for COVID 19 and an analysis on possible role of combination of rhACE2, Angiotensin (1-7) and Angiotensin (1-9) as effective therapeutic measure | Dr. Izhar Alam | Accepted for publication (vide letter dated: 08/07/2020 in SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine Manuscript No. SNCM-D-20-00648R1. |
2020 | |||
1. | Treatment options available for COVID 19 and an analysis on possible role of combination of rhACE2, Angiotensin (1-7) and Angiotensin (1-9) as effective therapeutic measure | Dr. Izhar Alam | Accepted for publication (vide letter dated: 08/07/2020 in SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine Manuscript No. SNCM-D-20-00648R1. |
2021 | |||
1. | Cytomorphological spectrum of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and significance of eosinophils in its diagnosis | Dr. Neha Singh | International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR), Volume – 6, Issue – 1, February – 2021 , Page No. : 50 - 59 |
2. | Study on the Diagnostic Efficacy of FNAC alongwith assay of thyroid hormones and thyroid peroxidise antibodies in chronic thyroiditis-patients | Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-10 | Issue-3 | May 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 |, Indexed in Index Medicus. |
3. | Role of thyroid stimulating hormone as inducers of oxidative stress in patient of hypothyroidism | Dr. Sangita Choudhary, Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-10 | Issue-5 | May 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 |, Indexed in Index Medicus. |
4. | A restrospective clinica-haematological study of 150 cases of panuptopenia in tertiary care centre | Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Published in Indian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences |
5. | Reliability and diagnostic accuracy of FNAC in cases of lymphadenopathy- A retrospective study from a tertiary care centre, Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Izhar Alam, Dr. Neha Corresponding, Dr. Neyaz Alam, | Published in International Journal of Medical Science and innovative research, Volume – 6, Issue – 4, July – 2021 , Page No. : 259 – 269, ISSN- O: 2458 - 868X, ISSN–P: 2458 – 8687 |
6. | Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Neoplastic and Nonneoplastic Ovarian Masses with Histological Correlation | Dr. Izhar Alam, Dr. Monalisa Corresponding, Dr. Sipra, Dr. Neha Singh | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, volume - 10 | Issue - 08 | August - 2021 | print issn no. 2277 - 8179 | doi : 10.36106/ijsr |
7. | Study of cholelithiasis induced morphological changes in gall Bladder | Dr. Md. Khurshid Anwar, Asst. Prof. as First Author | Published in International Journal of Scienctific Research, Volume - 10 | Issue - 10 | October - 2021 | Page 6-8 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr indexed in Index Medicus |
8. | Evaluation of quantitative disorder of platelet count in Pediatric patients with dengue fever | Dr. Md. Khurshid Anwar, Asst. Prof. as First Author | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 10 | Issue - 10 | October – 2021| Page 9-10 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr indexed in Index Medicus |
9. | Retrospective clinic hematological study of 150 cases of pancytopenia | Monilisha J, Izhar A, Neha S, et al. | IJMHS. 2021; 8(1): 11-18. |
2022 | |||
1. | Haematological analysis in cases of pancytopenia | Dr. Md. Khurshid Anwar, Assoc. Prof. as corresponding author, Dr. Anzar Ahmad Khan, Professor, 1st a | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 1 | January– 2022| Page 1-3 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr indexed in Index Medicus |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | A study of renal manifestations in children with malaria | Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad, Dr. Apeksha Pathak, Dr. DP Banerje, Dr. Md Haider Ali | Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Volume 2; Issue 1; January 2016; Page No. 25-30 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2. | Role of Iron Deficiency as a Risk Factor for First Episode of Febrile Seizure of Age Group of 6 Months to 5 Years | Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad, Dr. Kunal Anand, Dr. Utpal Kant Singh, Dr. D.P. Banerjee | Published in International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences, 2016, June, 11(1),35-41. |
3. | An Observational Study of High Risk New Born: A Hospital Based Study | Dr. Kumar Shambhu Nath, Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad, Dr. Md Haider Ali | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-04, Issue-07, Page 11527-11532, July-2016, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus http://dx.doi.org /10.18535/jmscr/v4i7.56 |
4. | An Observational Study on Acid-Base Status and Clinical Outcome in Babies with Meconium Aspiration | Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad, Dr. Kumar Shambhu Nath, Dr. Narendra Kumar, Dr. Abu Irfan | Published in Global Journal For Research Analysis Refereed & Indexed International Journal, Vol-5, Issue-12, December 2016, ISSN No 2277-8160, P-8-10 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
5. | A study of neonatal bacterial infection in hospital and home delivery in Katihar Medical College, Katihar | Dr. Abu Irfan, Dr. Sobia Akram | Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 12, Page -22A-25A, Indexed in Index Medicus |
6. | Study of blood leucocyte changes for early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis in Katihar Medical College, Katihar | Dr. Binit Singh & Dr. Manazir Hasan Rahmani | Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 12, Page -50A-53A, Indexed in Index Medicus |
7. | Prevalence of Epstein Barr Virus in children of leukemia and lymphoma | Dr. Kumar Shambhu Nath, Associate Professor as 1st Author | Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Volume 2; Issue 5; May 2016; Page No. 25-30, ISSN: 2454-9142 |
2017 | |||
1. | Epidemiological Study of Sickle Cell Disease in Tribal Children in Katihar District | Dr. Avinash Kumar Sahay,M.D.(Paed)1, Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad, M.D2. | Published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 16, Issue 4 Ver. II (April. 2017), PP 19-21 |
2. | Intramuscular midazolam versus intravenous diazepam for control of seizures in children | Dr. Manazir Hasan Rahmani | Published in Indian Medical Journal, 2265 xix, dated 08.09.17 |
2018 | |||
1. | Comparative Study of Efficacy of Nebulized Beta 2 Agonist vs Nebulized Adrenaline in Bronchiolitis | Dr. Aamir Ali, Dr. Kumar Shambh Nath, Dr. Ashit | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-06, Page 738-740, July-2018, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2. | Prevalence of urinary tract pathogen and its antimicrobial susceptibility pattern in children admitted in KMCH, Kathiar, Bihar and compare its susceptibility pattern from national trend. | Dr. Ashit Kumar, Dr. Ghazi S. Ahmad, | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol-06, Issue-10, Page 942-946, Oct-2018, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
3. | Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome | Dr. Mohammad Taqui Imam | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 06 June 2018, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 index in Index Copernicus |
2019 | |||
1. | Opitz Syndrome | Dr. Niharika Nitya | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 8 August 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
2. | Vacterl-H Syndrome – A Case Report | Dr. Priya Singh | Published on International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Volume 3, Issue 9; September: 2019; Page No. 38-41, ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X, |
3. | A case report of congenital diaphragmatic Hernia | Dr. Kumari Ekita | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 10 Oct 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus |
4. | A clinicopathological Study of Gall Bladder Disorders | Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 3 March 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus |
5. | Meconium Stained Amniotic fluid and Meconium aspiration syndrome: A prospective study. | Kumar Shambhu Nath, Arshpreet Dhiman | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research May 2019, Vol. 8, Issue-5, P 1-7 Print ISSN No. 2277-8179, Index-pubmed |
6. | Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy Of Childhood: A Case Report From Katihar Medical College, Bihar, India | Dr. Ashit Kumar, Dr. Ghazi Sharique Ahmad | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research Nov 2019, Vol. 8, Issue-11, P 1-2 Print ISSN No. 2277-8179, Index-pubmed |
2021 | |||
1. | A retrospective observational study to determine etiology in pediatric patients with acute liver failure | Dr. Ashit Kumar, Dr. Shreshy Singh, Ashish Bharti | Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume - 10, Issue - 04, April- 2021 • Print ISSN NO. 2277 - 8160 • doi : 10.36106/gjra |
2. | Prevalence of Anemia in Adolescent Girls in Katihar District | Dr. Asif Iqubal, Gupta Bhushan | MedPulse International Journal of Pediatrics, August 2021, 19(2) |
2022 | |||
1. | Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease – Classical Form: A rare case report from Katihar Medical College, Katihar, Bihar | Dr. Ashit Kumar as Corresponding Author | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-10, Issue 01 January 2022, P-85-89, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus, : https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr /v10i1.17 |
2. | Association of Prevalence Of Obesity, Overweight And Underweight In Adolescent Girls Of Katihar Urban With Dietary And Physical-Activity | Dr. Ashit Kumar as Corresponding Author | Published in International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research (IJMSCR), Volume 5, Issue 3, Page No: 675-684 May-June 2022, ISSN (Print): 2209-2870 ISSN (Online): 2209-2862, Index in Pubmed |
3. | Study On Acute Encephalitis Syndrome In Children And Their Correlation With Clinical Parameters And Etiological Factors | Dr. Abhinav Kumar Agrawal | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-11, Issue-3, Mar-2022, DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, PRINT ISSN No. 2277-8179, Indexed in Citation Index |
4. | Outcome of surfactant therapy in newborns with respiratory distress syndrome in relation to age of presentation to nic | Dr. Abhinav Kumar Agrawal | Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-12, Issue-7, July-2022, DOI : 10.36106/ijar, Indexed in Citation Index |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | Liraglutide effect in regarding HbA1c and weight in Indian Population with type 2 diabetes, a prospective observational trial. | Dr. Mala Kumari, Associate Professor | Accepted for publication in Indiam Medical Journal vide letter no. 1087q)/2015 dated 08.01.2016 |
2. | Observations on effects of Itopride, Gatifloxacin, and Desloratadin on Q-Tc interval in patients. | Dr. Mala Kumari, Associate Professor | Accepted for publication in Indiam Medical Journal vide letter no. 1087p)/2015 dated 08.01.2016 |
2018 | |||
1. | Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity of Leaves of bombax Ceiba | Dr. Amit Kumar, PG | Published in Journal of Medical Science And Clinical Research, Vol-6, Issue-12, Page-119-126, December 2018, pISSN2455-0450, eISSN 2347-176x DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i12.18 |
2. | Patterns of antihypertensive drug distribution of patients with hypertensive diabetes mellitus: A Hospital based observational study | Dr. Yasmin Sultana Rahman | Published in Journal of Medical Science And Clinical Research, Vol-6, Issue-11, Page-757-764, November 2018, pISSN2455-0450, eISSN 2347-176x DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i11.18 |
2019 | |||
1. | Osteocalcin, a promising marker of osteoprorosis: evaluation in post-menopausal females with osteoporosis | Dr. Faiyaz Alam, Dr. Azmat Rana | Published in International Journal of Advances in Medicine, November-December 2019, Vol-6,Issue-6, Page-1 |
2022 | |||
1. | A comparative, naturalistic, clinical study of efficacy and adverse effect profile of lithium versus divalproex sodium in the treatment of patients with bipolar affective disorders on combination therapy | Dr. Md. Matiur Rahman | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 03 | March - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, P-43-44 |
2. | A comparative prospective study to assess the clinical efficacy and safety of pantoprazole monotherapy versus pantoprazole and itopride dual therapy in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease in a tertiary care hospital | Dr. Md. Matiur Rahman | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 03 | March - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, P-45-47 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2019 | |||
1. | Prevalence of Catatonic Signs and Symptoms in dug Naïve/Drug Free Persons suffering from schizophrenia in Adult in Pyschiatric Clinic | Dr. Manish Kumar | Published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, An International Journal, March-2019, Vol-9, Issue-3, P 70-72, ISSN: 2249-555X, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2. | Disease Mongering and Psychiatry: A Review | Dr. Manish Kumar | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Apri-2019, Vol-8, Issue-4, P 8-12, pISSN: 2277-8179, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
3. | Association between Metabolic Syndrome, Central Obesity and Depression: A | Dr. Raginee Singh | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 10 October 2020, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
2020 | |||
1. | Glutamate In Alcoholism: A Review | Dr. Manish | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 9 | Issue - 11 | November - 2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, Index Copernicus |
2. | Cross-sectional study to assess psychiatric comorbidities and socio-demographic profile of patients of Alcohol dependence syndrome and assessing the correlation of depression with severity | Dr. Arati Shivhare | Publication in Delhi Psychiatry Journal, Vol. 23 No. 1, APRIL 2020, P 48-54 |
2021 | |||
1. | Psychological Impact of Covid on Health Care Worker Due to Covid-19 Pandemic in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Cross Sectional Study | Dr. Anjana Kumari, Dr. Manish et.al | Published in International Journal of Advanced Research, Vol-9, Issue 12, Dec 2021, P-435-442, ISSN: 2320-5407 : http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/ IJAR01/13927 |
2. | Effect Of Inhaled Corticosteroid On Blood Glucose And Hba1c Levels In Patients Of Asthma Aged 3-12 Yrs | Dr. Ashish Bharti, Dr. Ashit Kumar | Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume - 10, Issue - 05, May- 2021 • Print ISSN No. 2277 - 8160 • doi : 10.36106/gjra |
2022 | |||
1. | Comparative Efficacy of Thiopentone and Propofol on Haemodynamic Changes during Modified Electroconvulsive Therapy | Dr. Manish Kumar, Corresponding Author | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 7 | July - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, Indexed in Citation Index |
2. | Stressful Experiences of Mothers of Neonates or Premature Infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit | Arati Shivhare1, Raginee Singh2, Pranav Prakash Choudhary3, Rohit Alok4 | Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol.-14, Issue-7, 2022, Page 117-126 |
3. | Evaluating Male Sexual Dysfunctions in the Rural Areas of Bihar's Koshi Region | Arati Shivhare1, Raginee Singh2, Pranav Prakash Choudhary3, Rohit Alok4 | Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol.-14, Issue-7, 2022, Page 132-138 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2016 | |||
1. | A study on nutritional anemia with special relation to linic obin, MCV and MCHC among different age and sex group in inhabitants of Katihar | Dr. Sanjay Tiwari, Assoc. Prof, Dr. Sanjay Singh, Assist. Prof., Dr. A.K Roy, Prof. Emeritus | Published in Indian Medical Journal, April 2016 (Annexure). Vol. 110, No. 4, Page 31 & 32 |
2. | A study on incidence of Kala-Azar in different age and sex group of inhabitants of Katihar along with haematological alterations | Dr. Sanjay Singh, Assist. Prof., Dr. Sanjay Tiwari, Assoc. Prof, Dr. A.K Roy, Prof. Emeritus | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2016 (Annexure). Vol. 110, No. 3, Page 8 & 9 |
3. | Stress and Coping in Parents of Children with Mental Retardation | Dr. Priyadarshee Patra, Dr. Jyoti Prakash, Dr. Balaram Patra | Published in Delhi Psychiatry Journal (Delhi Psychiatry Society), Vol. 19, No. 1, April 2016, P-120-126, ISSN 0971-9571, Indexed in Index Medicus |
2017 | |||
1. | A Preliminary Study on factors affecting drug abuse in Medical Students in Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata & Jhansi | Dr. Sudha Kumari, Dr. Sanjay Singh, Dr. A. K. Ray | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2017 (Annexure). Vol. 111, No. 3, Page 63A |
2. | An Evaluation of Prescribing Pattern of the Private Practioners | Dr. Sudha Kumari, Dr. Sanjay Singh, Dr. A. K. Ray | Published in Indian Medical Journal, March 2017 (Annexure). Vol. 111, No. 3, Page 68A & 69A |
3. | A Study on the Correlation of Serum uric acid and Dyslipidemia with Glycaemic Status in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | Dr. Md Tanweer Ushmani1 , Dr. Rajiv Ranjan2 , Dr. Kumari Tanuja3 | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 05, Issue 11 November 20I7, P-30937-30948, Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ jmscr/v5i11.191 |
4. | Parenting styles in schizophrenia Patients – A case control study | Dr. AratiShivahare, Dr. Balaram Patra | Published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume-6, Issue-3, March-2017, ISSN No. 2277-8160, P-601-603 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2018 | |||
1. | Study on Relationship between Foetus, Neonatal & Maternal Haemoglobin Level | Kumari Tanuja1 , Md Tanweer Usmani2 , Nishi Kant3 , Rajiv Ranjan4 | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume 06, Issue 1 January 20I8, P-32544-32555, Indexed in Index Copernicus, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i1.23 |
2. | Clinico-Psycho-Social profile of patients brought under consultation liaison psychiatry care in a large tertiary care referral hospital | Dr. P. Patra, Dr. Divinakumar KJ, Dr. Prakash J, Dr. B. Patra, Dr. R. Chakraborty | Accepted for publication in Industrial Psychiatry Journal dated April 3, 2017 |
2019 | |||
1. | Association of ABO Blood Group with Breast Cancer: An Observational Study | Neelima Kumari | Published in International Journal of Physiology, Vol-7, Number-4, Oct-Dec. 2019, ISSN: 2320-6039 (Print), ISSN: 23200608X (Electronic), P-120-122, 10.5958/2320-608X.2019.00152.5, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2. | Study of Minute Ventilation, Maximum Voluntary Ventilation and Dyspneic Index During Pregnancy: An Observational, Prospective and Comparative Study | Neelima Kumari | Published in International Journal of Physiology, Vol-7, Number-4, Oct-Dec. 2019, ISSN: 2320-6039 (Print), ISSN: 23200608X (Electronic), P-123-126, 10.5958/2320-608X.2019.00152.5, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
3. | An observational and comparative study of diurnal variation of spirometry test parameters among first and second year normal and healthy medical undergraduate students | Neelima Kumari | Accepted for published in International Journal of Physiology, Vol-8, Number-2, April-June 2020, ISSN: 2320-6039 (Print), Indexed in Index Copernicus |
4. | Comparison of cardiovascular, cognitive and stress parameters in presence and in absence of examination among medical students: An observational and prospective study | Neelima Kumari | Published in Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, Vol. 6, Issue-4, Dec. 2019, PISSN: 2394-2118, EISSN: 2394-2126, Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2022 | |||
1. | Effect of Endurance training on sympathetic reactivity by sustained hand grip test | Dr. Tanweer Md Iqbal | Accepted for publication in National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology |
2. | A Study on the Effect of Obstructive Sleep apnea on Lipid Profile | Dr. Tanweer Md Iqbal | Accepted for International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research. 2022;14(9) |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
22 | |||
1. | A Case report of Walker Warburg Syndrome: A Rare case with Multiple uncommon features | Dr. Sohini Sahini Sah Et al. | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-10, Issue 1, January 22, Page-69-71, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ jmscr/v10i1.14 index in Index Copernicus |
2016 | |||
1. | A prospective duplex sonographic study of intrarenal arteries in acute ureteric obstruction | Dr. Swami Vivekanand, Dr. Ajit Kumar | Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), January 2016, Vol. 110, No. 1, P-96(A) – 99(A) by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India |
2. | Breast Cancer Detection Using Sonography in Women with Mammographically Dense Breasts | Dr. Archana Verma, SR, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Assistant Professor | Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), Mar 2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-139 (A) – 142(A) by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India |
3. | Concomitant Septic Arthritis and Osteomyelitis of the HIP in Young Children; a New Pathophysiological Hypothesis Suggested by MRI Enhancement pattern | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Assistant Professor , Dr. Archana Verma, SR, | Published in Indian Medical Journal (IMJ), Mar 2016, Vol. 110, No. 3, P-143 (A) – 146(A) by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. of India |
4. | Surgical Management of Midclavicular fracture | Dr. Kanhaiya Lal Gupta, Assistant Professor, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Assistant Professor | Accepted for Publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2034© dated 29-04-2016 |
5. | A Comparison of Intramedullary and extramedullary fixation devices in unstable trochanteric fractures | Dr. Kanhaiya Lal Gupta, Assistant Professor, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Assistant Professor | Accepted for Publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2034(d) dated 29-04-2016 |
6. | Computed tomographic evaluation of pulmonary tuberculosis & its sequelae | Dr. Rishikant Sinha | Accepted for Publication in Indian Medical Journal IMJ(NIC/BID/ICMR/JR/233 dt 14.12.12 INDEX MEDICUS by NIC, New Delhi, Govt. Of India vide letter no. 2117 xiii dated 03-12-2016 |
7. | Study on Role of Sonohysterography in Evaluating Aetiology of Infertility Prior to Hysterolaparoscopy | Dr. Ahmad Rizwan Karim, Dr. Kshitish Kumar | Published in Indian Medical Journal, July 2016 (Annexure), Vol. 110, No. 7, P-160(A)-162(A) |
8. | Assessment of Renal Parenchymal Diseases in Diabetes Mellitus by Colour Doppler Study of Intra Renal Vessels | Dr. Ahmad Rizwan Karim, Dr. Kshitishkumar | Published in Indian Medical Journal, July 2016 (Annexure), Vol. 110, No. 7, P-86(A)-89(A) |
9. | Role of Color Doppler in Medical Renal Disease and its Correlation with Histopathological Findings | Dr. Ahmad Rizwan Karim | Published in International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences, 2016, December, 13(1), 18-21, E-ISSN: 2321-9335, P-ISSN-2321-9327 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2017 | |||
1. | Role of Computed Tomography in Evaluation of Cerebrovascular Accidents | Dr. Rishikant Sinha, Dr. Ahmad Rizwan Karim | Published in Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol-3, Issue-2, P-35-39, January 2017 PISSN: 2395-2814, EISSN-2395-2822 Indexed in Index Copernicus DOI: 10.21276/AIMDR.2017.3.2.RD10 |
2. | A study on the significance of abdominal lymphatic malformation | Dr. Kshitish Kumar | Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Vol. 3, Issue-2, February 2017, Page-110-114 ISSN: 2454-9142 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
3. | A study on the significance of neonatal and infantile spinal sonography | Dr. Kshitish Kumar | Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Vol. 3, Issue-2, February 2017, Page-110-114 ISSN: 2454-9142 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2018 | |||
1. | Assessment of suspicious ovarian masses by using USG & CT | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak | Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Vol. 4, Issue-1, January 2018, Page-115-117 ISSN: 2454-9142 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
2. | Assessment of umbilical coiling index as a marker of perinatal outcome | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak | Published in International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Vol. 4, Issue-4, April 2018, Page-69-71 ISSN: 2454-9142 Indexed in Index Copernicus |
3. | A Correlational study of computer tomographic evaluation and histopathological diagnosis of patients with chest masses: A hospital based observational study | Dr. Shambhavi | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 09 September 2018, Page-185-191, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i9.33index in Index Copernicus |
4. | MRI Findings of Sports Related Knee Injury: A Hospital Based Observational Study | Dr. Shikha Rani | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 10 October 2018, Page-897-901, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i10.150index in Index Copernicus |
5. | A Cross sectional Study on role of MRI and its Clinico-Radiological correlation of Patients with White Matter Disease | Dr. Saif Rahman | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-6, Issue 10 October 2018, Page-482-487, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i10.82index in Index Copernicus |
2019 | |||
1. | Evaluation of Gestational age by Sonological Measurement of Placental Thicknss | Dr. Himanshu Kumar Jaiswal | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 1 January 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 |
2. | USG evaluation of Spectrum of breast lesion in Kosi Region of India and their correlation with histopathology | Dr Anuggya Mimansa | Published in International Journal of Radiology August 2019 |
3. | Evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma with mutli detector CT: special emphasis to bowel and mesenteric injury | Dr. Shashank Saurav | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-7, Issue 8 August 2019, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450, index in Index Copernicus |
4. | Study Of Congenital Fetal Anomalies With The Help Of Sonographic Evaluation | Dr. Ajit Kumar, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak correspondence author | Published on International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Volume 3, Issue 10; October: 2019; Page No. 263-268, ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X, DOI: https://doi.org/10.32553/ijmbs.v3i10.685 Index copernicus |
5. | Clinical evaluation of diffusion weighted imaging of breast masses in femalepatients from bihar region | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak , Dr. Ajit Kumar, correspondence author | Published on International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Volume 3, Issue 11; November 2019; Page No. 10-16, ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X, DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.32553/ ijmbs.v3i11.690 Index copernicus |
2020 | |||
1. | Ultrasonographic evaluation of fatty liver disease and cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetic patients | Dr. Archana Verma | Published in International Journal of Health & Clinical Research, 2020,3(12S): 149-153 |
2. | The relationship between quantitative computed tomography parameters and spriometry measurements of disease severity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) | Dr. Archana Verma | Published in International Journal of Health & Clinical Research, 2020,3(11): 271-275 |
3. | Role of Multidetector CT in the Evaluation of Neck Lesions | Dr. Zafar Ali, Dr. Raunak Sinha | Published in Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Volume-7, Issue-36, September 07, 2020, pISSN 2349-2562, eISSN 2349-2570 |
4. | Assessment Of Suspicious Ovarian Masses By Comparative Study Of Usg And Ct Techniques | Dr. Hari Kishore Rai1 , Dr. Swami Vivekanand2 | Published in International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Volume 4, Issue 7; July: 2020; Page No. 141-145, ISSN(online): 2589-8698 || ISSN(print): 2589-868X |DOI: https://doi.org/10.32553/ijmbs.v4i7.1318 |
2022 | |||
1. | High Frequency USG and Colour Doppler USG in Scrotal Swelling | Dr. Kunal Singh, Dr. Manish Jaiswal | Published in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Volume-10, Issue 3, March 22, Page-150, ISSN (e) – 2347-176x, ISSN(p)-2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i3.25 index in Index Copernicus |
2. | A Study to Ascertain the Current Status of Interventional Radiology in Medical Students by Assessing the Knowledge, Exposure, and Interest of Interventional Radiology among Students from Medical Colleges: A Pan India Survey | Dr. Archana Verma, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Corresponding author | Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol 14, Issue-4, Page 685-691, eISSN: 0975-1556, p-ISSN: 2820-2643 |
3. | A Retrospective Study to Establish How Useful Mammography and Sonography Was in Confirming the Diagnosis | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Nayak, Dr. Archana Verma, Corresponding author | Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol 14, Issue-5, Page 629-634, eISSN: 0975-1556, p-ISSN: 2820-2643 |
Sl. no. | Title of research/publication | Name & designation | Details of journal |
2014 | |||
1. | Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in a young patient with atypical skin manifestations | Dr. Ritesh Kamal Case Report | Published in International Journal of Scientific Study, Nov-2014, Vol-2, Issue-8, P 201-203 |
2. | Suddent Onset of Laculated Hemothorax: An uncommon complication of anticoagulant therapy in stroke | Dr. Ritesh Kamal Case Report | Published in International Journal of Scientific Study, Nov-2014, Vol-2, Issue-9, P 103-105 |
3. | Study of Diabetic Patients Link in Tuberculosis | Dr. Ritesh Kamal | Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2014 (Annexure), Vo. 108, No. 12, Page -754(A)-755(A), Indexed in Index Medicus |
4. | Study of Bronchoalveolar Lavage in clinically and radiologically suspected cases of pulmonary tuberculosis | Dr. Ritesh Kamal | Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2014 (Annexure), Vo. 108, No. 12, Page -749(A)-750(A), Indexed in Index Medicus |
5. | Study of Clinical Profile of Tuberculosis in HIV Infected patients with special reference to CD4 counts | Dr. Ritesh Kamal | Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2014 (Annexure), Vo. 108, No. 12, Page -751(A)-753(A), Indexed in Index Medicus |
6. | Use of Positive Expiratory Pressure during Six Minute Walk Test: Results in Patients with moderate to Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | Dr. Ritesh Kamal | Published in Indian Medical Journal, December 2014 (Annexure), Vo. 108, No. 12, Page -756(A)-758(A), Indexed in Index Medicus |
2016 | |||
1. | Ischemic Heart Disease among subjects with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – ecg findings in a population based cohort study | Dr. Prakash Sinha | Published in Indian Medical Journal, November 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 11, Page -43(A)-45(A), Indexed in Index Medicus |
2. | Corticosteroids in Treatment of Aspiration-Related Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Result of A Restrospective Cohort Study | Dr. Prakash Sinha | Published in Indian Medical Journal, November 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 11, Page -37(A)-39(A), Indexed in Index Medicus |
3. | Mortality and Drug Therapy in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Network Meta-Analysis | Dr. Prakash Sinha | Published in Indian Medical Journal, November 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 11, Page -102(A)-104(A), Indexed in Index Medicus |
4. | The use of Corticosteroids in Patients with COPD or Asthma Does Not Decrease Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Dr. Prakash Sinha | Published in Indian Medical Journal, November 2016 (Annexure), Vo. 110, No. 11, Page -123(A)-124(A), Indexed in Index Medicus |
2020 | |||
1. | A cross-sectional study to find out the co-morbidities of asthma in adult patients in a tertiary care hospital at Eastern India. | Dr. Ritesh Kamal as second author | Published in International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 2020;3(12):1-4 |
2021 | |||
1. | Prospective, Open Labelled, Randomised, Parallel Group Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And Safety Of Metformin Add- On Therapy To Standard ATT In Newly Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients | Kamal et al. | Published in International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 2021; 12(1);01-09, ISSN: 0975-5160 |
2022 | |||
1. | Role of Cb-Naat In Diagnosing Mycobacterial Tuberculosis And Rifampicin Resistance In Tubercular Peripheral Lymphadenopathy | Dr. Ritesh Kamal as 1st Author | Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 11 | Issue - 02 | February - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr |
2. | Prospective, Open Labelled, Randomised, Parallel Group Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And Safety Of Metformin Add- On Therapy To Standard ATT In Newly Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients | Dr. Ritesh Kamal as 1st Author | Published in International Journal of Toxicological and Pharamcological Research, 12(1); 01-09, ISSN: 0975-5160, 20.12.2021 |
3. | To Study the Diagnostic Value of Flexible Thoracoscopy in Undiagnosed Cases of Exudative Pleural Effusion in a Tertiary Care Center | Dr. Ritesh Kamal as 1st Author | Published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Volume-14, Issue-8, P 1-7 |